Spicher was gone 3+ hours on day Kyron vanished

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The only way I can see these 2 not having something to do with Kyron's disappearance is if they were having a little fling (with each other, of course) and haven't come clean about it because they are embarrassed.

I'm not saying it to be funny. I am dead serious.

They need to just TELL THE TRUTH. Whatever that may be.

Where is Kyron???!!

Definitely. I've thought about the "fling" thing for a while. Something is keeping them silent and maybe this is it. I think TH could be a very manipulative person just by her e-mails, man/woman doesn't matter. It's hard for me to believe that these two women pulled off the perfect crime whether it's a kidnapping/or worse.
Originally Posted by SoCalSleuth
Per the latest LE Flyer, it appears LE has reason to believe that DeDe was the one seen in the truck at Skyline. I guess tomorrow we will know if person identified was a male or female. It's certainly plausible that DeDe was at work early (my landscapers arrive at 7 am), was picked up by TH on the way to Skyline, returned to work and then left again. One thing is certain in my mind--it's more than a coincidence that DeDe and TH cannot (or will not) account for their whereabouts at about the same time on the day that Kyron goes missing. What are the odds? Also, although there are many differing opinions on the "look" on DeDe's face as she left the GJ, in my mind she looked smug and defiant. Odd, considering that the life of a 7 year old boy is at stake.


Between 8 and 9 AM? So when did DeDe actually show up that morning at the farm?

Right, Calliope. Like so much else in this case: WE DON'T KNOW. I'm still adjusting to today's news and (not) holding my breath waiting for the presser!:crazy:

Although I'm not on the fence and really never have been, I still like to try to give benefit of the doubt whenever possible, avoid jumping to too many conclusions, and/or filling in the blanks with too much conjecture.

And, Calliope, you help to keep me on the "Scrupulous Sleuthers' High Road!:bow:

This is especially important considering that I've never even really seen the fence in this case!:cloud9:

That's what makes me second your motion here regarding the question of when DeDe showed up on the farm on 6/4. We just don't know.

And, I feel the need to point out that as far as I know from all that's been printed and said about DeDe, she was an intern, volunteering in several different venues involving gardening. So, we don't really know what was volunteer work, what was paid work, what expectations were of her in terms of work hours, lunch hours, etc.

This, of course, doesn't mean that it's not important as to where she may have been on 6/4 and who she was with -- however, it does seem important to me to give her some benefit of the doubt about some things until we truly know, or don't know otherwise. :twocents:

Originally Posted by human
I am a woman of a certain age. Let's put it this way; I won't see 50 again.

For several years I have noticed, and it has been commented on in society in general, that women of a certain age-maybe 40? stop being noticed by people.

So it is very possible that Dede and Terri could be mistaken for each other, especially if they did things with their appearance that would make themselves look more alike to each other.

Quote from Calliope: Terri certainly looks a lot different in her pictures that they are releasing on the posters than she does on the Terri Horman support page pic on FB. More of a similar to Dede IMO
At first I thought there could have been a resemblance, but no more. DeDe has that mouth-full-of-hot-potatoes look. And seeing her hair in the light (as she leaves courthouse), it's not nearly as red as Terri's.


And, you totally crack me up, too, Calliope with that "mouth-full-of-hot-potatoes look" line!:biggrin:

You've been on a roll tonight!:yes:
At first I thought there could have been a resemblance, but no more. DeDe has that mouth-full-of-hot-potatoes look. And seeing her hair in the light (as she leaves courthouse), it's not nearly as red as Terri's.

I wonder if Terri's hair had more blond hues before she had it colored and 'they' made it too orange. Wasn't it sometime before the first family presser that she made this statement to DY? Hmmmm.


I wonder if Terri's hair had more blond hues before she had it colored and 'they' made it too orange. Wasn't it sometime before the first family presser that she made this statement to DY? Hmmmm.



I think so. Can't recall exactly when she was to have said this, but I think it was within the first few days.
Right, Calliope. Like so much else in this case: WE DON'T KNOW. I'm still adjusting to today's news and (not) holding my breath waiting for the presser!:crazy:

Although I'm not on the fence and really never have been, I still like to try to give benefit of the doubt whenever possible, avoid jumping to too many conclusions, and/or filling in the blanks with too much conjecture.

And, Calliope, you help to keep me on the "Scrupulous Sleuthers' High Road!:bow:

This is especially important considering that I've never even really seen the fence in this case!:cloud9:

That's what makes me second your motion here regarding the question of when DeDe showed up on the farm on 6/4. We just don't know.

And, I feel the need to point out that as far as I know from all that's been printed and said about DeDe, she was an intern, volunteering in several different venues involving gardening. So, we don't really know what was volunteer work, what was paid work, what expectations were of her in terms of work hours, lunch hours, etc.

This, of course, doesn't mean that it's not important as to where she may have been on 6/4 and who she was with -- however, it does seem important to me to give her some benefit of the doubt about some things until we truly know, or don't know otherwise. :twocents:


And, you totally crack me up, too, Calliope with that "mouth-full-of-hot-potatoes look" line!:biggrin:

You've been on a roll tonight!:yes:

Sleep deprivation LOL

I also think the shopping (if there was any) that morning was done with TH card but the purchases were made by DD...Part of DD job was to set an alibi for TH...

Something interesting about this theory is that DDS could have been involved in this way without knowing *anything* to do with Kyron. TH could have asked for this alibi to conceal something from KH. She could have said he is very controlling and would go so far as to check up on her if he was suspicious, and she needed this chunk of time to do something she didn't want KH to know about. The cover story to DDS might not have had anything at all to do with Kyron or anything criminal. Just speculating.
That's funny because I'm reminded of Ron & Misty & a little Tommy on the side...In fact, I was just wondering when Terri & Dede get married. And go on NG. And get divorced. And tatooed. And get back together to do drug deals with undercover cops. Yeah. I can't believe how much this feels like Putnam County. Hope I'm wrong. Hope you're wrong (Casey Anthony) too.


All cases like this are similar in some ways because it involves a missing person/child and the perp doesn't want to be caught/punished. It's hardly ever cut and dried, solved and done within a few days. And the longer it drags out, the more it gets talked about and the more crazy details get put out there.
I feel sorry for LE in any of these cases. It must be extremely difficult to sort it all out and get it to make sense.
No two cases are exactly alike, and I see more differences than I do similarities.

Between 8 and 9 AM? So when did DeDe actually show up that morning at the farm?

This is what I'm questioning. If DS was in the truck that morning, then she either met Terri at the house or Terri picked her up somewhere. We know Terri and Kyron were at the Science Fair for a while and until around 8:45 or so. We also know Terri was running errands of some sort, perhaps enjoying a beverage from Starbucks, etc. When did Terri and Dede have time to abduct and either murder Kyron, or take him somewhere, and get Dede back to work? When was Dede at work that morning?

I've never been a fan of TH and DS Are Having a Lesbian Affair, but it almost makes more sense, given the timeline, than these two women working together to abduct and murder a child and then heading to Starbucks or Fred Murray or whatever.

Also, IMHO, I've always wondered if Terri was, initially, a bit vague about her timeline to cover up a lie, but not a lie related to Kyron. After Kaine left, the content of the lie became unimportant, but she couldn't reveal the lie itself to LE without incriminating herself, so she's had to continue with the lie.

Eh, I don't know, while the new timeline for DS provides more overlap, it makes less sense, IMHO. When was she ever even at work? Wouldn't someone notice all the coming and going? And if there was a THIRD person in the truck, Lord help us, because I find it improbable that Terri found two additional people willing to partake in her evil plan to abduct and/or murder Kyron, and yet no one has cracked yet.
Honest to goodness, I have to wonder why this case has gone to the GJ, if this is the best they can do.
I may not be at home at the time of the presser today, so I hope someone will transcribe it and post what was said, so I can get caught up. I don't know whether to expect a real revelation or be prepared for a big let-down.
I wonder if Terri's hair had more blond hues before she had it colored and 'they' made it too orange. Wasn't it sometime before the first family presser that she made this statement to DY? Hmmmm.



Don't think so. I think the too orange thing came about because she attempted to have highlights and instead of coming out blonde they were orangy. Happens a lot with redheads when they get highlights for the first time because the stylist doesn't know just how long to leave the mix in their hair. Or so I'm told...
Cuz it's Oregon??? Unfortunately, we work in the rain all the time. LOL, it's the norm for that time of year.
In all seriousness though, there was a garden conservancy tour that weekend, this location was part of the tour.

Thanks nurseratchett. Please tell me more about the garden conservancy tour. Is it a big affair? Would there have been more than the normal traffic the day before the tour? Deliveries, volunteer workers etc? It seems it wouldn't be a likely place to hide something if you wanted to remain unnoticed. Someone might notice a white truck on a private lane.

It might be a good idea ask any tour workers/guests if they saw anything unusual.
Honest to goodness, I have to wonder why this case has gone to the GJ, if this is the best they can do.

Because the grand jury is an investigative tool. It also locks people into a story because their testimony is under oath.
I'm more interested in what was listed on those receipts.

I don't think it matters what was on the receipts, because if it did matter, TH wouldn't be broadcasting about them in an email.

She WANTS people to know about the receipts.
I don't think it matters what was on the receipts, because if it did matter, TH wouldn't be broadcasting about them in an email.

She WANTS people to know about the receipts.

I'd still like to know what she bought. That day and in the days prior.
The flier does not have a picture of Dede's Blue Ford Explorer, just the White Ford Truck that Terri was driving? Where would Dede's car have been and why is LE not including it on the questionnaire?

Seems likely to me that Dede's truck was at the farm. An easy way to have people think you are working on the 40-acre property when you have actually left is leave your truck within sight of the owner. Anyone looking for you would assume you are there some place. I think Terri picked her up somewhere along the road, on or near the property but out of sight of the house.

Perhaps she came back to work by being dropped off the same way if it is true that she was seen leaving "abruptly" in the late morning. Or what the witness meant by "leaving abruptly" was that she hadn't told any one she was leaving but was expected to be there for lunch.
But, how did DDS help abduct Kyron? Why was she needed to aid in the abduction? Terri could have easily gotten Kyron out of school on her own. If DDS crept into the school and told Kyron to come with her to the truck, so Terri could be seen by others leaving without Kyron (to create an alibi), that didn't work. As, no one saw Terri leave the school with or without Kyron.
Don't get me wrong, I believe both Terri and DDS are involved, but I don't see why DDS would need to be at the school to aid in the abduction.

IMO, there has to be another reason DDS was at the school that morning, if in fact she was, and I can't figure it out?

TP said he saw Terri leave without Kyron
If they worked together to abduct Kyron, I don't think they killed him.

Thats good to know, however for some strange reason I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when I think about what their intent may have been for abducting him..JMO
Thats good to know, however for some strange reason I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when I think about what their intent may have been for abducting him..JMO

Who said anything about warm and fuzzy ?? :waitasec:

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