So she gets out today....

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Please Note that the webcam is not outside the COURTHOUSE it is outside of the BOOKING AND RECEIVING CENTER at the jail.
I am sick inside to think that someone has once again intervened and gotten her out! She belongs there in jail to rot..............:mad:
Ha Ha that neighbor just said live that if someone give him a live electrical wire and some water, he would make Casey talk!!!
LOL, I say let her out to his custody!
Please Note that the webcam is not outside the COURTHOUSE it is outside of the BOOKING AND RECEIVING CENTER at the jail.

Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up, I call it the courthouse because I figured it was the same building, as the court/jail buildings are sometimes together in different cities, Im not from the area so didnt know they were seperate. Hope that didnt cause any confusion.
The female reporter just said that Casey will be talking to the media, (not them) that the exclusive rights were sold to the highest bidder. Just when I think I cant feel any sicker, now I have to think about all the money she is making off her child's death. :(
I am livid as well. The only bright side for me is that it will be fun watching her get hauled back to jail again
The female reporter just said that Casey will be talking to the media, (not them) that the exclusive rights were sold to the highest bidder. Just when I think I cant feel any sicker, now I have to think about all the money she is making off her child's death. :(

That makes me sick! She will be lying the whole time anyways.
What door is she coming out of? The reporters are set-up at the jail right? The reporter said they are gonna cover it live.

The neighbors feeling mirror many of ours and a lot of the general public. This is BS for the tax payers in Orlando as well as the federal expense to the rest of us.
So from the looks of it - GA left. CA is still there - just moved her car onto the front lawn to clear out the garage for when she is "whisked" back in. OMG I can't stand anymore of this.

Doesn't seem to be any protestors at the jail - yet. Wonder if some will show up - you know the media scrum is gonna be chaos - just like before.

I really hope this doesn't get nasty.
The female reporter just said that Casey will be talking to the media, (not them) that the exclusive rights were sold to the highest bidder. Just when I think I cant feel any sicker, now I have to think about all the money she is making off her child's death. :(

You have got to be kidding!!! I have Fox on. Good let her spew more lies because LE will be watching her just like they they did SP. He lied and then told LE yeah I know I lied, etc.
We know he has a lot in common with Casey.
The female reporter just said that Casey will be talking to the media, (not them) that the exclusive rights were sold to the highest bidder. Just when I think I cant feel any sicker, now I have to think about all the money she is making off her child's death. :(

What reporter said that? was it the streaming live fox 35 news? Just wondering. I knew that's how she was getting out! Too bad she probably won't talk,... "I have advised Casey not to do the interview" Baiz will say. Whoever bought her rights better make sure she signed a contract or they won't get nothing from her! jmo sickening,... :sick:
I am still reeling over that statement made that she is getting paid, top dollar even, for an interview. What reputable company/station/program would do this? I am so angry for Caylee! How could they expect to have any viewers back them or have any respect remain whatsoever? I know if I find out who is paying her I will not watch thier program ever again, and I hope alot of people let them know how sickening this whole thing is.
What reporter said that? was it the streaming live fox 35 news? Just wondering. I knew that's how she was getting out! Too bad she probably won't talk,... "I have advised Casey not to do the interview" Baiz will say. Whoever bought her rights better make sure she signed a contract or they won't get nothing from her! jmo sickening,... :sick:

It was in the live feed, Alexis(the man with the dark hair) was standing in front of the doors with a blonde woman reporter (Holly?) and the newslady from the station asked a question about Casey or JB talking to the media and thats when the woman answered with that.
Didn't anyone else see that Cindy and George put up some of the bond?

Local 6 News reported that the parents of Casey Anthony, George and Cindy, signed a promissory note agreement where they put up bond money to get their daughter out of jail.

Here is a new video of Caylee with Casey,... someone must have sold it :( click on raw video of Casey with Caylee

There will never be no dout in my mind this child was loved, but what I don't understand is What do the Anthony's think this will prove? Why do they think showing Casey with Caylee will help at all? I just don't understand them..This does not change that Casey didn't report this child missing, and the evidence that is coming to life..My thought is that this will make the public hate her worse..Gee whiz, did you hear that precious child?
I hope she is not wearing a Caylee t-shirt when she is released. I know that someone could have brought different clothes to the jail last night for her to be released in.
Well now ... if she talked ... she JUST might let something slip and I'm sure her interview will be viewed by psychologists and what not ... to pick up anything that might help in the case.

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