Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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I am taking a guess here, but considering they are basing their findings on forensic evidence, that KC is "solely responsible", I am guessing KC's fingerprints all over evidence, such as duct tape, etc. I am guessing no other finger prints were found, other than KC's...which would IMO, is a slam dunk case.

Florida Law dictates that the death of a child as a result of child abuse is murder.

And I would imagine the duct tape wrapped around Caylee's head will prove that there was some kind of abuse.

But the defense could argue it was placed there after she died. They need proof she was alive when the duct tape was put on her.That's why I asked if tears contained DNA. If little Caylee was crying when the duct tape was wrapped around her head more than once and trapped tears...well that would prove it. Caylee's tears and Casey's finger prints.
Obviously the disposal of the body was intentional. What I'm wondering is what evidence they have that positively establishes that the death was not an accident.

Just speculation.

Maybe they found something relative to the skull with teeth marks showing something was shoved down Caylee's throat and then her mouth was duct taped so she choked to death.
No way that is an accident.
Neither the duct tape around Caylee's head nor alleged chloroform found in the trunk are reliable evidence of cause of death, mechanism of death or circumstances of death much less premeditation.

It depends on where that duct tape was, now doesn't it? If it was wrapped all around the mouth AND nose, then clearly she wouldn't expect her to be able to breath. That would easily be argued as a deliberate act of suffocation.
The Duct tape text was around the time of the Anything But Clothes Party, was it not?.
This is how I interpretted the text, Casey used the Duct tape to tape the US Flag to her body for that party, either used it all up or just never gave it back to Amy. I don't believe Casey lost it.

someone from the party said she used safety pins
this is slightly O/T for this thread but I thought somebody here might know...whenever I see the video of Caylee at the nursing home....has there been any mention that her great-grandfather has been told what happened to Caylee, that she went missing, that her remains have been found, and that Casey is in jail? From the photovideo, Caylee seemed to really feel close to him. What horrible news for somebody his age to hear. Whenever I hear her say, Poppa, are you tired? it just breaks my heart, knowing she would be gone from this world in a few days.

Since her poppa had been in the nursing home Caylee had only seen him sporadically, I remember CA saying how relieved she was that Caylee went straight to him and wasn't afraid.

LE has talked to him, calling it an interview isn't really the right word though. Depending on "how he's doing" if he's been told about Caylee's death he will remember it at times possibly, but not all the time. It's a huge tragedy for someone in his condition. I would imagine every time he has to be reminded it's like hearing it for the first time over and over. Hopefully he doesn't know and doesn't ask because this couldn't possibly be helpful to his medical situation.

As Shirley said he doesn't know the names of the caretakers from last night, doesn't know what he ate for dinner (not that it's probably memorable anyway!)
We don't know for certain that there even was duct tape over her mouth, let alone wrapped around her entire head. We know from yesterday's hearing that there is duct tape, but there have also been reports that it was wrapped around the bags.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not debating that the death was accidental, I'm just curious what evidence they have that tells them positively that it was intentional. Apparently, whatever it is, they had it before the body was found.

I get what you are saying. I'm wondering what they found that caused the mad dash to secure the A's home until they could get a search warrant.
I guess we will have to wait for them to tell us. Cuss words.
Manner of death has not been determined. While it can be concluded that Caylee's body was purposefully disposed of, it has not been determined how little Caylee was killed, i.e., murder or accident.
At least in California, manner of death is not necessary to prove murder 1. We never knew exactly how Laci Peterson died, nor Nina Reiser until Hans confessed after conviction. I'm sure if the prosecutors really thought it was accidental, Casey would be facing manslaughter charges rather than murder.
Ok I am confused here.....

Someone pretty please post the links to any info posted about the info below.... .......I have scanned through 20 something pages and can't find links but seen things discussed over and over about.........

National Enquirer or Globe is the Un-named Source that the article in the first post is referring to????????

Also seen something about LP being the un-named source and seen post #518 that says this....

LP is a shotty source imho

SO is LP or the globe or national enquirer the source for the article posted on the 1st post..........

I think some people are suggesting that but there's nothing to support it at all.
Just speculation.

Maybe they found something relative to the skull with teeth marks showing something was shoved down Caylee's throat and then her mouth was duct taped so she choked to death.
No way that is an accident.

That would do it. However, Casey was charged with Murder 1 before the body was even found.

"Sources close to the Casey Anthony case told Local 6 News on Thursday that they have overwhelming evidence showing that she intentionally killed her young daughter, Caylee, and was solely responsible for the toddler's death."

"Sources also said investigators have now established a time frame of death that dates back to June, according to reports returned by forensic botanists and entomologists brought in to anaylize the terrain and insect growth where Caylee's remains were found. Sources said plants were growing through the skeleton and bug evidence was also recovered, both of which helped scientists reach their conclusion."

Forensics are going to do it again!

This quote from the article really stood out to me:

"Investigators who initially thought that Caylee's death could have been an accident have changed their minds, sources said."

There must something conclusive in the forensic findings that confirms it was intentional, and the fact that the investigators have overwhelming evidence suggests just that. I have no doubt that Casey will be convicted of first degree murder.
Im weeping now
And all this info just before I go to bed
Please no one gloat over the fact that *you*were right about it being intentional and those of us that tried to hold onto some kind of humanity that Casey accidentally killed Caylee now have egg on our faces
Please do not gloat
A little girl , a beautiful little girl is dead.
Right now a Mother and Father have lost not only their granddaughter but also their daughter.
It just isnt the time to gloat

A very sad Jane :(
I haven't seen it yet. No one keeps score here.
thanks for the information about Poppa, missmybaby. Probably a blessing he doesn't remember things right now.
Manner of death has not been determined. While it can be concluded that Caylee's body was purposefully disposed of, it has not been determined how little Caylee was killed, i.e., murder or accident.

Per Dr G:

COD undetermined.

Manner of death=Homicide

This is taking all into consideration:

Circumstances of the case including Caylee's remains, the scene and all evidence accumulated before (paraphrasing!)
I just wonder if KC had scratches on her arms. sad to think but maybe Tony seen them if she did.
Has there been any mention of rope or twine taken from the Anthony home or the car? If the duct tape was applied while Caylee was alive she would have to be drugged, unconscious or bound by the hands; imo. A suffocating child would have desperately tried to pull off the tape. We know about the chloroform in the car--what it was used for is subject to opinion. I was curious about anything found that could be used to tie Caylee's hands. The other option is that Casey used the duct tape alone--on an alive Caylee--wrapping it around her head--and I simply can't allow myself to believe that.
Obviously the disposal of the body was intentional. What I'm wondering is what evidence they have that positively establishes that the death was not an accident.

IDK, ME ruled homicide. IIRC COD undetermined. Toxicology results are in or entomology reports are in, too much to speculate on so I don't.:crazy:
Is there a difference between duct tape and 'duck' tape, or are they they same thing, just pronounced differently?

I think 'Duck' is a brand of duct tape similar to 'Kleenex' for tissue or 'Scotch Tape' for tape.
thanks for helping out with the Special K thing, ya'll! I know Aniie has been talked about because Casey had mentioned trying to get Xanax from her but that's all I have ever heard about her and meds!
:clap: Thank you, I hope your'e right, because that's where I was headed with the drug situation, & remember she had a friend who spoke about Ketamine. Special K is big in clubs, & used in conjunction with ecstasy. Although I'm still trying to research where I read this, as 2 posters here said it was not Annie. She has certainly been under the radar?

Isn't it associated with brain damage and psychosis as side effects?
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