Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared #2

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I am totally lost here, what statement says she can prove it? Her own statement? If LE has made that statement, I have been in a coma apparently.

As far as Desiree stating Terri couldn't remember, I believe she meant specifically, hence the "driving" around time on "rural" roads and LE request for witnesses or video on multiple rural roads she states she may have been driving on.

I think is the reference


According to multiple sources, Terri Moulton Horman claims she left Skyline School at 8:45 in the morning without Kyron the day he disappeared and that between 8:45 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. she ran errands at local grocery stores and can prove it.

I think is the reference


According to multiple sources, Terri Moulton Horman claims she left Skyline School at 8:45 in the morning without Kyron the day he disappeared and that between 8:45 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. she ran errands at local grocery stores and can prove it.


Ahhhh... gotcha, thank you so much for clarifying that for me. I'm at the end of a 3 day migraine and brain doesn't work at full capacity today. :crazy:
Ahhhh... gotcha, thank you so much for clarifying that for me. I'm at the end of a 3 day migraine and brain doesn't work at full capacity today. :crazy:

Oh, I'm sorry :( I hope I don't come off like a know it all when I post stuff like that. I have a weird memory for very specific wording, so that kind of stuff sticks out to me and is easy to find if I've read an article before.

Glad you're feeling a little better. My Mom had blinding migraines that incapacitated her for days at a time, too. I remember she'd just lay on the floor and cry :(
Oh, I'm sorry :( I hope I don't come off like a know it all when I post stuff like that. I have a weird memory for very specific wording, so that kind of stuff sticks out to me and is easy to find if I've read an article before.

Glad you're feeling a little better. My Mom had blinding migraines that incapacitated her for days at a time, too. I remember she'd just lay on the floor and cry :(

TY, you did not at all come across as a "know it all". :)

My brain is full to capacity some days with facts in this case, it's just hard to dig them up sometimes.
Oh no, I don't think they tell bold face lies to parents either, although they could if they thought it would help, and who knows what they have, so I'm not even going to guess on whether they have told D&K bold face lies....

However I will entertain the idea that LE has told Terri bold face lies.

What I said above was that everything that we have learned about Terri, has basically been told to us through someone else, and apparently Terri is saying what LE has told her.

So if LE told her a bold face OH, she failed her poly (or a portion of it), during an interoggation. Then she could communicate this to another person, who in turn tells the media.

More likely than not, the story has changed from LE/Terri to Terri/3rd party to 3rd party/media to Media/public.

And we can't be sure that it was true to begin with.

Then when you consider the fact that D&K are sitting pretty desperate right now...well, it's kinda hard for them not to factor in emotions...

We are so far removed from the reality of the situation, that there is little chance we are getting an acurate perspective.

Ahhh, I see! Yep I can totally see that scenario. LE believes Terri's story doesn't add up but her LDT doesn't tell them much, so perhaps they tell her she failed to pressure info from her regarding her timeline. I can see that as a strategy - would have been pretty ballsy of them that early in the game, but I can see it conceptually.

On the other hand we know that she believes she failed two, which would mean they didn't get all the info they needed from her the first time and had her come back... at which point they would have changed strategies slightly since the "you failed! what are you hiding?" thing wouldn't have worked the first time.

It's an interesting idea to think about... I'm glad you brought it up!
I think it's important not to take everything K & D say as gospel. They are giving their impressions and adding in their opinions of what they think about this situation so far. Their statements, while interesting and telling, are not the pure facts in the case. They likely don't know ALL the facts and nuances, as the investigation is a moving target, and while I'm sure LE keeps them apprised, I doubt LE shares every little detail.

I think folks are so desperate for info they are analyzing every word uttered by anyone in the case who has spoken out, and I believe that level of hair splitting and semantic sleuthing isn't doing anything in the end but creating more confusion (and possibly spreading rumors). Media reports often contain erroneous info, badly worded sentences and other grammar issues. Media reports aren't evidence either. All the speculation is mostly people running down rat holes, thinking they're onto something, then enticing scores of others to discuss the latest thing, which usually turns out to be a misunderstanding by the person who wrote an article, made a quote, or the reader of the article.

This post is so good, in my opinion, SleuthyGal, I thought it deserved more than just a thanks. You have expressed my frustration and confusion so well. I can't sleep without dreaming about what is some kind of fact -- possibly -- and what is probably total rumor.

So, thank you!:blowkiss:
I'm fairly new here, and not sure if this is the correct thread to put this in, sorry in advance if it's in the wrong place.

Every time I look at these two women, Dee Dee and Terri, I cannot help but wonder if Dee Dee was missing at the time she was, to stand in for Terri at the gym. They both appear to have somewhat of the same build, both have the long red hair, and both appear to be about the same age. Where I used to go to the gym I never really knew people at the desk. I'm not one that often pays attention to other people when I'd go there. I would just go in, do my workouts, check out and leave. I keep thinking that Terri might have went in and checked Baby K in to the daycare and then left while Dee Dee stayed there. People might think that they saw Terri when in fact it was Dee Dee. Make any sense?

I'm wondering if they have a passcard or a fingerprint entry at 24 hour fitness? I would imagine a 24 hour club would use the fingerprint entry, and during the day there would be someone monitoring it. I honestly don't know, but it would be good information to have, imo.
Hate to disagree but I can't see that much similarity in the two, myself. They both have red hair, but Terri's looks to be a little darker and longer. Their facial features are not much alike, either. And DeDe looks to be quite a bit heavier than Terri.. I'd say a good 50 lbs. heavier. So if Terri went to this gym quite a bit, I don't think DeDe could have passed for her.

But didn't TH go to a different gym on the 4th - not her regular one?
bringing this over from the other thread.

One question: did Terri take the baby with her and Kyron to the school?

Was Baby K home with Kaine?

Or did she have a babysitter for that short period of time?
One question: did Terri take the baby with her and Kyron to the school?

Was Baby K home with Kaine?

Or did she have a babysitter for that short period of time?

1. Kaine said she took baby K to school with her that morning. LE has not commented on it. The flier did not mention the baby, only a picture of the truck, TH and Kyron.

2. Baby was not home with Kaine. He was on site at work. He reportedly came home around 2:00. He kissed baby K, got something to eat and then went into his home office to work until the bus came home.

3. No babysitter has been reported.
I'm fairly new here, and not sure if this is the correct thread to put this in, sorry in advance if it's in the wrong place.

Every time I look at these two women, Dee Dee and Terri, I cannot help but wonder if Dee Dee was missing at the time she was, to stand in for Terri at the gym. They both appear to have somewhat of the same build, both have the long red hair, and both appear to be about the same age. Where I used to go to the gym I never really knew people at the desk. I'm not one that often pays attention to other people when I'd go there. I would just go in, do my workouts, check out and leave. I keep thinking that Terri might have went in and checked Baby K in to the daycare and then left while Dee Dee stayed there. People might think that they saw Terri when in fact it was Dee Dee. Make any sense?

BTW: A very belated Welcome, Ellebelle...I was very tired last night and neglected to say it but we're glad to have you on this (and all) thread(s)!...

:balloons: :Welcome-12-june:
Oh no, I don't think they tell bold face lies to parents either, although they could if they thought it would help, and who knows what they have, so I'm not even going to guess on whether they have told D&K bold face lies....

However I will entertain the idea that LE has told Terri bold face lies.

What I said above was that everything that we have learned about Terri, has basically been told to us through someone else, and apparently Terri is saying what LE has told her.

So if LE told her a bold face OH, she failed her poly (or a portion of it), during an interoggation. Then she could communicate this to another person, who in turn tells the media.

More likely than not, the story has changed from LE/Terri to Terri/3rd party to 3rd party/media to Media/public.

And we can't be sure that it was true to begin with.

Then when you consider the fact that D&K are sitting pretty desperate right now...well, it's kinda hard for them not to factor in emotions...

We are so far removed from the reality of the situation, that there is little chance we are getting an acurate perspective.


ITA, and I have been wondering about the same possibility with respect to the cell phone pings, now that we know that this story came via Terri to Desiree and Kaine, and not from LE direct to Desiree and Kaine at all. As far as I can tell, Terri is the only person LE told this to, and it's a bit unclear to me when they told it to her. Can someone help me find the recent Des/Kaine interview in which this came up? Was it the 25-minute audio interview with the Oregonian?

Is it possible that LE told Terri that cell phone pings contradicted her story early on to aggressively challenge her version, and may not even have had the cell phone information back from the cell phone companies yet? I don't know how long it takes to have a warrant like this filled (over the weekend, no less) but I have the impression that Terri reported being told this after her first LDT, which we've since learned from DY and KH was that first Monday after he went missing.

Timeline folks........... this post lands at random........ we have taken a right turn at the left fork in the road and ended up in another State...... back to timeline please and thanks.
I'm wondering if they have a passcard or a fingerprint entry at 24 hour fitness? I would imagine a 24 hour club would use the fingerprint entry, and during the day there would be someone monitoring it. I honestly don't know, but it would be good information to have, imo.

Someone who is a member of that gym posted here that you sign in, but do not sign out. Does anyone remember that?
Reposting freeforallz map link: KYRON/64.jpg

People searching KH brings up a Beaverton location. I don't know their actual address from when they lived in Beaverton, but what I am wondering is if she did go to that Albertson's, and it was in her previous neighborhood, is it because she met up with some neighbor friend or hid Kyron with an old neighborhood friend. LE did search a couples home in Tulatin. Which makes me wonder if LE was wondering the same thing.
I'm wondering if they have a passcard or a fingerprint entry at 24 hour fitness? I would imagine a 24 hour club would use the fingerprint entry, and during the day there would be someone monitoring it. I honestly don't know, but it would be good information to have, imo.

I belong to 24-Hour Fitness here in Portland, and though I've never been to that location, the other locations I have been to use gym-issued cards and have front-desk personnel you check in with.

I would NEVER allow my gym to take my fingerprint, and if we start moving in that direction, I'll have some serious issues with it! My fingerprints are pretty sacred to me. The government has my prints because of the nature of my job, however.
I belong to 24-Hour Fitness here in Portland, and though I've never been to that location, the other locations I have been to use gym-issued cards and have front-desk personnel you check in with.

I would NEVER allow my gym to take my fingerprint, and if we start moving in that direction, I'll have some serious issues with it! My fingerprints are pretty sacred to me. The government has my prints because of the nature of my job, however.

Do you have to check out? Or can you just leave without stopping? In other words, how can Terri prove what time she left?
Do you have to check out? Or can you just leave without stopping? In other words, how can Terri prove what time she left?

If your child is in their care, you would have to sign them out, I believe. If not, then no, you just walk out when you're done. Although that doesn't mean she couldn't have stopped to chat at the desk on her way out or otherwise have her departure time observed. I never have looked around for cameras--they may have them in the reception area. I don't know. But I've never been to that 24 Hour location anyway, just the one in the Pearl and the one by Hollywood. Hope that helps!
If your child is in their care, you would have to sign them out, I believe. If not, then no, you just walk out when you're done. Although that doesn't mean she couldn't have stopped to chat at the desk on her way out or otherwise have her departure time observed. I never have looked around for cameras--they may have them in the reception area. I don't know. But I've never been to that 24 Hour location anyway, just the one in the Pearl and the one by Hollywood. Hope that helps!

Ok PM...Not trying to imply anything, but it may be time for a workout, LOL! Check it out & report back....


eta: our gym has childcare, it's not a 24 hour affiliate, I'm on the eastcoast...we have to sign our kids in & out...they have to keep good records of the kids, so I'm sure she did sign K out before leaving...and my guess would be that there are cameras all over that nursery for obvious reasons.

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