GUILTY South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016 - #2

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A report from the day before judgement was delivered. I wonder if he thought he had months before judgement day would arrive:

"Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe thanked the parties for their closing arguments and said she would deliver judgment at 10:00 on Thursday.

"When she left the courtroom, Rohde lost his composure and sat with his head in his hands, appearing to recover from the news that judgment would be delivered so soon."

Jason Rohde would have had to be like Hannibal Lecter, if the State's version is true - defence
In fact thinking about it, if Spuy had gone the two days he originally estimated the judgement may very well have had to be put in the calendar. Spuy possibly lost him a few more weeks out on bail. :D
I've never been as shocked as I was with learning this verdict, and not because of the evidence but because of her demeanor during the State's closing arguments. I think by that time she had already written up her judgement and she was just listening out for anything she might want to use to bolster her written judgement. Interesting that she asked for clarification on the pillow photographs.

THAT my dear I think was the proverbial nail in his coffin MOO
THAT my dear I think was the proverbial nail in his coffin MOO
You're right, and I had never even heard a word about the pillows during the trial. I knew there were stains on them but I never knew about who slept on which side and how they were positioned etc.
You're right, and I had never even heard a word about the pillows during the trial. I knew there were stains on them but I never knew about who slept on which side and how they were positioned etc.

I was thinking strangulation until Judge started concentrating on pillows and markings of mascara and where pillows were. It seems her facial imprint was on pillow, basically. Am I right? This Judge was brilliant. The recent trials I have followed have had very astute people in charge.
I was thinking strangulation until Judge started concentrating on pillows and markings of mascara and where pillows were. It seems her facial imprint was on pillow, basically. Am I right? This Judge was brilliant. The recent trials I have followed have had very astute people in charge.
Yes that's what she said. I'm waiting to see if a pdf document of her judgement is going to be released so we can read it. If not I will transcribe it from the video. It was so darn good.
My goodness, I am only as far as Dr Khan's testimony and I can't believe the list of omissions he noted with regard to Dr Perumal's report. It's shocking.
I can hardly believe what I'm reading.

Paragraph 15.3 Dr Panieri-Peter

(paragraph before last)

"She also sought to testify to her view that the deceased was most likely to have murdered the accused."

I am so pleased she was stopped in her tracks. I certainly don't remember hearing that part of her evidence. It will be interesting to see if she shows her face again at sentencing.
Rohde daughters set to testify at killer dad's sentencing proceedings
News / 17 November 2018, 1:00pm / Mike Behr

“We love you dad, we know you are innocent and we want to testify for you.”

This was the message Jason Rohde’s twin daughters sent their father via a family member after receiving the news that he had been found guilty of murdering their mother at Spier Hotel in 2016.

The exact nature of their testimony is not known, but Rohde lawyer Tony Mostert confirmed the possible appearance of the Rohde siblings. “In all probability one or more will testify,” he said.

Rohde’s 18-year-old daughters Josie and Alexandra, who are writing matric exams at Diocesan School for Girls in Grahamstown, heard about their father’s fate as they walked into their Afrikaans exam.

“Their immediate reaction was pain and disbelief,” said a source close to the family who asked for anonymity. “That was followed by, ‘When is dad getting out?’ The family member who broke the news then had to gently tell them that he wasn’t, that his bail had been revoked and he was going to jail for the murder of their mom.”

The twins’ message was conveyed to Rohde by family who visited him at Pollsmoor for the first time the day after Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe found him guilty of murder and defeating the ends of justice.

The Pollsmoor visit was very emotional, said the source. “Especially when Jason heard his girls wanted to testify. He smiled and there were tears in his eyes. It was clear it touched him. But he refused point-blank to allow it, despite protest from some family members.”

Rohde’s eldest daughter Kathryn, 20, a Stellenbosch University student, is battling to come to terms with the judgment and is keeping a low profile, said the source.

“She’s damn strong like her dad but she’s also typical Jason and doesn’t talk. She keeps her emotions to herself.”

Sources said Rohde was eventually persuaded by his lawyers to allow his daughters to testify during the mitigation of sentence argument this coming Wednesday.

Adding to weeks of pressure since the November 8 verdict are reports that the State will also be approaching the Rohde daughters to testify in aggravation of sentence.

Added to previous Post:
This is not the first time the State will be seeking evidence from Rohde’s daughters. Sources close to Rohde revealed that State prosecutor Louis van Niekerk had approached his daughters’ therapists for their therapy records while he was building his case.

“He managed to get Kathryn’s records without parent approval because her therapist just handed them over. But when the school was approached to get therapy details and notes for Josie and Alexandra they immediately alerted Jason. After they heard he hadn’t granted permission or even been told about it they immediately sent the prosecutor packing and have been very protective of the girls ever since.”

National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila confirmed the approaches.

“It is the duty of a prosecutor to guide the investigator in evaluating all available and relevant evidence. The State needed to determine before the trial started whether any of the girls could contribute to the State’s case.

“The State disclosed to the defence in 2017 that it made contact with the psychologist of the... eldest daughter. Parental approval in this instance did not play a role, as she is an adult.”

Rohde’s conflict of interest as a father and a murder accused also had informed this approach, added Ntabazalila.

“In the interest of justice and with the best interests of the minor twins in mind, the State likewise contacted the boarding school of the twins,” said Ntabazalila. “The accused, through a law firm, prevented the State interviewing the twins before the trial started. With different facts this could be considered prima facie defeating or obstructing of the administration of justice.”
Do we think it'll probably start at 10am? She didn't give a time, I've just played back that part of the video of the proceedings.
South Africa

‘He’s holding up well,’ says Rohde’s lawyer as daughters prepare to plead for leniency

21 November 2018 - 07:05 By ARON HYMAN
Jason Rohde’s three daughters – as well as close friends of the convicted murderer - are expected to plead with the Cape Town high court to have mercy on the man they love.

Sentencing procedures are expected to start on Wednesday after the former Lew Geffen Sotheby’s International CEO was found guilty on November 8 of murdering his wife, Susan.

In her 254-page judgment, Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe also convicted Rohde of defeating the ends of justice after he attempted to hide the fact that he had murdered Susan by staging her suicide.
The sentencing procedures are expected to start at 10am.
Jason Rohde's lawyer wants leave to appeal judgment
Western Cape / 8 November 2018, 3:02pm / Songezo Ndlendle

The defence then indicated that Rohde will be applying for leave to appeal. "And my lady, if I could address the court on that aspect, obviously, it is premature at this stage for me to go into any depths or discussions of any nature already, regarding applications for leave to appeal. I have been indicated that I will be getting instructions that it is the intention of the accused to apply to this court for leave to appeal."
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