South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Botha - so you took it somewhere there, but can't say where?

That's correct, Hitchcock says.

A lot of blood on the head of the axe at scene. So you only took a swab from one spot there?

Yes, Hitchcock says.

When you took the swab, did you run it over all of the blood? Hitchcock says he took a sample, but he can't say exactly how.

On the blade side, Hitchcock says.

Also taken from blunt side. Can't confirm where.

You can't say if you lifted more than one spatter?

That's correct, Hitchcock says.

H: I took blood from the blunt side of the axe on that specimen I can't say if I just touched one spot or ran bud through blood

B:can you remember between time of photos and video taken of the knife if the knife was moved by anyone? H: if it moved it definitely wasn't me

(Okay, so Botha wants specifics about the swab being dipped into the blood or swiping? Is there a difference with regards to the blood test and results? OMG! The knife?!!)

Judge Desai asks to adjourn for lunch we will be back at 2:15
Botha asks if Hitchcock can remember between when the video was recorded and the photos were taken, if the knife was moved by anyone.

Botha says if it moved, he definitely didn't move it?

Definitely not, Hitchcock says.

Court adjourned for lunch

Botha gets a hit because he makes the witness deny something 'if the knife was moved, it wasn't me' which sounds bad but there'll probably be a plausible explanation.
I'm not at all happy with Hitchcock's work at the scene. With so many victims, surely there should have been multiple blood swabs taken from the axe - on each side of the blade, the back of the axe head, and the handle. Very, very sloppy.

But this puts a smile back on my face:

Tracey Stewart‏ @Traceyams · 33m33 minutes ago
Judge Desai I am not stopping you from cross examining. I am only pointing out that some points you make sound nice

But to an experienced trial judge.
Adv B- I know where I am going with this I consulted with my expert. I am not grand- standing
A tweeter states a curious fact re: this trial - investigating officer is dead, items stolen from police station and a copy of docket from Galloway's car. :thinking:
Thank you so much ladies. I am just catching up. It seems B. Is doing his usual point scoring exercise but I think Desai sees through it for what it is. It is irritating that specimen collection is poor at times but this seems 'par for the course' in SA. I think Botha is making such a huge point of the specimens because he knows his case is so weak he needs to throw as much mud as possible.
A tweeter states a curious fact re: this trial - investigating officer is dead, items stolen from police station and a copy of docket from Galloway's car. :thinking:

Sounds as though somebody with money might have employed someone to try to ruin the case.
A lot about procedure, bagging, labelling, etc, when do we get to hear the results of his work? Whose shoe prints and where, whose blood in the bathroom - shower door handle, towel, places that might have been cleaned up, Rudi's trail across the bedroom, etc. Surely we should have heard that in his evidence in chief. This should be one of the star witnesses.
Some of the tweeters make more sense than this trial. Why didn't HvB take pics of the attacker with his phone?

B starts by referring to photos of the axe again as Exhibit A

B: U see the evidence collection kit boxes with swabbing collection kit numbers? 128A and 128B respectively -H: Yes

B refers to VV7 page 1- is that your handwriting? H- yes. B where do you write this information?

B; ok wait if you go to the letter in the kit it says blood lifted from head of axe

B: if you page over again you see the 2 collection kit boxes 14DCAM6687 - and the next one is the same number. H- correct
Ok, he obviously needs to discredit this witness. Why? What does the state have here that the defence needs to worry about?

B all I want to show you is that it looks different from the photo album you compiled. Numbers on photos dont seem 2 be consistent

B says this is important as it deals with blood apparently lifted from the axe, seems exhibit numbers have been swapped -H correct

B: To correct error and place correction on record is it right to say that it must be "and mark 121A" and not "122A"?

H is considering his own notes- 121A and 121B bottom of axe handle he says

H all my evidence and my letter is the same. B says ok I understand you but we are dealing with the photos you took

B: Can we accept that 6687 was the back side of the head of the axe - H correct B: that deals with VV71 on VV73 set out boxes

B all I want you to say is the the description on these photos must refer to 121A and 121B and then its right?H-yes thats correct

B then refers to where he took sample from the handle of axe swab 1 is top and swab 2 is bottom should be 122A and 122B.H- yes

*Public Gallery is now empty, it seems Cape Tonians have retreated in anticipation of the second storm*
I suggest the Public Gallery is empty because Botha is soooo boring.
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