State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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YES!! she thought she was being so smart with her reason of buying a 9mm and her camping trip LOL! Can you imagine the jury thinking " omg, she is ready to kill again"

Maybe she was going to pull a Bonney and Clyde. On the police
people are worried about if 1 juror feels sympathy or can relate to Jodi, but think about it, she is so unlikeable,she thinks she's superior, she denies that she ever felt jealous, or remorseful, she got gifts and sympathy from her psychologists, she sparred with JM and held up court with her headaches, she lied to the jury several times, right to their faces, when they asked her why should we believe you now? and juan proved that was a lie. Her accusing TA as a pedophile with no evidence, She sits in court coloring and detatching herself from the prosecution's accusations,and displays so many obvious signs of trying to manipulate the jury with her fake eyeglasses, vontrapp pose and her displaying her double jointed bent finger . I don't know how anybody can feel any thing positive about her, i think she is the most unlikeable person and i hate her, in fact i think she is the most hated woman in USA right now.
There are lots of us re watching trial today! I don't think It wasn't directed at you please don't take it personally. I wasn't the original poster but I am sure it is for other people other than you. see you down thread.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Thanks. I do understand that a lot of people are rewatchings, but if a post is in response to my post and I'm confused at why I'm being presented with the response, then I'm gonna ask for clarification. The OP gave me that clarification and I am no longer confused.
See you guys later! I'm off to clean my house, do the laundry, etc. I said it before, albeit incorrectly: "I vvish I knevv hovv to quit you"! (And yes, I'm using my son's old laptop . . . just vvaiting for delivery of my nevv one! You vvon't be able to make fun of me then!)

Becky We don't make fun of you :angel: (even if you do sound liike Dracula :dracula: :floorlaugh:

I'm going also to dso some yardwork- beautiful day.

Why don't you'all come to the Sidebar tonight- there's a hottub, chicken wings, and lots of drinks and music.

Personally I believe JA's emotional IQ appears to be in the range of a young adolescent - around 14 years old. Not sure about the psychopathology but clearly there is more to Jodi Arias than has been presented at trial especially from a forensic point of view.

Interesting, that was the age she got caught growing pot.
Also wanted to add that on day 24 she admits that she had already spoken to an attorney before calling DF....WTH

That's confusing. It was my understanding that she'd called and pursued Flores until after she gave him the DNA. I thought at that point, she'd told him that a lawyer had advised her against talking any further?

She lies so much, I don't even know up from down. I have watched day 24 to about day 29 like 3 times, and I can't keep her lies straight.
Becky We don't make fun of you :angel: (even if you do sound liike Dracula :dracula: :floorlaugh:

I'm going also to dso some yardwork- beautiful day.

Why don't you'all come to the Sidebar tonight- there's a hottub, chicken wings, and lots of drinks and music.


Go enjoy some sunshine for me and the girls! I'm still contemplating going to the grocery store. the rain let up, but I'm lazy now. might go to taco bell instead......:seeya:
Becky We don't make fun of you :angel: (even if you do sound liike Dracula :dracula: :floorlaugh:

I'm going also to dso some yardwork- beautiful day.

Why don't you'all come to the Sidebar tonight- there's a hottub, chicken wings, and lots of drinks and music.



The Real Vampiress
What I have to admit that I am bothered by is WHY did she tell Ryan that she was on the way?

If I recall correctly, she called Ryan before she called Travis for that last time. I'm thinking that she'd decided not to go through with her plan, but contacting Travis and not getting the response she wanted, she decided she was going through with it but didn't call Ryan back.

I just don't know. I'm confused by that.

ETA--maybe I'm going to Wendy's.......
Interesting, that was the age she got caught growing pot.

And probably when JA's skin breakouts appeared. There's something very odd about her buying 2 facial cleansers from WM on June 3 + getting written up in jail for secreting "acne lotion" somewhere in her cell. She's definitely got some arrested development issues.
It's not to address directly your conversations, I have been reviewing her police interviews and found it interesting how she painted a picture to police that if she "had" been guilty of murder, she would be remorseful.

Obviously her only remorse is getting caught (to me). I don't think she ever regretted killing Travis, so for me, I am not sure if she could experience a guilty conscience...I think she is glad to this day he is gone. She won something in her sick mind. Just my opinion, and that is why she deserves DP.

BBM she never regretted killing him, she says in the police interrogation that she knows Travis is fine, in a better place, he is OK
Maybe she was going to pull a Bonney and Clyde. On the police

I think maybe she was too chicken to commit suicide but if cornered after she fled Yreka she may have pulled the gun on police hoping they would kill her
That's confusing. It was my understanding that she'd called and pursued Flores until after she gave him the DNA. I thought at that point, she'd told him that a lawyer had advised her against talking any further?

She lies so much, I don't even know up from down. I have watched day 24 to about day 29 like 3 times, and I can't keep her lies straight.

IIRC from testimony JM stated on June 10 the day after she was told travis was killed she called DF. That is when she admits an attorney told her the call would be should have seen Juan's face lol. He appeared elated by this.
Maybe this question is better suited for the legal eagle thread, but since I'm here anyway.... Does anyone know if JA's commissary acct can be frozen in light of her copyright infringements?
What I have to admit that I am bothered by is WHY did she tell Ryan that she was on the way?

If I recall correctly, she called Ryan before she called Travis for that last time. I'm thinking that she'd decided not to go through with her plan, but contacting Travis and not getting the response she wanted, she decided she was going through with it but didn't call Ryan back.

I just don't know. I'm confused by that.

I think I have a theory for this..
1) Her friends/family/auto rental knew she rented the car on June 3th and was leaving for Utah
2) She told Ryan she was driving straight up there and should be there June 4th
3) When she doesn't show up there on june 4th, she can claim she got lost on the way and that's why she's late.
4) If she had told Ryan she was going to be there June 5th, but rented the car on June 3th, the police would ask: "SO you DID plan to make a visit to Travis Alexander from the start!?"
Thanks. I do understand that a lot of people are rewatchings, but if a post is in response to my post and I'm confused at why I'm being presented with the response, then I'm gonna ask for clarification. The OP gave me that clarification and I am no longer confused.

Also us folks using Tapatalk versus being up at computer, are unable to find our way back to where we were reading if we respond to a post or want to post something! It isn't like being on the computer. So a lot of times with my phone I will respond .. leaving the original just so I can get back to my original reading spot.

otherwise, it is almost impossible to easily and quickly get back to where you were reading if you are using Tapatalk.


Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
That's confusing. It was my understanding that she'd called and pursued Flores until after she gave him the DNA. I thought at that point, she'd told him that a lawyer had advised her against talking any further?

She lies so much, I don't even know up from down. I have watched day 24 to about day 29 like 3 times, and I can't keep her lies straight.

I believe it said in Flores' investigative report that Jodi called Travis' friends at the scene asking to talk with investigators. She called again and Flores took a statement from her over the phone. Later, when he asked her to come to his office to make another statement she showed up while Travis' friends were there but told Flores that she had heard she was a possible suspect and needed to speak with an attorney. Shortly thereafter, she called Flores by phone and said she'd changed her mind again and would come in to make another statement.

It just creeps me out no end knowing she kept calling to talk to investigators who were inside the house with Travis' body.
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