Starting over again - Brainstorm session

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DNA Solves
I would like to know who Lindsey knew that owns a 4 wheeler or motorbike as well what ever age they may be...
I keep checking in hopes there is some new news for Lindsey I think of her daily...[/QUOTE

Being that LB was new in town maybe we should also incorporate the friends of LB that knew of people that had access to either a Atv or motorbike. We know that in this community many used the nearby ATV park. Think she would be comfortable especially if it is a friend of a friend.

I wonder do people have to register there ATV's there in McCleary in order to ride them?
We dont have to here where I am they do not have to be licensed.
Just a thought and how to maybe track some things down.
Most kid's likes to ride on an ATV or motorcycle if given a chance to..JMO
Hi there boondock! mom K did make that comment and that's the reason I put it in the time-line. Mom K said she didn't know when mom Baum started calling her cause her phone was dead. Eventually mom Baum reached her and that's why they started searching for Lindsey late...around 10:20 or so, by car. I thought it was unfortunate because mom Baum started looking for Lindsey on foot around 10:00 and joined mom K and boyfriend in a car around 10:20 - 10:30. Mom K wasn't anticipating any traumatic event that night and it could very well be her phone was as dead as Lindsey's. Remember mom K doesn't drive and her boyfriend took, and passed, a lie detector test. LE cleared them! :confused:

Mom Baum thought Lindsey would be walking home with her brother and would not be alone. If I was going to question anyone it would be the person who sent Josh home...and even than that person had no idea Lindsey would be walking home alone. Soooo confusing!

There is something about that (what I bolded), that is just rubbing me the wrong way. I don't know about the rest of you but on more then one occasion I have talked on my dead cell phone while it is charging. It also seems to me MB would have left a voice mail which would have been time stamped.
I named this file 'spitball', but since we don't have a thread for that (nor do we need one) I'm posting these notes from my hard drive here in the 'brainstorming' one. Hope none of you storming brains minds...

It's sort of a running list of questions I've had about Lindsey - and a few answers, where I found them - since she first disappeared.

Maybe something here will spark a clue for someone else; I've hit the wall.

I'm also increasingly curious about the idea that Lindsey might have somehow ended up in a culvert or drain somewhere, as Corallaroc and others are discussing elsewhere in this forum.

Jody King disappeared without a trace after a minor car accident. Witnesses saw Jody exit the wreck and run into the woods, but despite several intense searches by LE, locals and expert search teams that included tracking and cadaver dogs, his body wasn't found until months later. He had gotten himself somehow wedged in a drainpipe on private property, very close to where he was last seen, and died of exposure. I'll bring more specific info here later, but I have to do some errands now. Meanwhile, there's a thread for Jody King, missing from CT, in the Missing/Located forum here that you might want to check out. Very sad.

I wonder all the time if it isn't that simple, and that tragic, for Lindsey.
She was wearing a bathing suit.
I just can't get past that one thing.

All thoughts are welcome on anything here!


Does LB's mom MB have a significant other in McC? Or another ex? Who is her BFF/bf boyfriend? Where was he?
Did KK take a LDT? When? Or, why?

Where was the pool party? Who supervised? What time did LB leave? Who are the other kids LB was seen renting videos with? (I've assumed these were movies; were they games, instead? Think RPGs: Magic, The Gathering, D&Dragons/local groups? teens) When was LB's dinner? Where? When did the KK child hook up with LB, and what did she do while LB showered and changed clothes? Would I let my kid go back out, after a pool party and running around downtown, after a shower, in clean clothes, at 9-something, without an adult? With wet hair? On a broken bike, arguing brother in tow?

LE says someone LB knows took her.
Who would be around for that, during summer afternoons and evenings, regularly enough to know the kids/ that kids know? Think summer night, unsupervised kids, bikes: creeks, woods, town...where's the hangout? Does she like boys? Hannah M? Jonas Bros? What music? Loves Twilight!, reads Harry Potter. Friday night, small town. Known for: shoplifting, being "up to something" (drunk Mark), is "10 going on 16", has myspace x2, single parent/ recent divorce/seperation from dad/conflict with brother/ trouble with other girls (resolved?)/poor attendance/ new school (2nd in 2 years). Normal tween stuff, or real issues being outpictured? Was LB threatened? (MS comment re: "something bad")

Devoted to her German Shepherd; fiercely loyal and protective dogs. Any strange behavior from the dog with any of Lindsey's friends, or MB's friends? Where was she, and why didn't she go with the kids?? Why didn't the dog figure in this?
Woods, forests, trees everywhere. Who are the rebel teens? Who are the 'mean girls'? Where are the spots kids go for spin-the-bottle, cigs?
What was happening at Beerbower park? Did LB play sports? Is there a summer day-camp, maybe summer Bibleschool? Baseball, adult softball? Who are local coaches?

Seen by 2 wits (who are these?) between home and KK's; KK very chatty online. Did she disappear from KK's? Check out KK's strange brother/ other relatives; her version of events keep(s) changing. Truth doesn't change: 1. LB was escorted 1/2way by an unknown child 2) LB was escorted 1/2way by KK's child 3)KK's child watched LB to the end of the street 4) KK's child watched LB "until the trees" (where is this exact location, where trees would obscure KK's view of Lindsey's progress?); 5) 9:15/ 9:30/ between 9 and 10, 9:30 = versions of timeline (all KK's?). What else did KK's kid notice/ see?
Did LB ever leave KKs? Did LB even get to KK's?
When did JB arrive at home? What was his demeanor? When is bedtime for the Baum kids? And where the hell is daddy?

Where are Mom B's parents/sibs/cousins? Where are Sr. Baums? Why did MB and kids come to WA from TN(?)? Check for local ties. Problems in TN? Angry neighbors? Rumors that MB is bipolar; is this significant? What examples of manic episodes - these must exist for that dx? Is she on meds? Antipsychotics? Is she rx compliant?
Is there family counseling/intervention/support for MB's dx/ JB's LD?

LB cell wasn't charged, so left it at home when she needed it most of all. KK's phone was also dead, which meant MB didn't really worry about LB being late until (what time did MB and KK finally speak? ?). Is it strange, that both phones were ooo exactly when they were needed most? Or, normal (like mine).
Soulscape says the perp is someone who chastised LB earlier in the day. Tuba stresses an authority. Astrology also points to someone who is a caretaker of land or property, like a landlord or real estate agent, or maybe a gardener...aLSO, an event published prior to Lindsey's disapperance is key. This could be a yard sale ad, a lost dog flyer, a house for sale sign, promo for the Bear Festival, etc...could also refer to photos of LB (on internet?)
Tuba's chart says someone who was present at the search center last friday at 9:15 am, knows where Lindsey is.

*Tricia said:
Remember, in the press release it says if you want to help organize donations please call the Laura Recovery Center first and they can tell you what is needed. Their number is 866-898-5723.

*cyberswept posted on 8/28/2009 @11:30pm:
From the story on

*Individuals who would like to participate in the search for Lindsey should check in at the McCleary Community Center between the hours of 9 am and 4:30 pm on Friday, August 28th. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and bring photo identification. "Dress appropriately for the weather, wear long pants and sturdy, covered toe shoes. We need people who can do foot searches as well as individuals who are willing to work in the search center explained Dennis. Volunteers are not required to attend the community meeting. In addition, we are looking for donations of bottled water, office supplies and the use of a copier."

>Is this "the" search center?
If so, does that mean it is "owned" by the City of McCleary? Who is the landlord of this property? Who is Dennis?
>see City of Mc Chamber page:
Todd Baun, Cityof McCleary Facilities Manager
*konamocha posted 8/31/09 at 6:50pm, in LB' Forensic Astrology thread (page 14):

>>>I wanted to let you know that there are a lot of the kids that attend school in Elma which starts tomorrow Sept. 1. This is because of conflicts at the McCleary school.<<<

I found the following posts on

*This school is limited in its learning. The Principle and Vice principle are unable to handle any type of situation and do not inform parents right away if there is a situation. Our child now goes to a different school and is much happier and the teachers give him praise on his report cards. That never happend in McCleary which does have some good teachers but some don't care as well, either.
Posted by a parent on 05/11/09

*Most of the staff are great people. The major problem at this school is the principal. Not only is the treatment of the children lopsided as to who he likes or doesn't like but also his treatment of the staff is less than desireable. If your oppinion doesnt reflect his it is easy to get on his 'bad side'. I have personal experience with Mr. Bolander not liking my child. I am just thankful that Elma is only 7 miles away.
Posted by a parent on 01/29/09

*This school has a excellent office staff. The ladies are very helpful and friendly. They really seem to care about each child and parent. I wouldn't send my child to any other school!
Posted by a parent on 09/11/07

*This school is a wonderful. The math program is one of the best it takes a new look in to investigating the math problem. The teachers really do care about the students! The class size is great usually no more than 19 in a class its great!
Posted by a student on 10/12/06

*McCleary school is a fine local K-8 school. Teachers are very friendly and responsive, but need a better discipline policy in the classroom. Math programs need to gear more towards learning fundamentals and less toward passing the WASL test. A return to basics in math and reading would help. Would eliminate having too many math concepts taught in same week. Also students should be taught cursive handwritin despite computer use for writing. Historical documents and letters are in cursive, and anyone should be able to read them. For a small local school, McCleary is very nice. Principal is very open to discussions. Most staff also very receptive to suggestions.
Posted by a parent on 09/04/06

*McCleary overall is a pretty good school. The principal could use some guidance on handling situations and some of the teachers need to learn about the effects on students by students with disabilities.
Posted by a parent on 05/08/06

**notes from affidavit for SW, Sept.25, 2009

THe officer swears on 9/25/09 that " An extensive search was conducted over the next weeks by law enforcement, search and rescue volunteers, canine teams, and citizens.
Baum could not be located nor has any evidence been located."
No evidence located as of 9/25/09!!!

City Council 6/8/2009 notes: What is "Tami Quimby case?"


Note: Soulscape and Tuba are two of our forensic astrologers; their ideas come from the many excellent charts they've done for Lindsey's case.
After going through the first thread and seeing the posts here from way back, but it is coastals post that made me think it would be a good idea to bring it back.

One thing I noticed is there are many entries discussing some form of a white vehicle since the beginning of the case. I thought about saving all post concerning a vehicle being involved and see how it might relate now and after the videos shown from the Shell. I also remember a pertinent subject of the man looking for his lab, asking Lindsey and friend if they had sen him. #144 July 31st. It was reported that Lindsey's mother gave her the stranger abduction talk and the girls went back to the park to help look. One flier was found by Summit road about the lab. When did this man approach the girls because I can't find it to see if it is a mute subject. Did he drive? Lindsey wanted to be veterinarian and someone could have known this and used this info in their grooming and may have wanted to see how the girls reacted when approached??? These guys will go to great lengths especially if part of their illness is thinking they are in love with a child. There are certain circumstances in and around the case that didn't seem as a big deal earlier but seem to be saying look again.

I hope this starts dialog for others who may feel a need to go over stuff again. If not just ignore. I just didn't want the main thread to get boggled down because there so many subjects we can now group together to sleuth my brain feels scattered.
Umm, not sure how all of you want to do this so if I need to sit down and be quiet just give me the glare.

1. What kept brother from going to juvi?
2. excited to hang with Kayla again? Had something happend that kept them apart for awhile?
3. Did Lindsey have a particular teacher or Girl Scout leader to talk to?
4. IMO Lindsey didn't seem to confide in mom?

Novice Seeker

Just thoughts after re reading Lindsey myspace. Wondering what was going on June 7 and June 8 with Lindsey. Had she met a new friend. Wondering if Kayla is MK or is there another girl name Kayla that she knows and had become friends with.
Because Lindsey is a Girl Scout, I wonder if she went door-to-door selling cookies earlier this year, and attracted the eye of someone who lives in the neighborhood where she was last seen, i.e., her own neighborhood.

Remember that Danielle Van Dam (sp?) had been selling cookies to her neighbors, including her abductor/killer whose name, IIRC, is Westerfield.
Just something to think about....and MOO.

Maybe cookie order forms from those sales need to be cross referenced??
Or cameras at the stores she sold at??
Sitting here thinking about the case to date and it occurred to me that having an FBI CARD team moseying around and lingering to ask more questions, and then more, and then more has my head in a twirl. I don't think I have ever heard of such a force by Government agents to let their presence be known causing a sheriff to remain asking the residents to remain calm (why wouldn't they?) as this procedure to find evidence and answers through the storytelling of citizens proceeds on. This doesn't mean that it hasn't happened in the past. I'm just thinking assumptions with a humbled opinion of how this investigation may be unfolding. Even though the statement of 12-14 possible POI's may or may not stand as we speak about the case it was mentioned in a very direct way. The statement given right before the CARD team came into town about "people" diverting by Rick Scott, Sheriff seem to say LE knew about games being played by someone or someones.
When I went through there not too long ago I was intrigued by the FBI hanging out as if they were now comfortable in town. There is a reason why same questions are ask over and over and over and why some of the questions asked seemed odd.

I wonder if the investigation in song would go something like this; 'Sit right back and I'll tell you a tell of a small Northwest town. We've got LE and mayor too who would like to see this through and media hounds, lost doggies and a child still not found."

Little on the silly side, sorry. I'm procrastinating not bored. Off to do shores.
I'm still not ready to rule out the mom. IMO she appears to be passive, unable to be the parent in charge, desperate for attention or perhaps affection. For several reasons there was quite a bit of stress in that home. Lindsey was missing a lot of days and her son was about to be sent to juvi. IMO suspect we still don't a good grasp on this family unit, yet.

Novice Seeker
Is it apprapo to wonder if she was maybe seeing this guy? Hadn't she had a date earlier that evening? I don't know if that was ever confirmed.

Did we see this guy standing on the porch of the search center? Remember, he had on Bermuda shorts, kind of a plumpish guy?

BTW, I have thought allot about MB and think she had been in a hard situation for some time. Her son had hyperactive/emotional problems as I have read it, Lindsey was always on the go, active plus, there were possible physical abuse problems between the kids, she didn't want the divorce and worked a job that didn't pay much so it was tough financially for her to make ends meet IMO.

That is a recipe for constantly being under pressure I think and so I give her grace. Think of the millions of mothers in the same situation. It is a hard go. And it could be if fate hadn't jerked Lindsey away that night she might have leveled out once her son got his problems resolved with the court and got some help from a doctor. She just had a full time job at home and very little in resources to make it run smoothly I think.

God help anyone who is in that situation. xox
I haven't read all the day's fare yet, but thinking overnight I had one thought in mind.

This person certainly had opportunity to take Lindsey. She had been at that adjacent house for many hours that day and the day before as well and he would have had a great view of the girls swimming.

I think the route down Fir was a common one for her to walk from one friend's house to the other, so the chances of this man and Lindsey having met must have been right up there on the high scale.

Opportunity. How many others have we learned about in this case that did have true opportunity like this guy did?

Boy, I'd love to know if this man was familiar with the Beck St area? If he got her in his car somehow, I wonder if that is where he took her? That is where Harry's dogs alerted and where searchers looked intently. I know there is a big ravine there off a logging rd, running north up to Beck and close to where the alerts were made.

Also, I wonder if he was friends with the guy who lived down on Cedar St. He was the one with older parents living in the house, an utterly bizzarro type poster who seemed to know much about McCleary although he was living up in the Seattle area at the time. As I remember it.
Is it apprapo to wonder if she was maybe seeing this guy? Hadn't she had a date earlier that evening? I don't know if that was ever confirmed.

Did we see this guy standing on the porch of the search center? Remember, he had on Bermuda shorts, kind of a plumpish guy?

BTW, I have thought allot about MB and think she had been in a hard situation for some time. Her son had hyperactive/emotional problems as I have read it, Lindsey was always on the go, active plus, there were possible physical abuse problems between the kids, she didn't want the divorce and worked a job that didn't pay much so it was tough financially for her to make ends meet IMO.

That is a recipe for constantly being under pressure I think and so I give her grace. Think of the millions of mothers in the same situation. It is a hard go. And it could be if fate hadn't jerked Lindsey away that night she might have leveled out once her son got his problems resolved with the court and got some help from a doctor. She just had a full time job at home and very little in resources to make it run smoothly I think.

God help anyone who is in that situation. xox
Scandi, bless you and your generous spirit!
Scandi, bless you and your generous spirit!
Thanks Coastal. I raised 2 boys on my own and it was tough allot of the time. But I always drew on the wonderful and happy childhood I had and also, I had family to turn to in times of financial stress. Not all are so fortunate.

Thanks also for your great post. For me it was a complete review of the case which is often necessary when time has passed, like it has here.
Just thinking.....
I was "different" in school....and picked on by girls who were my "friends". It was devastating and I was prolly 13. I missed a lot of school the picking made me feel like crap. So not saying any of these girls had anything to do with anything cept Lindsey's falling grades and missing school. Even though it appears fences were mended, my "friends" pretended things were cool until I trusted them again then .... anyway .... it's been too long this girl's been gone .... I find it encoraging there are people world wide on here that care enough to keep looking ... searching ... reading ... I don't contribute much but care/pray for this girl, her family, her friends. I mostly pray they find her ... I know it's not probable at his point she is alive ... and they find out what happened to her.... and if someone hurt her they find out who and punish that person.
Time wounds all heels....
:>) ----:mad:
wondering if Mccleary has a special watering hole/fishing spot that towns people are familure with that one would go to fish maybe close to a road or even fish off the side of road. Just a thought..
Just thinking.....
I was "different" in school....and picked on by girls who were my "friends". It was devastating and I was prolly 13. I missed a lot of school the picking made me feel like crap. So not saying any of these girls had anything to do with anything cept Lindsey's falling grades and missing school. Even though it appears fences were mended, my "friends" pretended things were cool until I trusted them again then .... anyway .... it's been too long this girl's been gone .... I find it encoraging there are people world wide on here that care enough to keep looking ... searching ... reading ... I don't contribute much but care/pray for this girl, her family, her friends. I mostly pray they find her ... I know it's not probable at his point she is alive ... and they find out what happened to her.... and if someone hurt her they find out who and punish that person.
Time wounds all heels....
:>) ----:mad:

Your post helps me to reflect on the sadness that Lindsey dealt with the last few years. This is indeed, the saddest of all stories, and there are no winners all the way around. I do think she was happy on that June day, however, and sometimes that's the only bright light that keeps my heart from truly breaking over this little girl and the cards that were dealt her.

I'm glad you posted stumpedpa ~

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