South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #1

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I wonder if these alarms were home alarms being set off by residents in situ. I know we can, whilst still sleepy, walk downstairs and trigger the bottom floor alarm.

We don't have times yet for all the alarms but 1.30'ish is 1.5 hours before it is thought the murders were committed. Is that a realistic time gap for it to be relevant/important?

Oh now that would be a treat if it were false house alarms!

If the state could ask Afrika how long it takes to trek up from the river to the houses because 1.5 hours isn't realistic, these intruders loitered around the streets with balaclavas in hand?

EWN Afrikaans‏Verified account @EWNAfrikaans
Aren't the photos of 2015 available? 2013 had significant floods and not as adequate security as in 2015, this is big fail for the defence, in my opinion.

Former security manager at De Zalze has given the defense 2013 security photos. Afrika says the security has changed since 2013, such as double fencing.Afrika says he recognises them.Defence has shown photos of significant erosion underneath fence and specifically where the river enters the estate. These were taken in 2013.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 1m1 minute ago

And we're back. The cross examination of former security officer Lorenzo Afrika will continue.

Combrink is asking Afrika how he tested the zones of De Zalze Estate. Judge asks Combrink what the point of this is.

#vanbreda @TimesLIVE

Finally! :)
Security officer Lorenzo Afrika questioned by Adv Combrink - who is trying to establish where thermal cameras were on the night.GG

Afrika asked to indicate where security cameras located

Afrika says he can't remember whether he drove in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Judge Desai asks why it's important? GG

EWN Reporter @ewnreporter · 3m
The defence is really struggling here, pure desperation.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 5m5 minutes ago

Combrink puts it to the witness that if you drive looking out of the pedestrian window, your vision is less.

Combrink now reading Afrika's report from the night of the murders... Afrika stated in his report that on the night of the murders, he checked the whole fence for any holes.

#VanBreda @timeslive
EWN Reporter‏Verified account @ewnreporter 4m4 minutes ago #VanBreda

Afrika says he cannot remember whether he drove clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Combrink seems happy he can't remember.
Combrink says direction in which he drove is important as he would've had blind spots. Afrika disputes & firmly says he didn't. GG

Afrika says he cannot remember whether he drove clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Combrink seems happy he can't remember. GG

EWN Reporter @ewnreporter · 5m
Combrink says direction in which he drove is important as he would've had blind spots. Afrika disputes & firmly says he didn't. GG

Afrika says he cannot remember whether he drove clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Combrink seems happy he can't remember. GG

EWN Reporter @ewnreporter · 5m

Combrink smelling a small victory. Actually he's flogging a dead horse, he's making Afrika go over and over about what he did that night. Waiting for a slip up.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 4m4 minutes ago

Afrika: Although there are two in a team, we will both be told about any alarms going off.

Defense steps down and State Advocate Galloway takes over questioning Afrika.

Galloway asks Afrika if everything was in order with the fence on the night of the murders. Afrika says everything was in order.

Galloway asks what they would do if they find any holes or problems. Afrika says they immediately notify mgmt & it will be fixed.

Galloway going through photos. Afrika states that behind this pump house there is another electric fence.


Afrika: I was only told about the murders the next day when my shift began.

Defense advocate Combrink asks one last question about when the electric fence was installed. Afrika states he is not sure.

#VanBreda @timeslive
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 4m4 minutes ago

Galloway asks for court to be http://adjourned. Next witness will be De Zalze Estate manager. Until tomorrow 10am!✌️ #VanBreda @TimesLIVE
EWN Reporter @ewnreporter · 15m

Afrika says he would've driven on gravel road right along the fence. Afrika confirms he went home when his shift ended at 7 AM. GG

Judge Desai asks Afrika if there's gate that's chained & locked. It's for people to take dogs for walks. Inside perimeter fence.GG
O/T If anyone has read the Coorong Backpackers thread today you'll see that I'm having major WS issues, along with many others who may think these problems are personal to them. If you're having any issues at all, whether on PC, laptop or phone, go the following link and read posts 45 and 55.

Today is even worse for me as I now have to exit WS each time I post, go to a new page or PM. I can't edit or post images. The list is endless.

I'll try and help out tonight but if you notice my lack of posts, you'll know why.
O/T If anyone has read the Coorong Backpackers thread today you'll see that I'm having major WS issues, along with many others who may think these problems are personal to them. If you're having any issues at all, whether on PC, laptop or phone, go the following link and read posts 45 and 55.

Today is even worse for me as I now have to exit WS each time I post, go to a new page or PM. I can't edit or post images. The list is endless.

I'll try and help out tonight but if you notice my lack of posts, you'll know why.

You wouldn't believe it JJ, after I read your post, I went to quick links and couldn't leave this page. I left the site which took a minute to do and couldn't get back in, my tweets are coming in fine, so it's WS.
If there's no posts re:trial tweets, I must be having trouble.

Dammit, I'm having trouble posting this, it's asking me if I want to leave the page?! *crossfingers*
We'll just have to try our best, but I can't reply to posts. As soon as I press Post I get a blank box, and that's why I double posted early last night. I didn't know it was there. I sent the mods a PM because they may not be aware of this huge problem and attached the link to the WS lagging thread. I also directed their attention to the 2 posts in particular. I'd say it will get worse before it gets better. Just a reminder that if you're trying to type and the letters are either missing or jumping around, click on the Switch to Editor Mode (first icon on bar above). That will stop the problem but you'll have to click on it for every post.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 42m42 minutes ago

Good morning everybody �� Day 6 of #vanbreda triple murder trial begins today. @TimesLIVE
The press, photographers, Henri #vanbreda , defence team and state prosecutors waiting for Judge Desai to begin proceedings. Triple murder trial will begin shortly. Defence, prosecutors, press and watchers are here, just waiting on Judge Desai.


State witness Edgar Wyngaard takes the stand. Wyngaard was a former employee of Thornburb security.

Wyngaard was on duty as Afrika's supervisor on the night of the murders at De Zalze Estate.
Wyngaard starts his shift at 6pm with Afrika (yesterday's witness).
Wyngaard says they do checks of the electric fence to make sure it is working correctly at the beginning of their shift.
.specific points to register that they had in fact been there. There are 15 of these points in De Zalze.

Wyngaard states that at 10pm and at 1am they did these bloodhound checks. Each one of the checks take an hour and a half.
If an alarm goes off, the control room as well as the security officers receive the alert.
Wyngaard tells the court that residents at De Zalze know that there are security services in the estate.Number is on vehicle.
Wyngaard says that they drive around the estate continuously on their shift.

Galloway now leads the witness to the night of the murders.

Wyngaard says he drove past Henri's house 6 or 7 times on the night of the murders.

Wyngaard now explains how a person would enter the complex through the main gate. Fingerprints, license plate
numbers are taken.

Wyngaard: builders and construction workers are escorted out of the estate by 6pm.
Anthony Molyneaux‏ @AJGMolyneaux 5m5 minutes ago

It sounds like De Zalze Estate security run a tight ship when attempting to enter through main gate as a non-resident.

Wyngaard states that on the night of the murders there was no one that seemed suspicious or anything out of the ordinary.

#VanBreda @TimesLIVE
Nothing is happening yet. I'm wondering if the delay is due to the SCA's decision.
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