Spicher was gone 3+ hours on day Kyron vanished

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
WTH? Question#

5. Did you have any visitors on June 4, 2020?

Oh Lord, please don't let that be an example of any incompetence that's been going on. Someone had to have taken the time to proof-read this flier, right?
None of this makes sense to me and I am really tired of clinging to this fence...but info keeps coming and none of it pushes me off one way or the other...:(
DS and TH look similar enough, that if it was DS in the truck, it's going to be difficult to prove it wasn't Terri, if that makes sense.
. . . .

I don't think DS and TH look very much alike when you really look at them, but at a passing glance, or through tinted windows, one might mistakenly assume DS for TH.

I am frequently mistaken for another mother at my son's school. We don't really look alike. But we have a similar build. And we both wear glasses. And both had brown hair. This has been happening for 5 years. Even kids will say, "Hi, Nick's mom!" Nick is her son. This past year I stopped coloring my hair. Even with my gray hair, staff, other parents, and kids confuse us.

I have an actual identical twin, so I do not see it at all! And neither do our spouses.

Which brings me to a thought I have had for a while. People who saw Terri at the science fair may well have seen her talking to a boy that they assumed was Kyron at the time. Unless I know the child well, I see kids at school who have a similar build, hair color, etc, but I'm not positive of who it is unless I hear their name or they are with a parent I recognize.
KGW says they learned that she was actually gone from ~ 1000 (per news report on TV) or even as early as 0945 (per written report at link)

They also claim they have info as to at least one bit of info LE will discuss at presser tomorrow, that being that TH has told so many people so many different stories, it has made thier job much more diificult.

Also, passing out new flier


Thanks for the flyer! I would say that would put DDS right SMACK in the middle of this investigation.
Your avatar made me guffaw out loud.


Thanks, I would say I'd leave this one until I fall one way or the other, but I like to change it too often and who knows when that will happen...
Maybe Dede and Terri switched vehicles and Dede was driving baby K around while Terri was off with Kyron.

That would so totally explain the new flyers with both DS and TH photographs on it being distributed to locations where one/both of them is said to be. To clear up any sense of illusion or confusion in advance. Which one was it and where?
KGW says they learned that she was actually gone from ~ 1000 (per news report on TV) or even as early as 0945 (per written report at link)

They also claim they have info as to at least one bit of info LE will discuss at presser tomorrow, that being that TH has told so many people so many different stories, it has made thier job much more diificult.

Also, passing out new flier


What a damn shame.
I am a woman of a certain age. Let's put it this way; I won't see 50 again.

For several years I have noticed, and it has been commented on in society in general, that women of a certain age-maybe 40? stop being noticed by people.

So it is very possible that Dede and Terri could be mistaken for each other, especially if they did things with their appearance that would make themselves look more alike to each other.

Terri certainly looks a lot different in her pictures that they are releasing on the posters than she does on the Terri Horman support page pic on FB. More of a similar to Dede IMO
They also claim they have info as to at least one bit of info LE will discuss at presser tomorrow, that being that TH has told so many people so many different stories, it has made thier job much more diificult.

I couldn't find that in any of the KGW articles, that that's info LE will release tomorrow. Can you please link which one it was in?

I did find this, which is just that unnamed sources said it:

Meanwhile, the grand jury continues to subpoena people to testify about Kyron's disappearance. Sources told KGW that the investigation has been especially difficult because Terri told different people different things, which has created some confusion.

For instance, the sources said that while Terri told some friends that her now-estranged husband, Kaine forced her teen son, James to move out of their house, the opposite was actually true. The sources told KGW that back in March, it was Terri who sent her son to live with her parents, not Kaine. They said the decision was made, in part, so Terri's son could be closer to his father.

This is way out there, but what if it was Dede INSIDE Skyline that day instead of Terri?
I don't know why they would do that, but maybe as a test to see if she could get away with it...
They could have told Kyron it was a big game...
This is way out there, but what if it was Dede INSIDE Skyline that day instead of Terri?
I don't know why they would do that, but maybe as a test to see if she could get away with it...
They could have told Kyron it was a big game...

Given that Terri had volunteered at the school, I just don't see that as likely IMO.
I couldn't find that in any of the KGW articles, that that's info LE will release tomorrow. Can you please link which one it was in?

I did find this, which is just that unnamed sources said it:

Meanwhile, the grand jury continues to subpoena people to testify about Kyron's disappearance. Sources told KGW that the investigation has been especially difficult because Terri told different people different things, which has created some confusion.

For instance, the sources said that while Terri told some friends that her now-estranged husband, Kaine forced her teen son, James to move out of their house, the opposite was actually true. The sources told KGW that back in March, it was Terri who sent her son to live with her parents, not Kaine. They said the decision was made, in part, so Terri's son could be closer to his father.



I commented about this in the Angry!Terri thread, so I'll refrain from repeating, but I will ask, how does this particular inconsistency make finding Kyron more difficult?
My head hurts.

I hate this case.

Everyone has conflicting statements about this case, about the people involved, the times, what they knew and when they knew it, what they didn't know and why they didn't know it, IMHO.

What a mess.

I fully expect the kitchen sink to come flying by my head at any moment.

The only statements that matter are official statements from LE, and they haven't said much at all.............yet.
Perhaps there is more than just TH & DDS involved. If they know that the batphones were purchased the day Kyron went missing, it would be interesting to know if they have proof of WHO purchased them? Could it be another "friend" purchased the phones and took them to them or met them in a parking lot so that they would not be caught on video or paper records purchasing them?

LE may very well know exactly what happened to Kyron but are simply preparing a case w/out a body. They have to have evidence to back up what they know in order to charge someone. What we are seeing has to be leaked information, whether that comes from someone inside LE or one of Terri's "friends" or what not. I can guarantee that "WE, as the public", have not seen nearly the amount of evidence that LE has uncovered.

Great post - you can say that again! :blowkiss:
The only statements that matter are official statements from LE, and they haven't said much at all.............yet.

They use "we can't comment on that" when they seemingly contradict an earlier statement...

I commented about this in the Angry!Terri thread, so I'll refrain from repeating, but I will ask, how does this particular inconsistency make finding Kyron more difficult?

because if LE gets 10 different stories from 10 different people, they have to go over every little piece and see what could be true and what is false.
I am a woman of a certain age. Let's put it this way; I won't see 50 again.

For several years I have noticed, and it has been commented on in society in general, that women of a certain age-maybe 40? stop being noticed by people.

So it is very possible that Dede and Terri could be mistaken for each other, especially if they did things with their appearance that would make themselves look more alike to each other.

Terri certainly looks a lot different in her pictures that they are releasing on the posters than she does on the Terri Horman support page pic on FB. More of a similar to Dede IMO

I can attest to that. I'm 38 and have stopped being noticed. I rely on my witty banter and sarcasm to get that lil "hey look at me" edge I once had when I was 20. lol

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