South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Thanks JJ. You make it very clear. My feeling too was that his recall must have been sharper immediately following the event rather than much later when he had had an opportunity to attempt to alter the facts. I wasn't sure about any legal issues involved but, as you say, Desai quickly let Botha know that it was a matter for the court to decide.

Desai seems to be keeping Botha in order. Long may it be so.
Thank you JJ, Prime and all those helping, for the superb information you are providing, hour after hour, day after day.
Besides facts presented you are also providing us, with a great of your knowledge, as to 'trials'.

I hope, each night, you knock yourself out, getting enough rest for the slog the next day. This must be exhausting, physically and mentally.

Karma happens!

Some of us become totally obsessed with trials to the point where they almost take over our lives, and I fall into that category. My first trial on WS was the OP trial, and yes, it is exhausting ... and can be dangerous. I'm no spring chicken but there I was on the roof of my house conducting experiments. :) My hubby has a lot to put up with.

It's the emotional side that makes it hard for me because I get quite upset and can't tune out when I go to bed at night.

I believe in karma too.
Excellent JJ, thank you. Do you have an opinion as to why Tracey thinks the lack of Marli's DNA is such a huge question for the court?

I've just moved on to the next portion and spotted this from the news feed. I'll let you know more when I reach it.

Desai asks why no blood from Marli? She had blows to head, neck area.
Joubert says that when she was attacked, there wasn't a lot of spatter, due to distribution of injuries over entire head.
From yesterday’s testimony.

In Joubert’s opinion:

The suspect was standing next to Rudi’s bed when he was attacked.
Rudi was lying on his stomach with his head facing the adjacent wall when he was attacked.
Rudi’s injuries suggest he was surprised, asleep or unaware.
Martin was attending to Rudi on the bed when he was attacked and didn’t have time to respond to it.
The suspect was standing in the vicinity of Rudi’s bed when Martin was attacked.
Teresa was most probably attacked in the bedroom doorway while facing her attacker.
Marli sustained her injuries during a confrontation with the suspect and was most likely in the same area as Teresa.
The only bloodstains documented at the crime scene associated with Marli were in close proximity to where she was found by SEPS members.

I'll do more later.
Hi Everyone :wave:

Hi Prime.

I have to go out in 1.5 hours so am looking forward to yours and JJ's posts. Keep up the great work :)
Hi Prime! I'll have what's in the glasses .... first!
Please try this video. :)


B refers to a plug outlet near the wall and states that would give us an idea of how high Rudi's head was when making the patterns

J agrees, B then asks about the transfer patters which J saw on Rudi's back. B hands up a collage of photos

B: advises these are gruesome and Desai orders that they will not be released to the press

refers to B23 close up photo in the bundle. Defence's blood spatter expert, Mr Styl indicated that in his view

B: the bloodied plug and the shape of it, near Rudi's leg, would be compatible with the transfer patter u identified in B23

J: thats correct but to verify we should try and create similar patterns

B: but its now difficult if not impossible to do

B: So at some stage Rudi must have been on his back if the plug is the most probably explanation for this pattern. J agrees

B: photo of Rudi lying there it was taken at 14h35 the cord is under his arm

B: the next photograph at 19h15 that evening, now you will see the cord is in a different position

J: when duvet was removed by me I put the cord to one side after I moved the duvet

B: refers to photo taken at 6pm and the duvet has now been moved to the foot end of Henri's bed, J: thats where I placed it

B: I will come back to this aspect but I just want to ask a few more to understand the facts and where we agree or disagree

B: turn to photo 106 this stain is clearly still liquid enough when axe made contact with the wall to cause the run down by gravity

J: correct. B: which one was the cessation cast off, the bottom part? J yes

B: but what happens is that every thing that comes off will carry on until something stops it in this case the wall, J: correct

B: clarifies the part on pic which is cast off. Is it your view that cast off was when axe approached the wall not when it hit the wall, J says thats correct

B: u are of the view that this stain was created by control movement of the axe as u would expect a far longer cast off as the axe was spinning toward the wall J correct

B: the axe ended up on the middle landing of the stairs? J correct

B: no indication that after axe made contact with the wall it was moved so we accept it landed where we found it after hitting
the wall? J thats correct

B: the blood analysed on this wall belonged to Rudi?

J if you look at the cast off and you look at the stains Hitchcock swabbed two of those stains result was Rudi was donor
refers to spatter stains on passage near Marli and Teresa

B: u indicated that the mechanism responsible was projection or impact, J: correct

B25 was stains belonging to Rudi and Martin and B26 belonged to Rudi J: correct

B: Photo 117 is close up of B25 u referred to 5 individual well defined spatter stains, we could only see 4?

J: it could be in one of the other photographs? B: well look at this photo also only 4

J: I will have to look at my crime scene folder. B it appears there is a little dot there, could it be that?

J: it may be possible

B: These photos are both taken as u come up the stairs in front of u table and a window

B: these marks all found just to the left of those, J: correct

B: given that the attack of Rudi and Martin took place in the room, its impossible that impact would lead to these spots
being on that portion of the wall? There must have been another way these ended up on the wall? J: correct

B: but the stains themselves indicated deposit mechanism projection or impact, J: correct

B: how many swabs were taken from these spots? J: the ones he marked he would have swabbed reference to blood spatter stain as entered room from left side of room we dont know whose blood that is?

J: it was swabbed but we don't know whose blood that is having reference to the shape of this stain u determined that impact was possible deposition mechanism

B:what we know about crime scene that would be only place where impact into a blood source could have happened given the direction of that specific blood stain it was likely Marli's J: possible

B: references blood stain near table indicated as Marli's blood close to where she was found, J: yes

B: the samples taken from this position, the defence by Dr Orcas is that this DNA sample presented with a foreign allele

B: we told Otto this and she said that it wasnt an allele rather a blip in the machine, just so u know the whole story

J: I am not a DNA analyst I did not know that

B: noting impact spatter stain Rudi was donor refers to photo of the base of Rudi's bed, u said were not spatter, swipe patterns, object covered in blood made contact and left those marks, J: yes,

B: Later you said they had appearance of finger prints so appears a bloodied fingerprint contact with bed both were Rudi's blood, J thats correct
Botha compares two pictures of Rudi. The electric cord is in different positions. He asks why.

Joubert says he moved the cord to one side when he was handling the duvet.

Botha refers to photo 106, saying the blood on the axe was still liquid enough for it to run down the handle.

Joubert says that is correct.

Botha now asking about blood stains found in the room upstairs. He asks for clarity on whether there are 4/5 stains.

Rudi and Martin #VanBreda's blood found near window on landing. Attack happened in room. Can't be impact stains, Botha says. Joubert agrees.

Botha says a sample taken near where Marli Van Breda’s body found presented foreign allele, according to an expert.

Joubert says he isn’t a DNA analyst and can't comment.
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