State Motion to recover Investigative Costs

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Well...doesn't that just confirm that Casey was lying all along and deliberately leading everyone (perhaps even her attorneys) to believe that Caylee had ever been a missing child?

Casey was found guilty of lying to LE. One of her lies was that her daughter had been kidnapped by a babysitter, and she went as far as to give that babysitter a name. Then three years later Casey, by way of her attorney at trial, admitted Caylee had died the first day and was never missing.

IMO, it will not matter if her attorneys try to claim that Casey waited for three years to tell them that Caylee was dead and had never been missing. These lawsuits are about how Casey's lies led to huge expenditures for public agencies and ruined reputations of private citizens who she pointed at as being culpable. Her defense proves she lied to investigators and to the public. It proves she deliberately attempted to send the investigation off course. These suits are against Casey--not her attorney, so for these particular actions, when Casey told Baez that Caylee was never missing is not relevant. That would become relevant only if someone decides to sue Baez, or if the state bar goes after him.

The problem I still see though is you are trying to prove that Casey knew her daughter was dead when the searches went on and legally nothing has been proven that she did. Nobody legally has been held accountable for Caylee's death, when they knew she was dead, etc. You bring up the OS but the problem there is the OS is/was not evidence. Casey didn't admit anything because she didn't testify to the fact in a court of law that her baby drowned.

Now, if she would of got on the stand and actually testified to a drowning, then you got something.

In this article and video, they're discussing exactly what I want to know: how can KC pay? My eyes lit up toward the middle of the article, where it says KC's failure to pay could result in serious prison time!! :woohoo:

The most realistic scenario to me is that she'll strike some kind of book deal, where she may not be the author, but she will cooperate with an author and get a percentage from it. She can pay the state back in installments. It probably won't be difficult once she gets a deal, and I think she will eventually, if she doesn't land her behind back in jail first.

So they are suggesting OCA be "like the church lady" sober and quiet and then in a year, come out for an interview because millions are obsessed with this case.

Hmm - but what exactly is she going to say? I'm innocent? I'm guilty so sad too bad? I'm never going to tell so go suck eggs? What could OCA say in an interview that would cause me to watch it and second - believe a word she would say.

Thinking.....thinking......................................................................................................................................... :waitasec:
So they are suggesting OCA be "like the church lady" sober and quiet and then in a year, come out for an interview because millions are obsessed with this case.

Hmm - but what exactly is she going to say? I'm innocent? I'm guilty so sad too bad? I'm never going to tell so go suck eggs? What could OCA say in an interview that would cause me to watch it and second - believe a word she would say.

Thinking.....thinking......................................................................................................................................... :waitasec:

I think people would watch an interview by her, if for no other reason than to pick apart every lie, every raised eyebrow, every smile, tear, cough, facial expression, what she is wearing, how could she have the gall to go on tv and lie, etc.

I do believe, many people may tell themselves they are 100% sure they know what happened to Caylee, but they would watch her interview to confirm what they believe they know. Some people may hope she actually tells what happened, so they will watch. Aside from the brief moment she spoke at her trial, when JB and CM were not there yet, has KC herself said one word to the public? Yes, her lawyers have said mouthfuls in her name, but has she said anything? Many people will just be curious to here what she has to say herself, even though no matter what she says it will be hard to believe.
I think people would watch an interview by her, if for no other reason than to pick apart every lie, every raised eyebrow, every smile, tear, cough, facial expression, what she is wearing, how could she have the gall to go on tv and lie, etc.

I do believe, many people may tell themselves they are 100% sure they know what happened to Caylee, but they would watch her interview to confirm what they believe they know. Some people may hope she actually tells what happened, so they will watch. Aside from the brief moment she spoke at her trial, when JB and CM were not there yet, has KC herself said one word to the public? Yes, her lawyers have said mouthfuls in her name, but has she said anything? Many people will just be curious to here what she has to say herself, even though no matter what she says it will be hard to believe.

Nope. I won't. Didn't watch the parents, won't watch the felon. What' the point? What would she confirm other than she is the most prolific liar ever. Got it. Don't need to see it.
Nope. I won't. Didn't watch the parents, won't watch the felon. What' the point? What would she confirm other than she is the most prolific liar ever. Got it. Don't need to see it.

I think the same people who watched CA would watch FCA if she did an interview. Morbid curiosity, train wreck syndrome, take your pick. It would get a high rating no doubt.

In this article and video, they're discussing exactly what I want to know: how can KC pay? My eyes lit up toward the middle of the article, where it says KC's failure to pay could result in serious prison time!! :woohoo:

The most realistic scenario to me is that she'll strike some kind of book deal, where she may not be the author, but she will cooperate with an author and get a percentage from it. She can pay the state back in installments. It probably won't be difficult once she gets a deal, and I think she will eventually, if she doesn't land her behind back in jail first.

Isnt that what OJ did to avoid the judgement from the wrongful death lawsuit?
So they are suggesting OCA be "like the church lady" sober and quiet and then in a year, come out for an interview because millions are obsessed with this case.

Hmm - but what exactly is she going to say? I'm innocent? I'm guilty so sad too bad? I'm never going to tell so go suck eggs? What could OCA say in an interview that would cause me to watch it and second - believe a word she would say.

Thinking.....thinking......................................................................................................................................... :waitasec:

She may miss the peak of interest in her if she waits to long. After all, the case is over for the most part and people will move on...Susan Powell, Kyron Horman, Hailey Dunn...those cases are waiting to break.
She may miss the peak of interest in her if she waits to long. After all, the case is over for the most part and people will move on...Susan Powell, Kyron Horman, Hailey Dunn...those cases are waiting to break.

Agree - not sure she's already peaked - and her parents haven't helped with their fiasco earlier this week.

But what do I know? People watch and hate it but the ratings don't care if we hated it or not - just that we watched. So maybe there is an audience out there waiting. I definitely got the feeling CBS is just sitting there waiting...with an offer. They are saying 200K is about all she would get. What do you think Jose? Ready for a low ball?

It does seem the only thing this family understands is money. Take the money away and maybe they will go away.
Honestly, I think whatever KC has to say will be marketable, just not right now. She's a household name, however notorious. I envision her blaming everything on GA. I envision her telling a sordid tale of molestation, and horrifying threats if she ever spoke up about it.

By the way, please tell me I'm wrong! :tears:
Honestly, I think whatever KC has to say will be marketable, just not right now. She's a household name, however notorious. I envision her blaming everything on GA. I envision her telling a sordid tale of molestation, and horrifying threats if she ever spoke up about it.

By the way, please tell me I'm wrong! :tears:

I agree, it would be a sordid tale and the lies could even become worse. Casey has not learned any lessons. There's no reason for Casey to change her ways since what she has done all her life works for her.

As far as George being blamed over and over again, I can easily see Casey doing that. She knows there are people ready and willing to believe anything negative that anyone--even a proven liar--says about George. I am not defending him as I will not defend any Anthony, but because George has rubbed some people the wrong way they will always be ready to believe without a doubt any BS the felon spews about George. Some will actually believe that faster than they will believe a mother could murder her 2-year-old and toss her away like garbage.

So yes, there will be a market for some time to come for more of Casey's lies. It will be tabloid TV and out for ratings only, but that will not stop people from tuning in.
What I don't understand is why people aren't lining up to sue the shoes off of G & C Anthony. The lies and finger pointing they did was just as bad as the Convicted Felon's through her mouth piece JB.

And for the life of me I will never understand why charges weren't brought against the pair of them for obstructing an investigation and purjery.
What I don't understand is why people aren't lining up to sue the shoes off of G & C Anthony. The lies and finger pointing they did was just as bad as the Convicted Felon's through her mouth piece JB.

And for the life of me I will never understand why charges weren't brought against the pair of them for obstructing an investigation and purjery.

BBM: Same here. At the height of the "missing child" investigation, the parents were lying and obstructing as much as the killer was.
What I don't understand is why people aren't lining up to sue the shoes off of G & C Anthony. The lies and finger pointing they did was just as bad as the Convicted Felon's through her mouth piece JB.

And for the life of me I will never understand why charges weren't brought against the pair of them for obstructing an investigation and purjery.

Outside of maybe TES, what grounds would anyone have of sueing them? The hardest thing to prove is what someone knew and didn't know at a certain time. You may think you know they knew about Caylee in the summer of 08, but how do you prove it? The state couldn't even prove stuff against Casey, why bother with the parents?
Agree - not sure she's already peaked - and her parents haven't helped with their fiasco earlier this week.

But what do I know? People watch and hate it but the ratings don't care if we hated it or not - just that we watched. So maybe there is an audience out there waiting. I definitely got the feeling CBS is just sitting there waiting...with an offer. They are saying 200K is about all she would get. What do you think Jose? Ready for a low ball?

It does seem the only thing this family understands is money. Take the money away and maybe they will go away.

There's always an audience for this kind of stuff. All one needs to do is look at what gets watched these days on tv. People like drama, even if it's fake drama. They watch train wrecks because you just don't see a train wreck (especially something like this case) every day.
I agree, it would be a sordid tale and the lies could even become worse. Casey has not learned any lessons. There's no reason for Casey to change her ways since what she has done all her life works for her.

As far as George being blamed over and over again, I can easily see Casey doing that. She knows there are people ready and willing to believe anything negative that anyone--even a proven liar--says about George. I am not defending him as I will not defend any Anthony, but because George has rubbed some people the wrong way they will always be ready to believe without a doubt any BS the felon spews about George. Some will actually believe that faster than they will believe a mother could murder her 2-year-old and toss her away like garbage.

So yes, there will be a market for some time to come for more of Casey's lies. It will be tabloid TV and out for ratings only, but that will not stop people from tuning in.

BBM: People who think like this must live in a vacuum and never read the news, because every day or two I read about a mother killing her baby or small child. Just yesterday a 25 year woman from Tennessee, who while living at home managed to hide her pregnancy and delivered twins herself in the family bathroom. As each one was born, she held her hand over the newborn's mouth so the child would not cry and alert her parents. Then when the child stopped breathing, she wrapped the dead baby in a towel and put them both in the laundry hamper, where her father found them and alerted the authorities. An apparently normal Caucasian girl who attends church regularly with her family. At a church close to her home, where she could have left the babies with no questions asked.
Mothers don't kill their children? Maybe lawmakers need to speak up and educate the public more.
I hate to :deadhorse:, and that's what the A's debate is.

However, CA is the one who called 911 and got the ball rolling. Why would the SA go after charges on her? They wanted KC then, they know KC is solely responsible for Caylee's death, they didn't get a conviction, CA and GA are not on their radar.
The problem I still see though is you are trying to prove that Casey knew her daughter was dead when the searches went on and legally nothing has been proven that she did. Nobody legally has been held accountable for Caylee's death, when they knew she was dead, etc. You bring up the OS but the problem there is the OS is/was not evidence. Casey didn't admit anything because she didn't testify to the fact in a court of law that her baby drowned.

Now, if she would of got on the stand and actually testified to a drowning, then you got something.

Except she was found guilty of lying to LE. Doesnt that legally prove she knew her daughter was dead?
They dont need to go after CA. She didnt impact the case in the end, imo. She didnt change the outcome of the trial with her perjury.
They dont need to go after CA. She didnt impact the case in the end, imo. She didnt change the outcome of the trial with her perjury.

Agree - or her attempts to hide or obstruct the collection of evidence. I think the LE were "on" to her very early on. Plus experts have said it is a very small amount of family members who do not lie to the LE when their family member is charged with a crime. They almost expect it. And perjury charges very rarely get convictions except in political crimes..

<modsnip>. As long as we're listening - she will lie! We need to just let it go at that.
Well, I go back to OJ. The Goldmans won a civil suit and as far as I can recall, they were never paid for any of that (or at least a large majority). OJ Simpson was not broke, no matter what he said.

The Goldmans were not after money. They wanted OJ held responsible for their son's death. They wanted to make his life as difficult as possible. They did not care if they ever collected a dime but if word was out that OJ had anything of value or cash on hand, they pressured him. Not for money, but to send a message.

In Casey's case, the state wants to send a message as well. But...they also must attempt to recoup monies needlessly spent. The State of Florida might just be a bit more insistent with Ms. Anthony than the Goldmans were with OJ.


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