South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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B: now dealing with the touch DNA samples.H if a person touches something the material on your hands can be transferred

B- its the lockart principle - every contact leaves a trace? H correct

B if I correctly understand, you placed the knife on the bed? Correct? H I did it personally to swab

B: but what about the bed it is lying on? Could that not transfer material? Why place it on the bed?

(Good point made by Botha but this applies also to the blunt axe having struck the assailant's shoulder in the tussle with HvB. There must be blood and fibres from a stranger?)

B: was the blood on both sides of the blade? Which side did you swab? H: I am not sure which side I swabbed or if there was blood

H on the other side of the knife. H definitely took his sample from the side of the blade that is facing up in the photo.

B: Then the pink form that is missing you thought perhaps you placed it in the evidence bag? H - thats correct

Adv B: VV7 this is the one where you scratched out 118. Now 118 is grey towel and 119 is red and white socks 120 blue tshirt

B: Your notes, left column 117,118,119 then blank then 121A. Here 118 presumable blood on towel 119 blue tshirt with blood

Adv B: Now is 119 -blue tshirt with blood on it or is it red and white socks? H- checks his documents before replying

B says the t-shirt should be 124? H will check
I think they might try to imply the 2nd intruder had his own axe and attacked Marli, then took the axe with him, and because this guy wasn't competent or honest he's got Marli's blood from the axe by cross-contamination or by altering the results later.

I just don't see how Henri is going to get around not knowing Marli was being attacked, unless it happened when he had his earphones in.
Hitchcock explains touch DNA means when someone touches something, epithelial cells get transferred onto the product.

Botha refers to knife sticking out under the bed.

The knife was placed on the bed. Hitchcock said he did it himself. Then he swabbed it.

Botha asks what about the bed, would there not be any DNA? why not put it on a different surface?

Botha says this may affect the test. Hitchcock says it could.

Swabbed for blood - there is a number of droplets on the blade of the knife. Which one did you swab?
I don't think he cares about his job/work. What a let down.

H has said he marked the blue t shirt exhibit incorrectly. H says he is a bit confused

Judge Desai tells Hitchcock to take his time go through his own notes

H: 544 is exhibit 118 - grey towel.

B: photo A 155 - evidence bag we see there has the grey towel. I don't have a problem there its the blue t-shirt

H: 118 is charcoal towel. Blue -shirt shouldn't be 119 should be 124

G: the difference between 118 and 119 was covered in evidence in chief - it was a mistake

(finally Galloway speaks)

Adv B: My lord this is cross-examination with respect

Judge Desai asks about white mop from washing line; white and grey t-shirt from line; white dish washing cloth from line

Desai-multi colored dishwashing cloth from washing line, white dishwashing cloth from washing cloth, white & yellow dishwashing

Judge Desai: cloth from washing line, white sock? Judge Desai seems to be clarifying what he has written and asks if it was wet?

Hitchcock says no the washing was dry

Adv B: you refer to 119 and then 118 and you testified that there was a mistake it should be 124, but now are you sure that 124 is the blue t-shirt? H yes. B- you aren't making a mistake there? H no thats correct
Mind you, he SHOULD clarify this was in the afternoon! Plenty of time for washing to dry.
Botha is scaring the living daylights out of these witnesses. The mistake was covered in evidence in chief.
It makes one wonder how the perpetrator was found guilty/not guilty before DNA samples were available.

B now going through Touch DNA swabs he took from the handle from back door and photos of those areas

B: on left side of the garage you will remember there was a smaller garage for the golf car? H yes remembers that

B: we saw a flap there looked like blood, did you look for blood there? H we looked all over? B: is it possible that u missed it?

H I can't remember seeing blood there, Adv B will ask Joubert about it
The clothing would definitely have been dry. At 4am on 27 Jan 2015 it was 18C.
At 7am it was 21C.

Adv G: asks if re-examine can stand down till tomorrow, she wants to have chance to prepare re-examine

Adv G: wishes to place statement before court that is prima facie accepted as evidence (212 statement)

Adv B: doesn't object but asks that the judge exercise his discretion to ask that the state lead evidence from W.O. Nel

Adv B: Nel makes certain presumptions in the report and doesn't say how she does it and how reliable it is?

Desai- must the court call her why can't you call her? B- then I can't cross examine her

Judge Desai lets receive the documents and then I will decide on your request later

Adv G: we are calling a DNA analyst that will give evidence on the blood this report is based on those conclusions from the lab
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