South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #3

DNA Solves
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Two grey duvets, one was collected from Rudi van Breda's bed and one was collected from near Rudi on the ground

Up until this point the only items worked with were the actual exhibits collected

J: Other evidence I was given, post mortem and DNA reports of Teresa, Martin and Rudi and DNA report of Otto

J: I received statements and images from the investigation team, statement of Henri, Constable Marius, Sgt Kleynhans

Images of injuries sustained by Marli
I interviewed Sgt Kleynhans and Jonkers, two first responders

Adv Botha says only Sgt Kleynhans was called, in so far as Jonkers is referenced it is hearsay. I reserve my rights to deal with this

G: Jonkers is not being called but state says the summary is in essence what Kleynhans testified

Botha: with respect that is not the essence. He could not say if there was blood stains on the carpet in front of stairs

G: Sgt Kleynhans his evidence was that the first sign of something being wrong was when he saw Teresa lying at top of stairs

Judge Desai agrees that is right
Galloway: blood at the bottom of the floor was from removing Marli. Botha objects but he will deal with it in cross examination

J says Kleynhans said- no blood in front of stairs, only at the top of the stairs

J: no shoe prints on the dining floor, living room floor or kitchen floor

Kleynhans took photographs before Marli was moved and Teresa was moved

Rudi and Martin were not moved by any person

(Kleyhans is telling J this) Victim Marli VB moved her right arm
J: Conclusions and summary reads out a number of stains that were most likely made by EMS personnel based on scene and pictures

J references impact blood splatter Created when force applied to Teresa near the floor in front of cupboard in the passage

J: references splatter created by Marli moving her right arm

J: BSP at B14 DNA result and position of stain, created by object in motion which came to abrupt halt

J: several BSP in directional angles suggest they were caused by force to Rudi while Rudi was in bed

J: BSP suggests victim Rudi was grabbed or moved from bed over carpet between beds towards door

J: BSP suggests Rudi was stationery for a period of time for pool of blood to be created

BSP: suggests victim (Rudi) was moved through the pool which resulted in creation of swipe and wipe patterns

J: BSP: suggests victim, Rudi, had time to clot before Rudi was moved, time passed before his upper body on the bed was disturbed

J: BSP suggests the blood source of Rudi VB was in contact with the bedroom wall
J: BSP hair like stains, Rudi's contact with the wall resulted in this blood stain pattern

J: most probably explanation for these BSP- Rudi was dragged or moved from bed and left in front of one bed

J: object covered with blood struck wall, objects came to an abrupt halt

Donors of blood stain were Rudi and Martin which suggests they were both in contact with the source which left stain on the wall

J: references a few stains most probably created by object in motion, which came to abrupt halt

Object in contact with the blood source from the victim prior to contact with the surface of the wall

J: BS created as result of force, break up of blood, suggests splatter in same area as previously mentioned B11

J: Another BSP where most probable explanation was movement of the right hand arm of Marli

J: Plausible explanation for BSP fingers from a hand covered with blood of Rudi resulted in creation of blood stains observed

J: most probably created when Rudi was moved or dragged
J: Unable to exclude possibility that splatter blood stains on wall near window also created by object which hit Rudi van Breda

J: BSP's created when blood started to form clots

J: Most plausible on the bed of Henri VB. Henri's duvet was moved after blood shed. Splatter was created by object in motion

J: During office examination I observed multiple areas with splatter blood stains class characteristics of each group

J: full penetration vs partial penetration in fabric when considered contextually indicative resulting from force applied

to blood source. Some of splatter on shorts are saturated in urine which results in appearance of full fabric penetration

Splatter suggests grey shorts were in close proximity to Rudi and Martin wen force was applied to the blood source of those victims

J: Object which made contact with the blood source probably in contact with the grey shorts

J: Grey shorts exposed to multiple blood shedding events

J: measurements indicate blood stains only approximate due to irregular drop sizes

J: my opinion regarding 119- socks. Multiple areas of splatter identified, full penetration of the blood

mechanism responsible for blood stains, 16 were identified on pair of white socks
J: Unable to exclude possibility that splatter blood stains on wall near window also created by object which hit Rudi van Breda

J: BSP's created when blood started to form clots

J: Most plausible on the bed of Henri VB. Henri's duvet was moved after blood shed. Splatter was created by object in motion

J: During office examination I observed multiple areas with splatter blood stains class characteristics of each group

J: full penetration vs partial penetration in fabric when considered contextually indicative resulting from force applied

to blood source. Some of splatter on shorts are saturated in urine which results in appearance of full fabric penetration

Splatter suggests grey shorts were in close proximity to Rudi and Martin wen force was applied to the blood source of those victims

J: Object which made contact with the blood source probably in contact with the grey shorts

J: Grey shorts exposed to multiple blood shedding events

J: measurements indicate blood stains only approximate due to irregular drop sizes

J: my opinion regarding 119- socks. Multiple areas of splatter identified, full penetration of the blood

mechanism responsible for blood stains, 16 were identified on pair of white socks

The shorts belonged to Henri. How on earth is he (Henri) going to explain the findings. I think J has just hung Henri out to dry!
J: identified position at back of white socks, exposed to a blood shedding event in close proximity of Teresa and Rudi

when forces were applied to those victims. Suggest sock was in contact with Martin VB

J: Grey Duvet: my opinion, it was exposed to multiple blood shedding events

J: the inside area of the duvet was exposed to blood shedding events

J: the grey duvet was in contact with a blood source

J: Inside grey area, correlates to the bottom of Henri's bed which has similar characteristics to the knife blade

J: pattern transfer bottom corner of Henri's bed, characteristics of knife

J: Opinion duvet- duvet exposed multiple blood shedding events, pattern blood stain, suggest duvet in contact with blood bearing
J: handle of axe, blood stains indicate axe was in motion, supplementary statement containing sequence of blood stain events

and movement of victims and positions of the victims, nature and movement of objects involved, the direction force was applied

We conclude for the day. Joubert's report is exceptionally long, media will get sight when he is finished reading it into record

He has referenced a supplementary report where he will deal with some interesting conclusions, back at 10am tomorrow.
Tammy Petersen ‎@TammyPetersen87
Interesting: Joubert noted void area on Henri #VanBreda's bed, where blood spatter was interrupted. Probably indicates something was removed.

Stains found on Henri's shorts: five stains belong to Rudi, 9 to Henri, 5 to Martin, 3 mixed samples. None belonged to Marli.

Tammy Petersen ‎@TammyPetersen87
Blood stains found on Henri #VanBreda's shorts: 35 stains belong to Rudi, 9 to Henri, 5 to Martin, 3 mixed samples. None belonged to Marli.

Blood clot on the grey shorts, most likely created by contact between blood source and grey shorts, No DNA indication.

Possible urine stains on the grey shorts.

Tammy Petersen ‎@TammyPetersen87
Multiple spatter stains on Henri #Van Breda's white socks. Joubert says force was applied to source, travelled through air and landed on socks.

Blood samples found on top and sides of Henri Van Breda's socks - 9 from Rudi, 1 from Martin, 1 from Teresa and 2 from Henri.
Joubert interviewed Sgt Kleynhans and Jonkers, two first responders

Galloway: blood at the bottom of the floor was from removing Marli. Botha objects but he will deal with it in cross examination.

Joubert says Sgt. Kleynhans, who was first on scene, told him that Marli moved her right arm after hearing Kleynhans make SOS call.

A number of stains that were most likely made by EMS personnel based on scene and pictures, says Joubert.

Blood stain pattern suggests Rudi was grabbed or moved from bed over carpet between beds towards the door.

Blood stain pattern suggests Rudi was moved through the pool which resulted in the creation of swipe and wipe patterns.

Rudi's blood had time to clot before he was moved, time passed before his upper body on the bed was disturbed, says Joubert.

Tammy Petersen ‎@TammyPetersen87
Rudi #VanBreda had been dragged or moved after being axed. Blood started to clot before he was moved to the bedroom floor, Joubert testified.

Spatter suggests the grey shorts were in close proximity to Rudi and Martin when force was applied to the blood source of those victims.

Blood stains on the white socks show that it was in close proximity to blood sources coming from Teresa and Rudi, says Joubert

Court adjourned.
WOW that is looking promising. How is Henri going to lie his way out of blood spatter versus blood transfer. He has already claimed he was hiding behind a wall for the most part. He could explain transfer easily enough by saying he was checking them, but not blood splatter. Mind you I can imagine him saying it came when the Intruder was swinging the axe at him lol..
J: Conclusions and summary reads out a number of stains that were most likely made by EMS personnel based on scene and pictures

J references impact blood splatter Created when force applied to Teresa near the floor in front of cupboard in the passage

J: references splatter created by Marli moving her right arm

J: BSP at B14 DNA result and position of stain, created by object in motion which came to abrupt halt

J: several BSP in directional angles suggest they were caused by force to Rudi while Rudi was in bed

J: BSP suggests victim Rudi was grabbed or moved from bed over carpet between beds towards door

J: BSP suggests Rudi was stationery for a period of time for pool of blood to be created

BSP: suggests victim (Rudi) was moved through the pool which resulted in creation of swipe and wipe patterns

J: BSP: suggests victim, Rudi, had time to clot before Rudi was moved, time passed before his upper body on the bed was disturbed

J: BSP suggests the blood source of Rudi VB was in contact with the bedroom wall

Oh dear heaven this is horrific. :sick:
Where is everyone? I found this latter evidence really interesting. I was very surprised earlier on in the trial to learn that Rudi's body was found near the door to the bathroom after he'd been so savagely attacked. His bed was furthest from the bathroom.

According to Henri, Martin threw himself over Rudi and Martin was then attacked from behind. This means that Rudi had to crawl out from underneath his father's body, get to the floor and drag himself along the floor towards the bathroom. The evidence must have been obvious to Joubert that he had in fact been dragged. Cross-examination is going to be riveting.

It will be fascinating to hear from HvB or Botha how blood from Rudi, Henry and Teresa all ended up in various locations in the shower. HvB never said in his Initial Statement or Plea Explanation that he showered or washed off any blood before going downstairs.
I feel a bit sick to my stomach after hearing about Rudi being dragged or moved. There's no end to the horror involved with these murders. What sort of human can do this, let alone to members of his own family. It's beyond despicable.
Where is everyone? I found this latter evidence really interesting. I was very surprised earlier on in the trial to learn that Rudi's body was found near the door to the bathroom after he'd been so savagely attacked. His bed was furthest from the bathroom.

According to Henri, Martin threw himself over Rudi and Martin was then attacked from behind. This means that Rudi had to crawl out from underneath his father's body, get to the floor and drag himself along the floor towards the bathroom. The evidence must have been obvious to Joubert that he had in fact been dragged. Cross-examination is going to be riveting.

It will be fascinating to hear from HvB or Botha how blood from Rudi, Martin and Teresa all ended up in various locations in the shower. HvB never said in his Initial Statement or Plea Explanation that he showered or washed off any blood before going downstairs.

Yes, it's what we've been waiting for, isn't it. I gathered from a previous post by Tortoise that HvB doesn't have to give evidence, and I bet after this he won't.

Apologies for my lack of participation, I've had a tooth extraction/bone graft today, not up to much this evening.
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