So the prosecutor has this case before a Grand Jury and LE is still trying to figure out where Terri and Dede were that day?
This tells me LE has no smoking gun. There are no witnesses who saw Kyron leave with Terri, IMHO. They have no idea what happened, or at least, they can't prove it.
LE is hoping a questionnaire, distributed over two months after the fact, is going to bring them a smoking gun? Houze will eat a two-month-after-the-fact-witness as a snack and barely have to swallow.
Perhaps the prosecutor has determined, based on the questions being asked by the jurors, that the GJ isn't getting enough info from those subpoenaed to return an indictment, and so has directed LE to get out there and get evidence, hence the intense searches, the neighborhood canvassing, the questionnaire, etc.
That wasn't my longest run on sentence ever, but it ain't bad.