***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When I read about the texts from Amy where she was having some of her belongings sent to the Anthony home --yikes--my hair stood up on the back of my neck. Casey casually gave her the address so her camera could be sent there. What was casey going to do when Amy starting sending things there? That was like her reaching another end of a hallway. Would that force her to stage a home invasion and finish off her folks? Maybe stage a murder/suicide, and plant a note that they had killed the baby too?
That has always been what i imagined she was planning for the immediate future.

Exactly Katyid, And when she reaches the end of the hallway she puts her hands in her pockets and smiles her best Casey smile - I'm sure it helped her get out of many a pickle, and frankly, this Pinellas pickle was no different.
I don't think I knew this tidbit.
in Chapter 18 JA says that in early 2011 Baez called Linda and wished to discuss if the State would accept a Proffer and consider taking the Death Penalty off the table.

So the 2 sides had a meeting, Baez was vague and evasive about the specifics of Casey's story but he felt the story would convince the Prosecutors to remove the DP.

They were interested in what the next Lie would be....but they had to do what was in the best interest of the case

JA said, st first, the offer seemed unconditional but as time went by the DT put a condition on their offer...If the Prosecutors decided to hear the Proffer, the story, then the DP must be removed.
In the end the Prosecution did not feel comfortable with this offer from Casey, considering her well documented history of Lying...so they did not accept it.
we have learned over the past 3 years...Casey does not take responsibility for her actions..
After reading the chapter with the 2 psychologists retelling differing stories based on Caylee dying and inserting George as the Fall Guy....

Keep in Mind I do not for one second believe George EVER molested Casey...

Now....If I did not know anything about this case and just now read about the stories...It would be my opinion, that Baez was lying in opening statements because the story Baez told during opening statements differed from the stories told by Casey to the 2 psychiatrists..and the reports Baez was given by the 2.

Baez (with Casey's help or acceptance????) tweeked the stories Casey had given the Dr's and Baez came up with his opening statements.
Would that be considered Casey 5.0?

Stepping outside of what I believe...If what Casey had told the Dr's was the truth (and I personally do not believe so) then it can only be concluded, IMO, that Baez lied in OS..

IIRC from our WS'ing - she was her usual conniving self, and planned ahead!!!!!!!!! and gave Amy the wrong address (on purpose, of course!!!) so that the delivery.......... was returned to sender.

Hmm.. I think the camera was delivered to Hopespring drive, and CA questioned OCA why it was shipped to their house. I forget the BS story OCA told CA - but whatever she said, it never raised a "red flag" to CA.
I stayed up reading until 3:00a this morning. At that point, I KNEW I had to go to sleep if I was ever going to make it to work today. Still, I was only into the Forensics section and it was heartbreaking to read the details of CSI meticulously sifting through the crime scene to recover Caylee's bones and every iota of possible evidence... God Bless every one of those workers and their devotion to Caylee.

I closed the book and tried to go to sleep. I couldn't...It was obviously a very bad choice to even begin that section before bedtime. It haunted me and was all I could think about. I was wide awake and could tell there was no way I was about to fall asleep.

So, I turned my nightstand light back on and skipped straight to the Epilogue. THAT was exactly what I needed. It gave me a sense of comfort and peace. It was what I needed to prepare me to read the rest. It felt like a big hug from Jeff Asthon.

So, my advice for anyone else having trouble getting through certain parts, go ahead and read the Epilogue. It won't spoil any of the chapter contents, I promise. Jeff simply explains how he has coped with his own feelings of anger, disgust and disappointment. Reading his own words validated my feelings. I finally was able to fall asleep after reading the Epilogue.
I plan on going to the St. Petersburg event with JA. If I get a chance to ask a question, I would like to see what would everybody here wish to have answered. I am giving my question to you here.

List your questions here and we can see what is desired by this team of sleuthers.

Maybe a mod could do a poll to get a consensus.

If it's approved, I would like to know why so much of the evidence we knew about was not presented in court, the fight between CA and KC the night before, the fact that she stole constantly and preyed on her sick grandmother, the character of this girl prior to June 16th that would have shown the jury that she was not this poor victim of an accident, the fact that she disappeared with her kid and made up a babysitter that didn't exist. All of it.
Hurray! My book is finally HERE! Now I can finally read the book and catch up with all you wonderful folks who posted snippets of the book... Thank you for doing that.. You helped me keep my sanity while I raged at Amazon.. lol..

I think I'll go read for a while now.. :-D
Just completed "Imperfect Justice." While there were no 'bombshells' per se there were lots of little nuggets contained within that I was not aware of before. It was well worth the read, IMO.

Two things that struck me toward the end, one bringing tears, the other causing me to laugh out loud. Mr Ashton asserts that he did not take on the case for the win, the glory, or the fame, but rather simply to fight for justice for little Caylee Marie :cry:

While the jury was out deliberating, JA describes how he spent the July 4 holiday in his office, and tells of sitting on a chair in the hallway playing a game on his phone when he was approached by Jose. After greeting one another, Jose told JA that he was "the toughest mother f&*^er I've ever been up against." Jeff says he thanked him, and it was good of him to say even if that was a short list. Don't know why that struck me so funny but I can't think of two people who in my eyes are more polar opposite.

I couldn't agree more with JA's assertion that Jose won "in spite of himself." Touche.
Thanks. Haven't seen that thread, but the conclusion makes great sense and fits in with the forensics JA lays out in the book.

He doesn't mention that as a scenario, but then, he does very little laying out of possible scenarios for any aspect of the case. I got the sense he's not a speculator, at least, not at the end of the day (or case).
I hope someone will ask him the same question when he gets to Florida...because he did say that Caylee was in the trunk for 3 days max...and what I assumed was that there was leakage which is why Casey disposed of her. He never mentioned Caylee being in the trunk for almost 2 weeks. But he did say that it was a stroke of luck for her that the notice about the car took so long to get to the As. It bought her more time.
No, it was because of my involvement in another area, mainly. Have to wait a bit before talking about some of it still, unfortunately. But Beach wants to have a Q&A thread, which I would very much like to do. :rocker::rocker::rocker:
Ok...this is killing me. Please don't tell me it was because of the ping maps.
Gosh...you've been missed soooooooo much.
JA didn't let on one little bit when I spoke to him that he knew about WS. I wonder why.
The only things that I read that I don't remember hearing or us discussing had nothing to really do with the case. I didn't know that JA had been married 3 times and has 6 kids and that LDB dressed up as KC one day. I didn't remember all details, but remember most of the other stuff discussed at some point I believe.
I didn't know he was from Pinellas County.
I hope someone will ask him the same question when he gets to Florida...because he did say that Caylee was in the trunk for 3 days max...and what I assumed was that there was leakage which is why Casey disposed of her. He never mentioned Caylee being in the trunk for almost 2 weeks. But he did say that it was a stroke of luck for her that the notice about the car took so long to get to the As. It bought her more time.

I recall it being one of the forensics witnesses, not JA, that estimated the body did not decompose in the car trunk more than a few days but I did not take that to mean the total time in the trunk was only a few days. I am not sure it was almost two weeks but I had always felt the body was in the car at least a week, possibly 8 or 9 days. I also remember one expert (maybe the same one) saying the body was in the car during two separate decomp stages. I thought that could mean unbagged initially but once odor became noticeable she was bagged and returned to the trunk. And this is an unusual situation because perps do not usually do this--they usually bag a body right away then transport it, or they transport and dump without ever bagging.

If JA said during trial that the body was in the trunk only 3 days, I think he was repeating what his witness had estimated based solely on specific sciences. JA's own estimation would have been based on science plus the timeline of where Casey was at specific times on specific days per phone pings, etc.

Personally I think the reality is a lifeless Caylee was in the trunk for at least a week but not two weeks.
I recall it being one of the forensics witnesses, not JA, that estimated the body did not decompose in the car trunk more than a few days but I did not take that to mean the total time in the trunk was only a few days. I am not sure it was almost two weeks but I had always felt the body was in the car at least a week, possibly 8 or 9 days. I also remember one expert (maybe the same one) saying the body was in the car during two separate decomp stages. I thought that could mean unbagged initially but once odor became noticeable she was bagged and returned to the trunk. And this is an unusual situation because perps do not usually do this--they usually bag a body right away then transport it, or they transport and dump without ever bagging.

If JA said during trial that the body was in the trunk only 3 days, I think he was repeating what his witness had estimated based solely on specific sciences. JA's own estimation would have been based on science plus the timeline of where Casey was at specific times on specific days per phone pings, etc.

Personally I think the reality is a lifeless Caylee was in the trunk for at least a week but not two weeks.

I appreciate your thoughts on this - but if a body is skeletonized in 2-3 weeks - I think we would have seen much more evidence of Caylee's remains in the trunk. Even at three days there would have been A LOT of fluid decomp in that heat...according to the forensics - the SA's not the defense with is pig in the trunk...
I appreciate your thoughts on this - but if a body is skeletonized in 2-3 weeks - I think we would have seen much more evidence of Caylee's remains in the trunk. Even at three days there would have been A LOT of fluid decomp in that heat...according to the forensics - the SA's not the defense with is pig in the trunk...
Yes, JA was leaning towards the disposal date about the 18th when Casey borrowed the shovel. Any seepage from the bag (heck...even odor emanating from the bag, I imagine) would account for the smell...and that smell would intensify in a closed trunk over time IMO.
Yes, JA was leaning towards the disposal date about the 18th when Casey borrowed the shovel. Any seepage from the bag (heck...even odor emanating from the bag, I imagine) would account for the smell...and that smell would intensify in a closed trunk over time IMO.

RROOO4 - did you see the article NavySubMom posted in the other Jeff thread about his appearance and book signing at the Library - a good read!
No, not the ping maps. LOL!

I'm going to ask him if he ever read WS. :)
Phew! When I spoke with Ashton's rep I had mentioned the ping maps...always felt bad that they didn't zero in on the "dump" site. She mentioned that Ashton had said that it was difficult to determine location from the pings because of the position of the cell towers. I haven't gotten into the meat of the book so I don't know if he speaks of the pings...but I know many came from that area near the airport so searches were directed out that way.
MM...the suspense is making me crazy!!
I hope it didn't upset your world too much. You're a gift here on WS!!!
RROOO4 - did you see the article NavySubMom posted in the other Jeff thread about his appearance and book signing at the Library - a good read!
Nope...will go and take a look.
No, not the ping maps. LOL!

I'm going to ask him if he ever read WS. :)

Can't wait to hear the answer to that although I suspect he has read here... otherwise why laugh when you revealed your screen name in the depo? :rocker: So good to see you and many of our other "regular" posters. I've missed everyone.

I just finished the book today and have to say that it was nice to read JA's take on things. WS is the best because we already had most of the things he wrote about. I got a kick out of LDB wearing her KC look alike shirt and sunglasses all the way to Pinellas County for jury selection and JA never noticing until they got to the hotel and FG said, "nice outfit".

The Epilogue actually gave me some of that closure that I've been looking for since the verdict came in. JA is really a great guy and a wonderful prosecutor... not a bad writer either. :innocent:

MM I will be watching for that Q & A thread about your experience.
Hurray! My book is finally HERE! Now I can finally read the book and catch up with all you wonderful folks who posted snippets of the book... Thank you for doing that.. You helped me keep my sanity while I raged at Amazon.. lol..

I think I'll go read for a while now.. :-D

Congrats! My copy FINALLY arrived yesterday as well. I carefully cut the plastic wrapping and removed the cardboard. I carefully flipped through the pages lovingly. FINALLY I could read it for myself.

:banghead: While carefully flipping through the pages I arrived at page 161. Only problem was, it half wasn't there! It was obviously torn and the page's paper was thinner than the rest. It looked like a mouse ate it.

Decision time: Stay up all night and read it or put the almost-mint condition back in the box and write a nastygram to Amazon.com. I followed the latter road. A new copy is on the way and I've decided to read it when I have all the pages. I sure hope it doesn't take another 2 weeks! :furious::furious::furious:

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