Spicher was gone 3+ hours on day Kyron vanished

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DNA Solves
I had this same scenario in my head, as well! The only part I couldn't make sense of, is why would Terri take DDS to school with her, only to drop her back off at work immediately afterwards? What would the purpose be to have DDS in the truck at the school?

To help abduct Kyron?
Three hours can get you from Portland to Seattle, give or take a traffic jam or 2....

True, though if you were going to Seattle, then there is no three hour time limit because you could never make it back in that time period. Might as well go to California, or Idaho, or Canada - or anywhere!
My opinion is this:

They are building a circumstantial murder case without a body... and they need any and all info they can gather to build that case/lock testimony in place before the grand jury so they return with a true bill.

It is further my opinion that they have the goods on Terri and DDS and are trying to elicit (like I said above) as much information as possible in order to get folks locked into their testimonies.
Deleting this post on my own because I am surely thinking now this is an area that we cannot discuss??

I do feel this is a clear motive in this case. Right now, nothing else makes any sense. MFH, then a child goes missing? Selfish reasons, to soothe oneself into living her life the way she wanted to live it.
I really wish we could discuss it. Doesn't have to be about a sexual relationship, just relationship..very emotional possibly? Who knows?
Like I'd said in my last sentence of my post that you quoted, I think that flyer was to corroborate what they already know, to get more witnesses. I really dont think they'd have all these people in front of a GJ if they don't even have an idea of where TH was that morning. There is more than one possibility for the reason behind that questionnaire. Actually, now that I think about it, (IIRC, not sure here), they said that the flyer was for the public to help ID the second person in the truck, right? I'll have to look for a link in a bit.

I have to respectfully disagree. If they have a witness, they have a witness. How is it going to help to tap someone's memory two months after the fact? Eyewitnesses are actually not very reliable, and there are many, many studies and much scholarly research about the unreliability of eyewitness accounts, not to mention two months after the fact.

If they knew it was DS in the truck or had witnesses to that effect, or witnesses who saw the women together that morning, they wouldn't be appealing to the public, IMHO. Especially not nine weeks after the fact.
So the prosecutor has this case before a Grand Jury and LE is still trying to figure out where Terri and Dede were that day?

This tells me LE has no smoking gun. There are no witnesses who saw Kyron leave with Terri, IMHO. They have no idea what happened, or at least, they can't prove it.

LE is hoping a questionnaire, distributed over two months after the fact, is going to bring them a smoking gun? Houze will eat a two-month-after-the-fact-witness as a snack and barely have to swallow.


Sounds to me like two people aren't cooperating, and what can LE do if these two women won't cooperate and give straight stories? I'm blaming them for this mess, NOT LE. All they have to do is tell the truth, and they just won't do that. It's not LE's fault that they're dealing with two liars. It makes their work all the much harder because of that. It's hard to verify stories when you can't get straight ones, or you get conflicting ones. I have the feeling that a lot of what can't get verified is because TH and DDS were together with no witnesses but Kyron and baby K. It's hard to get witnesses when there aren't any because these two were off on their own doing God knows what to Kyron. I really hope baby K was sleeping through all of this. Kyron is still missing, and baby K is too young to talk about or understand what happens around her. If only she was old enough to talk - then again, if that were the case, she would be missing too.
Initially, sources told KGW that Spicher left the location where she was working at 11:15 a.m. on June 4 and returned around 1 p.m. But Tuesday, those reliable sources said the window of time was even bigger and that Spicher was actually gone from 9:45 a.m. until 1 p.m.


Sources, sources, sources and sources .... :banghead:
Did DeDe's attorney Chad Stavley retract his statement?

Spicher's attorney Chad Stavley said DeDe was gardening on the day Kyron disappeared and never left home.

"She's getting asked questions, she's getting treated frankly, like she's a suspect, when she's not," he said.

Stavley also told NBC Dateline Monday that Spicher had been, and planned to keep, cooperating with investigators. He said that she had already shared text messages and emails sent to and from Terri with detectives.

Tuesday, Jul 27 a

He sounds like one of John and Patsy Ramsey's lawyers. They were "cooperating" too.
I am, however, getting tired of the multitude of sources. That one thing is driving me BONKERS. I really hope the presser tomorrow isn't as empty as the previous one. If LE wants the public's help, they've got to break their silence and talk.

I swear, if there was a drinking game for everytime the word "source" was used in this case, I'd be long dead from a serious alcohol overdose. I'm not sure whether to believe this new Dede timeline or not. Stupid sources.
What if she took DD with her so that she could wait in the truck with Kyron while TH went into the FM stores to buy her "alibi" receipts. Dated 9:12. Would that give her enough time to drop DD off to get to work or drop DD off at work. Then after DD shows up for work pick her up so she can go sign in for her at the Gym while Terri does her thing.
kgw says they learned that she was actually gone from ~ 1000 (per news report on tv) or even as early as 0945 (per written report at link)

they also claim they have info as to at least one bit of info le will discuss at presser tomorrow, that being that th has told so many people so many different stories, it has made thier job much more diificult.

Also, passing out new flier


Like I'd said in my last sentence of my post that you quoted, I think that flyer was to corroborate what they already know, to get more witnesses. I really dont think they'd have all these people in front of a GJ if they don't even have an idea of where TH was that morning. There is more than one possibility for the reason behind that questionnaire. Actually, now that I think about it, (IIRC, not sure here), they said that the flyer was for the public to help ID the second person in the truck, right? I'll have to look for a link in a bit.

I agree with you. It could be that someone saw two women in a white truck but didn't report it because they thought that LE was looking for one woman in a truck or a woman and a child in a truck, etc.
What if she took DD with her so that she could wait in the truck with Kyron while TH went into the FM stores to buy her "alibi" receipts. Dated 9:12. Would that give her enough time to drop DD off to get to work or drop DD off at work. Then after DD shows up for work pick her up so she can go sign in for her at the Gym while Terri does her thing.

Then the "reliable" source would be wrong as the source states DeDe left at 9:45 AM.
Did DeDe's attorney Chad Stavley retract his statement?

Spicher's attorney Chad Stavley said DeDe was gardening on the day Kyron disappeared and never left home.

"She's getting asked questions, she's getting treated frankly, like she's a suspect, when she's not," he said.

Stavley also told NBC Dateline Monday that Spicher had been, and planned to keep, cooperating with investigators. He said that she had already shared text messages and emails sent to and from Terri with detectives.
Tuesday, Jul 27 a

I wonder if these are the emails that are in the news now. Either that or someone from Terri's camp has defected. Maybe the phone pal that stopped supporting Terri after talking to detectives?
Why is DeDe even working in the garden when it rained all night and most of the morning? I guess she could be trimming roses?

Cuz it's Oregon??? Unfortunately, we work in the rain all the time. LOL, it's the norm for that time of year.
In all seriousness though, there was a garden conservancy tour that weekend, this location was part of the tour.
I don't think it was DS with TH at the school that morning. When DS left work around nine, I'm thinking this is when TH handed Kyron off to her and she is ultimately the one who had him after that. Then TH went on to the gym as planned in order to cement her alibi. Actually, my head is spinning and I'm not really sure what I believe any more. One thing I do believe though, these women both know what happened to this little boy and they need to start talking immediately.
So DeDe was 'gone' for 3 consecutive hours that day? How does that correspond to Terri's timeline? SHe went to the second grocery store by that time IIRC. Kyron was marked absent by 10 am. WTH is going on. DeDe looks pretty implicated now. JMO

Is there any proof that Terri actually went to a second grocery store? I know there is a receipt for the first Fred Meyer but what about the second one? I wonder if they got the video from the stores yet?
I'm assuming the person DS was working for went out to tell her lunch was ready and she wasn't there.So,she or he kept trying to call on DS' cellphone and couldn't get ahold of her.Maybe that's where the timeline of DS not being at work came from,if so,maybe the 9:45 is the last time DS was seen at her job and why they're going back to that time.
Initially, sources told KGW that Spicher left the location where she was working at 11:15 a.m. on June 4 and returned around 1 p.m. But Tuesday, those reliable sources said the window of time was even bigger and that Spicher was actually gone from 9:45 a.m. until 1 p.m.


Sources, sources, sources and sources .... :banghead:

Oh,so the person she was working for said 9:45?This is so confusing,because timelines and sources keep changing.LOL
Oh,so the person she was working for said 9:45?This is so confusing,because timelines and sources keep changing.LOL

IMO, nope, it was not the homeowner that said 9:45; it is a source stating what the homeowner stated. Here is what is also in that article:

The person who owns the house where Spicher gardened, who is cooperating with investigators, told investigators she called Spicher on her cell phone but she didn't answer, the source told KGW. A person who was working with Spicher, who is also cooperating with investigators, told them of trying to unsuccessfully find Spicher. Both people have told investigators they have no idea where Spicher was during that period of time.

Everything, except for what has come out of LE's mouth, or via KH and DY, is all from a source.

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