State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I missed testimony regarding Jodi's IQ. Can someone pls share that tidbit of info? TIA

Arias' IQ is 119.

She scored 138 on the verbal portion of the IQ tests, but there are four portions. The 138 verbal score was combined with the three other scores, resulting in an IQ of 119.
Since we have a long break and we're nearing the end of the trial, I'm going to go watch some videos of testimony from earlier in the trial. Anyone have any suggestions of particularly interesting or exciting trial days?
All the days that Juan cross-examined Jodi. :great:
This is a legit question, not trying to be a wise*** for real. How could anyone believe her, with exactly ZERO corroboration of anything she said anywhere?

I'm really trying to consider all options for everyone on the jury. With all of the evidence on the State's side, what could anyone possibly hang on to if all the defense has is the word of a psychotic liar who has clear motive to lie? A few text messages where TA appears angry? I mean...THAT could be enough? :help:

Like believing the abuse allegations for example. No writing in the journal, no witnesses except the magically awol MM, who said he'd lie for her, no medical reports, no police reports, no pictures.

The pedophilia allegations. Nothing found on the computer, no witnesses, no activities that TA undertook specific to targeting children, no police report, no journal entries.

A completely implausible timeline of events on 6/4, including wounds that directly contradict the murderer's account.

Gas cans, phone turned off, gun theft, lies to the police, cleaning up the crime scene, deleting photos, dumping the weapons, setting up an alibi in Utah.

I could go on and on....what basis could someone actually believe her? They would have to be totally void of even the most basic understanding of people.

The jurors have to decide whether they believe the evidence or Jodi Arias. They cannot have it both ways. There is overwhelming evidence of premeditated murder in this case.

On the other hand, JA's version (#3) of events borders on insanity. It is the most ludicrous story I've ever been unfortunate enough to listen to. The best (or worst) part of this story is how Travis body slams her and then she rolls away. I'm surprised she didn't say she flew away.
This is a legit question, not trying to be a wise*** for real. How could anyone believe her, with exactly ZERO corroboration of anything she said anywhere?

I'm really trying to consider all options for everyone on the jury. With all of the evidence on the State's side, what could anyone possibly hang on to if all the defense has is the word of a psychotic liar who has clear motive to lie? A few text messages where TA appears angry? I mean...THAT could be enough? :help:

Like believing the abuse allegations for example. No writing in the journal, no witnesses except the magically awol MM, who said he'd lie for her, no medical reports, no police reports, no pictures.

The pedophilia allegations. Nothing found on the computer, no witnesses, no activities that TA undertook specific to targeting children, no police report, no journal entries.

A completely implausible timeline of events on 6/4, including wounds that directly contradict the murderer's account.

Gas cans, phone turned off, gun theft, lies to the police, cleaning up the crime scene, deleting photos, dumping the weapons, setting up an alibi in Utah.

I could go on and on....what basis could someone actually believe her? They would have to be totally void of even the most basic understanding of people.

Exactly. And also her self defense claim only works, imo, if Travis had beat her up so badly before that she had legit reasons to fear for her life! Even by her account, the "abuse" that she flashed back to when he supposedly "slammed her to the ground in the bathroom and she had the wind knockedout of her" ended up with him shaking her and then going upstairs to punch the wall repeatedly before apologizing. Not that I believe this even happened, but even if you did, Jodi did not testify to such a level of physical abuse from Travis that should've led her to fear for her life to such an extent that she would feel the need to grab a gun and shoot him and then proceed to stab him 29 times before cutting his throat.
The jurors have to decide whether they believe the evidence or Jodi Arias. They cannot have it both ways. There is overwhelming evidence of premeditated murder in this case.

On the other hand, JA's version (#3) of events borders on insanity. It is the most ludicrous story I've ever been unfortunate enough to listen to. The best (or worst) part of this story is how Travis body slams her and then she rolls away. I'm surprised she didn't say she flew away.

That's a silly statement considering the two women currently on AZ death row WERE very attractive before incarceration! Debra Milke & Wendi Adriano were attractive young women at their trials--relatively speaking, of course.

Juan put Wendi on Death Row, he can certainly put Jodi there. (Milke's conviction was recently thrown out)

A non-comprehensive list of young decent looking women (@ least @ the time of arrest) on DR:
Christa Pike
Michelle Michaud
Cynthia Coffman
Janeen Snyder
Darlie Routier
Brittany Holberg
Good point! Especially with all the criminal law tv shows on. She's not really smart: just good at pretending.

Her narcissism got in the way. Her narcissism is prolly one of the biggest factors as to why she sits in jail at this very moment.
I was just googling that!
Sadly YES!
I expect some from JW

I can't remember from other trials I have watched - are attorneys allowed to object and have sidebars during closing arguments?

Have you both seen the end of Mel McDonald's closing arguments for Doug Grant? JM was the prosecutor. If not, watch from about 05:50 Other highlights from 04:20 :) Mel McDonald's scowl is really funny after the objection, esp after he was pretending to be emotional!


ETAAll 12 parts of the documentary are on Youtube btw.
Arizona taxpayers are on the hook for almost $2million for the cost of JA's defense. At the same time JA has been selling her traced and paint by numbers "art"work for thousands of dollars. What a wacky world.

I'm more shocked at the people buying it. :facepalm:
The jurors have to decide whether they believe the evidence or Jodi Arias. They cannot have it both ways. There is overwhelming evidence of premeditated murder in this case.

On the other hand, JA's version (#3) of events borders on insanity. It is the most ludicrous story I've ever been unfortunate enough to listen to. The best (or worst) part of this story is how Travis body slams her and then she rolls away. I'm surprised she didn't say she flew away.

It is hilarious, JA gets body slammed on the tile, rolls away, jumps up,
runs to the closet and leaps into the air to grab the unloaded/loaded
not for real gun. Very sad and pathetic.

I guess she thinks everyone is totally stupid.
<respectfully snipped for length>

The medical examiner said that it was impossible to determine whether the knife wound was left to right, or right to left.

You are absolutely correct. That is why I wrote IMO. Usually when slicing something, the start of the slice is deeper, hence my opinion. The hesitation wound right above helped me form my opinion. :seeya:
Yes but they ought to keep it to a minimum. I remember when Baez made an objection during the State's closing and said 'May we approach?' to which Judge Perry said 'No". So funny!

I miss Judge Perry. Most of the time he played the role of Kindergarten teacher, with Baez and Ashton. Baez and his forever "oops I do not have the files" it reminds me, somewhat of Samuels.
Please don't get irritated--I'm sure that this has been asked and answered somewhere before, but I am curious. In this trial, will jury be the ones deciding the penalty, or is it the judge?
OH what I'd give to look at the forged letters! I wonder why she didn't charged additionally for forging documents and tampering with evidence.

Hmmm, is it too late? Did I read that the forgery evidence was not presented to the jury because it was too prejudicial for the murder trial? Does that mean she gets away with evidence tampering, or can new charges be brought against her after the murder trial (if that makes any sense at all).
I hope the Jury has immediately flushed Alyce and Dr. Samuels' testimony down the toilet so to speak, where it belongs. They both owe TA's family an engraved apology at the very least.
Something fish about him and his testimony IMO he sounds very scared. JA likely has enough pics, tapes, etc on him to put him in prison - wouldn't be surprising!!!

I relistened to DB a couple nights ago as well.... Hinky meter alert!
Jeez theres something off with that boy applies to him imo
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