Software designer says Casey Anthony prosecution data was wrong

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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! (Also further proof that Cheney Mason was sleeping through most of the trial, as many of us suspected. I just love it when he makes himself look stupid!!).


Yeah, Cheney Mason knew and so did JB BEFORE the DT put on their closing arguments.

Recall his cancer analogy?

Baez said that the state's computer forensic evidence involving chloroform research, a central element of their premeditation argument, was used to mislead the jury and that the flaws in that evidence infected their entire case "like a cancer." He pointed out the discrepancy between the first analysis the sheriff's office did that showed one visit to a website about chloroform and an analysis done later with a newer program that appeared to show 84 visits. But, according to Baez, the first report showed a progression that made it clear that the 84 visits were actually to MySpace. He said the extent of the chloroform research Casey allegedly did was three minutes of searching three months before anything related to this case.*advertiser censored*-but-not-a-killer/
Interesting how he's changing dates.

He was exactly one week off. June 16 -> June 23.

Seems like we've seen something like that before :waitasec:?

June 9 -> June 16 :thumb:
The State Attny has released a statement addressing the matter. Has this been posted here yet? If not:

Mr. Bradley never told prosecutors that the searches or the dates and times of the searches were inaccurate. The only inaccuracies discussed were the visit counts discrepancy and that each software program (CacheBack & Net Analysis) revealed a different number of total records. Again, all of this information was disclosed to the defense in a timely manner.
We are dismayed at the suggestion made by the defense that prosecutors would withhold exculpatory material. Court records show that the defense was completely aware of the issues, utilizing these facts at trial.

We are dismayed at the suggestion made by the defense that prosecutors would withhold exculpatory material. Court records show that the defense was completely aware of the issues, utilizing these facts at trial.
great. now everyone will assume casey was railoaded..LE and SAO are evil and now it IS ok for casey to sell her story. it doesnt matter what the SAO says now. the story is out there and the uninformed will run with and not look into this.
the whole DT case was based on rumor, innuendo and playing to the media.
why would cheney mason make a statement say IF this happened bla bla bla..why doesnt he get some information before spouting off to the media. my goodness, wouldnt if be nice to have something fully investigated instead of rushing to be 1st to print.
bla..dont even know what im talking about anymore because i cant click on links or turn on the tv to check because dont want to show "interest" - guess i should stop even posting since i cant go back and check links. looking at anything to do with the trial makes me sick. i'll sit back and read what u guys have to say. but thank you very much for all of the transcribing and resources and time you have taken to back your points up. i really appreciate it.
Not sure if this has been posted. Here is the transcript-y report by user mombomb of Kevin Stenger's testimony on the 23rd. Seems to me that this is what Baez is referring to in his issue he wanted to get on the record posted above. I'm not knowledgeable about the legal ins and outs of reports issued so I'm not sure how this fits into any possible misconduct but Stenger did shoot down the 84 chloroform times in this testimony:


He has reviewed Defense Exhibit DK. LDB does not object to the relevant parts as being moved into evidence (tabbed pages). His Honor told JB to remove the tabbed pages so that they can be marked into evidence.

Item DK (tabbed pages only) marked as Defense Exhibit 45.

This is a report of the deleted Firefox internet history using a program called Net Analysis. A competing software to Cache Back? Yes. Report run before having Cache Back? Yes.

He met Mr. Bradley in December of 2009.

Did you advise Mr. Bradley you had problems with his software?


He asked Mr. Bradley if he could use his tool to examine the items he had found in the unallocated space. They had encountered a problem with Net Analysis due to dates and times not being displayed properly because the time period included daylight savings time change.

Cache Back recover more files? He did not know. He did not know if they recovered the same number of files. Mr. Bradley needed some time to fix the issue - it was at least a day.

Did he have to rewrite the software?

OBJECTION - personal knowledge - SUSTAINED

Did you receive a report that you utilized that indicated he had to rewrite his software?

OBJECTION - SUSTAINED - same question

He was directed to the entry at 3/21/08 - 14:16:34. The website addressed was - 1 visit.

State's evidence #166 - same website at 15:16:13 - this is the Cache Back report and showed the website was visited 84 times. He agreed there was a difference between the two softwares.

14:16:13 on Net Analysis report - 4 websites with that time. First one- - (report says website was typed in) 84 visits. He did not see an entry around the same time in the Cache Back report for My Space.

JB - could your Honor publish? I'm having technical issues again.

Net Analysis showed 1 visit for chloroform and MySpace was visited 84 times.

3/20/08 at 13:39:23 - myspace typed in again - 83 visits.

3/19/08 at 08:36:24 - myspace typed in browser - 82 visits.

3/13/08 at 10:37: - witness said he had no March 13 dates. JB then showed him his copy and the witness said he saw it. 3/13/08 - myspace typed entry - 81 visits.

You would not see these Cache Back report because the Cache Back report was for the one single day of the 21st. It did not include the myspace that was visited 84 times, which was two columns down on the Net Analysis report showing Chloroform visited 84 times. The Net Analysis report was having problems with date and time.

Because it was just an hour off?


They were having problems with the dates and times.

Now you know that the Net Analysis report came up with more internet history? The reports ARE different.

He created the Cache Back report. He did not testify about that report.

State's Exhibit 165 - he prepared this report - a Cache Back report for 3/17. He did not testify about this report. He understands Mr. Bradley did.

Do you know why Mr. Bradley testified about his report?

OBJECTION - SUSTAINED - witness is not competent to answer that.

Have you ever had another computer expert testify about your reports?


No further questions by JB


You printed out the Cache Back report, but Mr. Bradley collected the data?


He had access to the developer to examine it - so he asked him to do it.

He was shown page 1 of Defense Exhibit 45. Do you see any of the Google searches done on 3/21/08? 8 rows above is a Google search. The Google search for How to Make Chloroform would be in the expanded Column H right above the myspace. Chloroform was spelled with and "A"

OBJECTION - outside of scope - OVERRULED

When you type a search into Google, you will see the results of the words you typed in the bar and that includes all the words that you actually typed into the search - HOW TO MAKE CHLORAFORM were entered. It would not appear that way if someone typed in how to make CHLOROPHYLL.

Do you have confidence that the dates and times on the Net Analysis report are correct, or would you rely on the Cache Back report for dates and times for the internet searches in the history? The dates and times on the two different reports appear to be accurate. He can't speak to how they were interpreted because he did not write the code for either program.

14:16:34 displayed the search for chloroform.

Even in the Net Analysis and the and the how to make chloroform at 20 seconds apart.

No further questions.


The visits for chloroform on the Net Analysis report show that on 3/21/08 were the first time they were visited - one time - right? According to the Net Analysis report, correct.

The total amount of time spent on those websites - looking at chloroform - before moving on? Approximately 3 minutes.

Cache Back was purchased after the Net Analysis software and it doesn't have certain items that the Net Analysis does.

Not going to get your cash back?

Move to Strike sarcastic comment - SUSTAINED


Even if it shows it was done in a 3 minute timespan, it does not negate that the user could be opening up more pages. Each tab could be opened for minutes or hours until the user decides to close the tab. The report does not tell how long the person spent reading or whether they printed the item.


The report doesn't give any info about the tabs. He does not know if that ever happened.

No one has told him that any pages were printed out about chloroform.
Talk about a scorched earth ideology the DT has.
Destroy GA and slam him with unsubstanitiated lies that he sexually abused Casey- Check
Destroy LA and claim he had sex with Casey and it was possible he was the father of Caylee- Check
Destroy- CA for causing Caylee's death by leaving a pool ladder down- Check
Destroy- Roy Kronk calling him morally bankrupt with out any proof- Check
Destroy- LE for various things- Check
Destroy- every state's witness claiming they are only out for monetary gain- Check
Destroy- the media blaming them for Casey's situation- Check
Finally Destroy- The SA for doing their jobs- Check

It's amazing how many people the Defense claimed to be guilty of nefarious and vile evil horrid things, except (yup you guessed it) Casey. Everyone was guilty of something, except Casey. Amazing. And Amazing how many people have bought the crap that the Defense was selling. Now I no longer wonder how Casey got away with Murder.

They went after literally EVERYONE.
State of Florida Responds to Allegations in Press Release:

Below is the State’s response to comments made by Mr. John Bradley, designer of the software CacheBack, in today’s New York Times article:
Two software programs were used for conducting computer analysis of searches completedduring the Anthony trial. The results produced by CacheBack returned results of 84 visits. The second program, Net Analysis, returned results of 1 visit.

After the results were mentioned in court on June 23rd, Mr. Bradley contacted the State the same day. He consulted as to a potential rebuttal to the defense regarding the error in his program and recommended using Net Analysis findings. All findings had previously been supplied to the defense in discovery.

On June 27ththe discrepancy was discussed with Mr. Baez and both he & the prosecution agreed to use the Net Analysis return of 1 site visit count as the most accurate information available at the time. If additional information became available, the State agreed to disclose. Mr. Baez brought the discrepancy forward in court testimony and again at closing with his court exhibit.

During jury deliberations Mr. Bradley admitted to sending additional report information to the wrong email address but was able to deliver information to prosecutors on the evening of July 4th. On July 5thprosecutors prepared a Notice of Supplemental Discovery for defense but it was never provided because the jury had reached their verdict.

Mr. Bradley never told prosecutors that the searches or the dates and times of the searches were inaccurate. The only inaccuracies discussed were the visit counts discrepancy and that each software program (CacheBack & Net Analysis) revealed a different number of total records.

Again, all of this information was disclosed to the defense in a timely manner.

We are dismayed at the suggestion made by the defense that prosecutors would withhold exculpatory material. Court records show that the defense was completely aware of the issues, utilizing these facts at trial.

So Media was jumping the gun as always!!:razz::razz::razz:
Huh, so he not only got the dates wrong by a week, but apparently the software designer admitted to sending an email with additional info to the wrong email address...sounds like someone tried to shift the blame on the SA to cover his own arse...
Huh, and apparently the software designer admitted to sending an email to the wrong email address...sounds like someone tried to shift the blame on the SA to cover his own arse...

It would appear so.
State of Florida Responds to Allegations in Press Release:

So Media was jumping the gun as always!!:razz::razz::razz:

Obviously Bradley couldn't know what conversations took place between the state and defense, so it was very premature to make any conclusions based on his word alone.

We'll still have to see what the defense says about it too. It still depends on exactly what they were told.
quote=raeann;6928847] about the "heart shaped sticker"

And who wears a ♥ to court all the time? just a pet peeve.
I thought FCA was the ♥ lover. Guess they still "are each other"
Slam DUNK! Thank you Lawson Lamar!!!!! Hopefully this will go away now!

Sadly there will still be those that desperately cling to this conspiracy theory despite the State's official statement. :(

Huh, so he not only got the dates wrong by a week, but apparently the software designer admitted to sending an email with additional info to the wrong email address...sounds like someone tried to shift the blame on the SA to cover his own arse...

Exactly! This was nothing more than an attempt to repair his flawed program and damaged reputation.
Talk about a scorched earth ideology the DT has.
Destroy GA and slam him with unsubstanitiated lies that he sexually abused Casey- Check
Destroy LA and claim he had sex with Casey and it was possible he was the father of Caylee- Check
Destroy- CA for causing Caylee's death by leaving a pool ladder down- Check
Destroy- Roy Kronk calling him morally bankrupt with out any proof- Check
Destroy- LE for various things- Check
Destroy- every state's witness claiming they are only out for monetary gain- Check
Destroy- the media blaming them for Casey's situation- Check
Finally Destroy- The SA for doing their jobs- Check

It's amazing how many people the Defense claimed to be guilty of nefarious and vile evil horrid things, except (yup you guessed it) Casey. Everyone was guilty of something, except Casey. Amazing. And Amazing how many people have bought the crap that the Defense was selling. Now I no longer wonder how Casey got away with Murder.

They went after literally EVERYONE.

Very true. And all of the DT accusations (via XICA) remind me of a quote from The Crucible: "Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God's fingers?" Why are some so eager to exculpate XICA when she is the only one in this entire case proven to be a liar, a morally questionable person, and the most suspicious in all of her behavior?

I have a feeling this apt quote will present itself often in my future posts.
This happened on the day of closing arguments so it might not clear the prosecution. It all depends on who knew what when.

They knew when the defense called the computer people and Jose asked the lady who that guy was that came in with her. LOL It was her lawyer.
Couldn't the state find a regular computer expert who would have given them correct data the first time? Computers have been around long enough now, it seems like they would even have some people working for the state and wouldn't need to seek out an untested company, IMO...
Couldn't the state find a regular computer expert who would have given them correct data the first time? Computers have been around long enough now, it seems like they would even have some people working for the state and wouldn't need to seek out an untested company, IMO...

I'm not doing this. I'm not going to be a person to question every single thing the state did or didn't do or why.

It could be that this person was very well regarded in the area of computer forensics. IIRC the state's regular computer person met this guy at a conference and asked if he could assist them on fixing the issue with the daylight savings time on the data they were collecting and he said he could with his program.

The defense didn't EVEN HAVE a computer expert of if they did then they couldn't find one that had a different opinion than the state's expert.
And its not even about being wrong about the number. Its that NG and other media picked it up and said to the public, 89 times! 89 times she searched for how to make chloroform!!! Well, 89 times would make anyone believe she was murderous and serious about killing her child in this matter. That is terrible, no wonder so many people who didn't follow the case so close and relied on the media were baffled when Casey got acquitted! And then if the State knew the 89 times were not accurate and used it anyways........jmo

People aren't baffled because of the searches they are baffled because of the duct tape and how caylee was found, the lies and much more. The computer searches didnt have much to do with it at all. Whether she search it once or 84 times doesnt make a bit a diffence. What makes the differnce is she did it not to long before her child was missing or should I say dead.
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