***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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Caylee never captured the hearts of the jurors.

Respectfully snipped ^^ but omg...that just broke me :( I hope that little sweetpea knows now how many of us out here have a special place in their hearts just for her. ugh :**(
The day before trial Ashton talked to GA. George for the first time ever told him he knew Casey did something to Caylee but he didn't know what. Ashton says this was heartbreaking because he could sense George was very torn in the affection he still had for his daughter and greater affection he had for Caylee.
So the Florida BAR made bad decisions.
- Nothing new there for us.

Ashton dislikes JB.
- Nothing new there.

The defense was making up sensational lies to deflect from the truth.
- Nothing new there.

Cindy is deranged.
- Nothing new there.

Personally would have been far more pleased if there was a solid explanation why the prosecution did not just follow the money trial in main for their court case. Or who was really responsible for J. Perry getting the case given to him. Or who allowed such a flawed jury selection. Etc..........

Sorry, but what does this statement even mean? :waitasec:

As for jury selection, it was televised. I don't think the prosecution was in a position to "allow" anything regarding the selection of jurors.
Respectfully snipped ^^ but omg...that just broke me :( I hope that little sweetpea knows now how many of us out here have a special place in their hearts just for her. ugh :**(
I don't know about you guys, but today was a hard day for me. The moment I saw JA being interviewed on the "Today Show" memories rushed back of sweet little Caylee....the pics, the videos. Not an easy day at all. G-d bless JA for letting the world know what this was all about...a 2 year old girl ...gone too soon.
So the Florida BAR made bad decisions.
- Nothing new there for us.

Ashton dislikes JB.
- Nothing new there.

The defense was making up sensational lies to deflect from the truth.
- Nothing new there.

Cindy is deranged.
- Nothing new there.

Personally would have been far more pleased if there was a solid explanation why the prosecution did not just follow the money trial in main for their court case. Or who was really responsible for J. Perry getting the case given to him. Or who allowed such a flawed jury selection. Etc..........
Maybe nothing new to us...but love that it's wrapped up in one nice little package. What a gift for Caylee!
Funny sidenote, Ashton mentions about when Baez asks Yuri, then you asked her (FCA) if she's ever comitted suicide. LMAO.

I love it how he keeps sticking a fork in Baez......
Baez must be WELL DONE by now.
JB went so far as to tell Cindy, in that secret little session without George, that the authorities had evidence George was involved in Caylee's death.

Believes that JB did all this so that the Ants would not cooperate with JA and team, fearing prosecution.

(I can't begin to express how sickening all this to me. It actually helps to be posting it as I read, takes longer for all of it to sink in).

adding- really need to go get my precious incredible son who i will hug a dozen extra times after reading about these fifthly disgusting sickening folks, the whole lot of them.

I had a sneaky feeling that JB and Casey were more alike than any of us could have guessed. Yes, it's sickening. To make the A's think the prosecution was going after George, he thought the A's would circle the wagon tighter around Casey. It might have worked on CA, but on GA? No. GA fought back every step of the way. Good for him. He was angry at the thought that everyone had forgotten about Caylee. No, he hasn't been 'perfect', but bless his heart anyway.
Funny sidenote, Ashton mentions about when Baez asks Yuri, then you asked her (FCA) if she's ever comitted suicide. LMAO.

I love it how he keeps sticking a fork in Baez......
Baez must be WELL DONE by now.

I hope someone remembers to send a copy of JA's book to Gary Giordano. :)

I had a sneaky feeling that JB and Casey were more alike than any of us could have guessed. Yes, it's sickening. To make the A's think the prosecution was going after George, he thought the A's would circle the wagon tighter around Casey. It might have worked on CA, but on GA? No. GA fought back every step of the way. Good for him. He was angry at the thought that everyone had forgotten about Caylee. No, he hasn't been 'perfect', but bless his heart anyway.

GA is the only one in that family I've ever had any sympathy for. Here's hoping Santa puts a big ol' divorce decree in his stocking this year.
Chapter 22

When Ashton and Frank George opened the evidence package with the trunk liner, Ashton could smell decomposition. The was no mistaking it.
Sadly, Pickle, I must agree.

I'm afraid the only way that bunch could make it through JA's book is if you put on some big, easy-to-read posters with arrows and pictures and lots of short words. Or, you could even write it with a Sharpie on a giant notepad.
I heard on the Today Show segment (at least I think that's where I heard it) that all of the jurors were contacted but not a one had a comment. Good!
back to the Nuclear Lie, JA commenting on JB's secret session and what JB told Cindy about George's "involvement."

It clearly outraged, appalled and sickened him. Calls it a "complete and utter lie," says his words then were actually " that's a f'ing lie."

Offered to Ants' attorney that GA and CA could read the actual transcripts of what OCA had said to both "therapists."
I hope someone remembers to send a copy of JA's book to Gary Giordano. :)

GA is the only one in that family I've ever had any sympathy for. Here's hoping Santa puts a big ol' divorce decree in his stocking this year.

I wasn't a big George fan before the book and am less of one now. He buckled under to Cindy and drank the kool aid.

George, Cindy and Lee all caved. They did not choose Caylee.

The prosecution fought an uphill battle all the way.
JA informed Ants of JB's lie via their atty. CA called JB up and cursed him out for the lie. Ants went to see JA, with atty. Cindy angry, George had been crying, face bright red. CA actually supported George at this mtg.

Less hostility from Ants towards JA after this.
part 11 ends with that.

Part III (chapter 19), the Jury next and beyond, which I think others have already covered? Let me know if not.
JA informed Ants of JB's lie via their atty. CA called JB up and cursed him out for the lie. Ants went to see JA, with atty. Cindy angry, George had been crying, face bright red. CA actually supported George at this mtg.

Less hostility from Ants towards JA after this.

And Cindy still tried to screw over the prosecution at trial. At least now I know why George was so devastated and so different at trial. No wonder he was the way he was with Baez. I can't believe he didn't get up out of his seat and try to strangle Baez. I still can't forgive him for not standing up for Caylee, though. He just couldn't man up and do the right thing. I know he was better in some respects at trial, but that wasn't good enough. He has made the misery he lives in today.
First I just want to thank those who are giving us these tid bits from the book!

I wasn't going to read it because it hurt too much to even think about but after reading this thread, I've changed my mind and will be getting the book tomorrow.

I just want to know, does Jeff talk about Lee at all?

Interesting! I just realized there has been no mention of Lee. In a way I am relieved - Jeff Ashton must realize that Lee was just an unwilling participant in FCA's (and CA's) drama over the years and was devastated by this trial and Caylee's death and so went easy on him.
Scout35 - we were thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time about Lee. I call Cokes!

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