South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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B: u saw the photo of Rudi, his hands were covered in blood, J thats correct, B we wouldn't know when that occurred? Correct

B: now deals with the 2 drops found on the neighbours outside wall

B: one drop, B34 was analysed and it was Rudi's blood, mechanism responsible was either impact or drip, J: thats correct

B: your angles you refer to 11.81 degrees and 11.5 degrees, is it correct that is the angle at which droplets impacted on wall

J: thats correct- its not a 2 dimensional measurement of the angle of the dot it is the angle they impacted the wall

B: You cant exclude that a blood bearing object may have deposited those blood drops? J thats correct

(Botha wants the court to consider that those blood droplets on the wall could have been distributed there by the intruder's axe as they fled the scene. )
Where is all this going? Thanks Prime. Of course, the second axe. Right.

B: referring to the gravel area surface area between the two houses near the wall with blood drops

B: it was not tested for the presence of blood by way of blue star? J: no

B now referring to bundle of photos taken by Hitchcock, something that bothers me

B: photo of inside of the bedroom indicates two beds on the inside? J correct

B: another possibility when attack occurred on Rudi lying on his bed, impact spatter originated on the bed he was lying travelled through air through window and was deposited on the wall outside and was deposited outside? J thats correct

B: we know that the front part of the house is the wall in this photo, black side gate is 15cm from the front wall of property but we also know those droplets didn't impact at the gate? it was away from the gate? J correct
It's a set up, Botha gets Joubert to agree, agree and then bamboozle him with his 'facts' so Joubert is then confused, now has to retract what he said. Botha101
Joubert looking very uncomfortable and ill at ease?

B: what was the distance of the drop from this gate? J: I measured it and made note in my crime scene notes, B asks him to check

B: we did not find photos of the inside of the window frame? J: it wasn't examined

B: would that not have been the thing to do to get clarity on whether the blood originated from inside or outside the room

B: I am at scene investigating the possibilities of how they arrived on the wall 1 obvious someone ran past the second one is that Rudi's blood travelled from the room upstairs to outside the wall? Would checking for other stains on window not assist?

J: I can't remember but we cant collect each and every spot on the scene

J: I cannot say one or the other occurred
Botha desperately trying to make an intruder appear in Jouberts recounting of what went down that night. Intruder running with the 'black' axe, scaling the fence and blood sprayed onto neighbour's wall off the axe !

Botha doesn't like that Rudi's blood spread so far, that his murder was THAT brutal! Botha makes me sick!
Botha desperately trying to make an intruder appear in Jouberts recounting of what went down that night. Intruder running with the 'black' axe, scaling the fence and blood sprayed onto neighbour's wall off the axe !

Botha doesn't like that Rudi's blood spread so far, that his murder was THAT brutal! Botha makes me sick!

He makes me want to :puke:
While we're waiting : Botha, to look at, reminds me of the English actor, Donald Pleasence, who was famous for his portrayal of insane, fanatical and evil characters!

B: something else that bothered us, B refers to a note made in J's crime scene notes

B: hands up notes regarding the window and the angle at which the blood spot may have impacted the wall

B: again dealing with the drop and angle it left Rudi from his bed to miss the cushion, lamp shade and window to land on wall

B: you made a note about wind playing a role? J thats correct

B: but for that, if there was no wind and they continued on original angle, u would expect it to have landed on area
closer to the black gate? J thats correct

B: again, the easy version is someone went past with blood on their hand and deposited it on the wall
While we're waiting : Botha, to look at, reminds me of the English actor, Donald Pleasence, who was famous for his portrayal of insane, fanatical and evil characters!

He does!
Sorry, I missed this next one.

Botha: Do you not agree that it is expected that there should be blood stains on the window frame?

Joubert: I can't remember, but we cant collect each and every spot on the scene.

If someone ran down the side of the house carrying a bloody axe, why would any blood coming from it fly sideways onto the house next door. The act of the person running would drive any blood back onto the body of the person.

the other version is that it came from rudis bed, missed cushion, lamp shade, window frame and wind changed its angle for it to impact the wall? J: thats correct

B: to continue with your report, the void pattern which you saw on Henri's bed, you mentioned an intervening object removed after the blood shedding event - J thats correct

B: so one can assume something prevented blood shed landing on that part of the bed, most plausible explanation is that the duvet had spatter on it and was on the floor near rudi, so must have been the duvet which created the void pattern?J: thats correct

B: now shows pillow in photo which clearly has blood stains. J they werent collected at the crime scene I never analysed them

B: is it possible that that cushion could also explain at least partially the void on the bed? J: its possible

B: during your examination of the scene u didnt investigate? J I looked at it but did not see it necessary to investigate further for me that was consistent with impact spatter within the bedroom area

B: on B37 we see spatter stains on Henri's bed sheet towards top by his pillow and his laptop next to Rudi's bed? Correct

B: blood clots that were photographed on Rudi's bed next to martin and on the side of bed sheet of rudi's bed, J correct

B: and also clots on the knife partially under rudis bed, and on the pillow of domestic dog between beds J: correct

(Judge Desai, please ask where was the dog, Sasha?)
Flight path of two droplets of Rudi Van Breda's changed given their eventual point of impact on wall, Adv Botha says. Correct, Joubert says

Capt Joubert noted it could be a result of wind.
Adv Botha says had it travelled unhindered, it would've landed close to gate

Adv Botha maintains 'easy version' that it could have been caused by someone walking past or toward side gate and blood had dripped.

[Someone walking past and blood dripped sideways onto the wall next door? Someone has murdered 3 people, he's covered in blood and wearing a balaclava, carrying an bloody axe and he walks past!!!]

B look at B38(4) photo 172- that is a blood clot on the side of Rudi;'s own bed? J thats correct

B:looks like a swipe pattern beneath it-J: it could have been the head of Rudi

B: yes similar appearance to the ones on bedroom wall

B: para11 possible blood detected in bathroom of the 2 boys, u said possible blood against shower door handle, shower tap, against shower wall, above shower tap

underneath shower tap,shower floor u did blue star testing here? J yes but it was a very light blue colour wasn't strong result

B: but blue star must be done in the dark, now in these photos the lights are on and we see a slight blue on shower door-

J: thats the reflection of my blue glove

B: when u were asked who collected samples in the bathroom, u indicated that u did? J yes thats correct

B: when Sgt Hitchcock testified he said he took the samples and only when I showed him on photos that it wasnt him
Botha laughed, wow, that was a freeze frame moment, he almost appears human.
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