Software designer says Casey Anthony prosecution data was wrong

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From the WFTV link provided above...(thank you to the member who posted it). Anyway, I am now suffering from PTSD from watching 10 minutes of the trial again, but did so in order to transcribe what was being said.

As has been posted throughout this thread...the defense team, ASA's and Judge Perry were aware of this error. I should have done this sooner as it resolves the majority of the questions occurring from page 1.

@10:45 the chloroform searches, Stenger’s testimony and Bradley’s testimony is brought up by Baez.

JB: Yes sir, I just have a brief issue that I need to get on the record.

JP: Yes sir

JB: It relates to the issue of dealing with the computer searches. You may recall that there was an issue with the number of times that chloroform site was visited. The sci-spot….Mr bradley testified based on a report that was introduced by the state of florida that was actually compiled by the Sergeant Stenger. This was the 2nd report that was compiled a year later using a new software program in which they were having problems with and the net analysis that was conducted on August 2008 showed the identical website visited only once and that 2 columns below was 84 times for myspace which did not show up on the cache back report. It is our understanding that the cacheback report contains false information and we have placed the state on notice that the testimony elicited was false and we would ask that the state, on rebuttal clarify that false testimony and advise the jury of this falsehood.

JP: Any response from the state?

LDB: Mr. Baez has already made his closing arguments your honor.

JP: uh…folks I don’t know what you’re saying, whether it’s true or false. The only thing I can say is if there’s evidence of false testimony, then you need to file the appropriate motions at the appropriate time and I will take a look at it and see whether or not it is proven to be false. But at this stage I can’t chase after arguments, so file the appropriate motion and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Anything else?

LDB: No sir

JB: No

JP: ok, let’s return the jury.

It would seem to me, the real question is did the DT file a motion, if so what was the outcome? Instead of accusing others of misconduct.

Wonder why Mason did not to know about this issue...since it was in open court? :waitasec:

Cheney Mason, one of Ms. Anthony’s defense lawyers, said it was “outrageous” that prosecutors withheld critical information on the “chloroform” searches.

“The prosecution is absolutely obligated to bring forth to the court any and all evidence that could be exculpatory,” Mr. Mason said. “If in fact this is true, and the prosecution concealed this new information, it is more than shame on them. It is outrageous.”

“This was a major part of their case,” Mr. Mason added.

OOOOH, well put. I provided the info gotten from kidz110. Thanks SO much for the transcript!YES. Why did the DT NOT file a motion? And yes, it was stated in open court. And Cheney lies and misdirects once again. The man won but it's not enough. He won't settle for anything less than scorched earth. Just, wow!
Well someone had to have told them. They jumped right on this in the final days of trial. It was confusing. So to me that tells me they were told by someone. They didn't figure it out on their own IMO.
Then they are "putting spin on this". cannot say that they are, BUT - If they are, then that is very low.
Yes but ultimately the crime was committed by ONLY one person and really "The who searched what and how many times?" is irrelevant in my opinion. Casey did it and "A not guilty verdict" only proves that we have serious issues with our Jury system and NOT that she was innocent. JMHO

You've got a point and that's what Caylee's Law is all about.

Okay, but why didn't George or Cindy report anything "missing"? They could've reported their car if nothing else. Lots of blame to go around IMO.
So the defense drops the ball and somehow that gets blown up into prosecutorial misconduct. No wonder the jury acquitted Casey!

If you have not watched this, please take the time to do so. Very clear that the defense was made aware and they brought it up to the Judge. Judge Perry said they needed to file the appropriate motion so he could decide how to deal with it. Apparently the Defense never filed a motion and it was not addressed further. Prosecution was NOT HIDING ANYTHING.
Then why are they acting like this is a big breaking news story? Just mad at the media now. :razz:
He has updated his timeline. He is now saying it was June 23rd, not June 16th. That changes things significantly.

Interesting how he's changing dates.
Everyone who knows anything about this case KNOWS that Jose Baez spewed out lies in his opening statement regarding sexual abuse but that did not stop him from being as graphic as one can be.

He will probably be all over this in KC's first interview. Please, it is ridiculous. Defense had the information and that as they say is that.
BBM: You are not alone ... I feel like I am in the "twilight zone" as well ...

My Opinion Only: I am shocked by the number of people who are ANTI-prosecution ...


It's very strange how people seem to be able to compartmentalize her actions instead of looking at them as a whole.

Here's an example of circumstantial evidence.

In this clip, one of Casey's fellow inmates says she changed her mind about her because when they had found the remains of a body in one area, Casey was "giggling" and saying she was sure it was not Caylee.

Once they found remains in the area that was Caylee, prior to it being identified as Caylee, Casey got very nervous and her demeanor changed.

There is obviously a lot of problems that will come up with regard to circumstantial evidence. It's looking at them all together that causes it to make sense.

Connecting the dots. And yes maybe you can connect the dots in a different way. But the way that Casey behaved in jail when according to her she knew full well that Caylee was dead, just doesn't add up.

You can say maybe she ran around partying in denial, but once the cops got involved you would think it would have shocked her out of it.

Also if George knew Caylee was dead I would think he himself would have worked on getting Cindy to back off.
Everyone who knows anything about this case KNOWS that Jose Baez spewed out lies in his opening statement regarding sexual abuse but that did not stop him from being as graphic as one can be.

He will probably be all over this in KC's first interview. Please, it is ridiculous. Defense had the information and that as they say is that.
If the last sentence is true, then the State should demand the media stop posting all those "Prosecutors Lied" and "Prosecutorial Misconduct in Anthony Trial" headlines. :razz:

And that is why I ask---WHY???? Why would the prosecution allow this to happen knowing it would be grounds for a mistrial. Just does not make sense, they cannot be that irresponsible---especially with THIS case.:maddening:
Good question....getting suspicious here.....hope media is not misleading on this, or I will be very angry at this point.:mad:
:bump: (for next shift) :)

From the WFTV link provided above...(thank you to the member who posted it). Anyway, I am now suffering from PTSD from watching 10 minutes of the trial again, but did so in order to transcribe what was being said.

As has been posted throughout this thread...the defense team, ASA's and Judge Perry were aware of this error. I should have done this sooner as it resolves the majority of the questions occurring from page 1.

@10:45 the chloroform searches, Stenger’s testimony and Bradley’s testimony is brought up by Baez.

JB: Yes sir, I just have a brief issue that I need to get on the record.

JP: Yes sir

JB: It relates to the issue of dealing with the computer searches. You may recall that there was an issue with the number of times that chloroform site was visited. The sci-spot….Mr bradley testified based on a report that was introduced by the state of florida that was actually compiled by the Sergeant Stenger. This was the 2nd report that was compiled a year later using a new software program in which they were having problems with and the net analysis that was conducted on August 2008 showed the identical website visited only once and that 2 columns below was 84 times for myspace which did not show up on the cache back report. It is our understanding that the cacheback report contains false information and we have placed the state on notice that the testimony elicited was false and we would ask that the state, on rebuttal clarify that false testimony and advise the jury of this falsehood.

JP: Any response from the state?

LDB: Mr. Baez has already made his closing arguments your honor.

JP: uh…folks I don’t know what you’re saying, whether it’s true or false. The only thing I can say is if there’s evidence of false testimony, then you need to file the appropriate motions at the appropriate time and I will take a look at it and see whether or not it is proven to be false. But at this stage I can’t chase after arguments, so file the appropriate motion and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Anything else?

LDB: No sir

JB: No

JP: ok, let’s return the jury.

It would seem to me, the real question is did the DT file a motion, if so what was the outcome? Instead of accusing others of misconduct.

Wonder why Mason did not to know about this issue...since it was in open court?

Cheney Mason, one of Ms. Anthony’s defense lawyers, said it was “outrageous” that prosecutors withheld critical information on the “chloroform” searches.

“The prosecution is absolutely obligated to bring forth to the court any and all evidence that could be exculpatory,” Mr. Mason said. “If in fact this is true, and the prosecution concealed this new information, it is more than shame on them. It is outrageous.”

“This was a major part of their case,” Mr. Mason added.
Wait a minute. Didn't the defense argue that it was only one search not 84 and that the report was wrong? In the last few days of trial? I'm not getting how this was held back if they knew about it?
IIRC, it was also brought up at the LE press conference by the media.

This is not new news...but heck...they must be bored now that the circus has left town.
Hum, I wonder if HLN wants to interview FCA? Interesting if their goal is to soften Casey's image with their fanbase so JB and company will entertain letting them interview FCA?
Yes but ultimately the crime was committed by ONLY one person and really "The who searched what and how many times?" is irrelevant in my opinion. Casey did it and "A not guilty verdict" only proves that we have serious issues with our Jury system and NOT that she was innocent. JMHO
I agree and applaud your statement. This whole thing about "reasonable doubt" sucks. What is unreasonable doubt?

Many suggest our system is the best in the world. After watching this trial, I'm starting to doubt it. JMO.
JB: It relates to the issue of dealing with the computer searches. You may recall that there was an issue with the number of times that chloroform site was visited. The sci-spot….Mr bradley testified based on a report that was introduced by the state of florida that was actually compiled by the Sergeant Stenger. This was the 2nd report that was compiled a year later using a new software program in which they were having problems with and the net analysis that was conducted on August 2008 showed the identical website visited only once and that 2 columns below was 84 times for myspace which did not show up on the cache back report. It is our understanding that the cacheback report contains false information and we have placed the state on notice that the testimony elicited was false and we would ask that the state, on rebuttal clarify that false testimony and advise the jury of this falsehood.


Just wanted to highlight this part of what JB said. To me, this gives me the impression that however they came across the information that there was false information, it didn't come from the state telling them. He was asking the judge to have the state basically acknowledge that there was false information at which point the judge told him to file a motion.

The question is did the state a) really know there was false information in the report and if so b) did they disclose this to the defense.

If they did not disclose this to the defense, how did the defense find out about it?
Although it certainly doesn't even come close to outweighing those who are anti-defense.

My take, personally, is that most of us who are for the verdict are not "anti-prosecution." I know I am certainly not, but that doesn't mean people should be blind to any mistakes they've made or that we shouldn't be critical to them. The defense has certainly been critized EXTENSIVELY throughout and since the trial. Cheers.

BBM: The defense was "criticized" ... and RIGHTFULLY SO !

MOO ... The defense turned the Trial into a "circus" and made a complete "mockery of the judicial system" ... and it all started in their Opening Statement ...

Excuse time is too many to be looking up "How to make chloroform"...and was not Cindy. But, if she wants to clarify that to the media...and perjure herself again in the eyes of the public...please let her. It will torpedo any plans of receiving donations.
This is really strange.....So Baez dropped the ball. And why wait for after closing arguments to bring it up???:maddening:

What do you think makes the most sense?
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