State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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Sometimes and I'm not sure how frequently Travis's friends came in through the garage door which was key coded. I think Travis gave this number out fairly freely so it may be sometimes the door was locked and people could just come and go....

Enrique said that around the time of the murder, he found it odd that the front door was locked. He said this in Flores' report. Oddly, he also said he didn't have a key and had to get in through the garage.

I find this so odd that Travis would travel, but Enrique didn't have the key to the house, but maybe it was because he'd just moved in a couple weeks prior??
Watching HLN and this Nancy Grace coverage..

Just showed ALV saying.. "If Jodi was a really good liar, shed come up with a better lie"

First time I heard that I said "Please tell me she just didn't say that".. watching again I say... "I can't believe she actually said that" sounded like something that came out of Jodi's mouth and ALV quoted her


JA may not be a liar that tells the best lies but she's a manipulator that can make one question whether the lie could have happened. How many people post, "Jodi said" which is a lie right there. Lot's of people believe parts while not other parts. Manipulators, and I've had one in my family, can make you almost believe a ridiculous lie and make you question yourself or them. The lie can be not so good but it's all in how you tell it and what trash you can make up to collaborate it.

I don't think I made a bit of sense here LOL
For interested parties, someone purports to have a copy of Gus Searcy's calendar, including June 4, 2008.

I've been very curious about who she was with as well and I was surprised that JM did not follow up on this...

I think that if Juan opened that door it would give the jury room for "reasonable doubt". :twocents:
It could be, but I don't know if they would. Prisoners can be blocked from buying things for a certain period of time due to behavior infractions.

What was alyce thinking if these weren't odd stalking behaviours
Sleeps under a Christmas three after told she couldn't stay
Crawls in thru the doggie door and sleeps on his couch
Finds her hiding in a closet after returning from a date
Finds her asleep on his bed.
Peeks thru windows
Follows him

Those are "normal" stalking behaviors, don't ya know.
Especially someone supposedly suffering PTSD in which the trauma involved a GUN! A person suffering gun related trauma is not even going to want to even look at a gun. And The trauma was her being forced to use deadly force to defend her life and so she is going to put herself in a position where she may have to do so again???

ITA~ In my childhood there was some trauma involving a gun. Cut to more than 30 yrs later, Christmas Eve - my nephew, who had just returned from his third tour in Iraq (thank you for your service, all service people and their families!) went out to his car and brought in a gun. I KNEW it was unloaded, I KNEW he had no ammo, I KNEW he had no intent other than to show his dad his new gun which was like the one he used in Iraq - and none of that mattered. I got all hot, sweaty, my chest felt like an elephant was on it, and I began to shake (for real, not JA shaking). I left the room as I didn't want anyone to notice my reaction. Another nephew then came into the kitchen, where I was, and saw something was wrong. He sat with me. My nephew who brought the gun felt horrible when he realized what happened, but it wasn't his fault. It was the fault of someone a long time ago.
All this to say, there is NO WAY that JA has PTSD from the killing and then would EVER be comfortable near a gun or especially buy one herself. I have NEVER had a gun in my home. My children weren't even allowed play guns, bb guns, etc. I just can't handle being around them.
Enrique said that around the time of the murder, he found it odd that the front door was locked. He said this in Flores' report. Oddly, he also said he didn't have a key and had to get in through the garage.

I find this so odd that Travis would travel, but Enrique didn't have the key to the house, but maybe it was because he'd just moved in a couple weeks prior??

I remember something similar.

When I was growing up and going in and out o the house a lot (in the good ol safe days!) we used the garage door all the time and just kept the front door locked. I think mum was worried about us losing a key but if we knew at least one person was home, that was the way we went in and out. So I guess that part didn't sound as odd to me...
It seems there is some confusion about when Jodi was supposed to arrive at Ryan B's house. Jodi told Ryan that she would arrive on 6/4/08 between 12 and 1 pm.

I also saw questions as to why Jodi would tell Ryan she would be there between those times when she planned on going to Mesa to kill Travis. Below is my reasoning for this.

Jodi left Pasadena, CA around 8:40something on the evening of 6/3/08. She went directly to Mesa, AZ and arrived around 3 am on 6/4/08. The drive time from Pasadena to Mesa is around 6 hours. Jodi originally planned on sneaking into Travis' home when she arrived and killing him while he slept. Instead of sticking to her original plan she decided to wait and kill him later during the day. Perhaps she waited because one of his roommates was home. Perhaps she waited because she wanted him to know that she was the one that was killing him. Either way she "chickened out like a little b@tch" and didn't follow through with her original plan. Lets give her 30 minutes to enter the house, snoop some, kill Travis and then leave. So let's say that she would have originally left Mesa around 3:30 am. It takes around 11 hours and 19 minutes to go from Mesa, AZ to West Jordan, Utah. This would make her arrival time around 2:49 pm. It is much easier to explain away an hour or two of being late than it is 23 hours. Jodi arrived at Ryan's home between 10 and 11 am on 6/5/08.

I don't remember that. I have to go rewatch. But she's the one who made herself a suspect by leaving a message for Flores before he even stepped into the house to first review the crime scene. Her guilty conscience was as small as a pea, but it made her act like Tale Tell Heart.

I remember having to read that book in junior high! It gave me nightmares to think of that heart still beating under the floorboards! LOL
Yeah same here! Matt's disappearance, I'm not convinced that there wasnt an ambush.

It does seem plausible but why would she not throw them under the bus? Why wouldn't the DT go down that road. They could have concocted some crazy excuse such as, JA wanted to confront TA but was afraid for her life and X and Y were there for support and things got out of hand, or some such nonsense.

I think she did this alone. Did MM and DB know about the plan? Maybe, I find that more credible at this stage. If they admit to it, then that is would be conspiracy I believe for them and if she tells, it's premeditation for her. So, no one says a word.
And/or reporting the Helio phone as stolen in May 2008, yet taking a picture with the stolen phone on June 3, 2008 - and her testimony stating May 2008 was the last time she saw it. IIRC

Since I missed all of last week, and videos I will looking at is this one and I will try to study it to see if Juan specifically states which camera phone . I am surprised while they were on the stand he did not differentiate whether it was the same phone or a different phone. the previous testimony by Jodi or Gus was that insurance was used after the previous one was lost. But I don't remember any evidence to any of that coming up in the trial anytime?

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ITA~ In my childhood there was some trauma involving a gun. Cut to more than 30 yrs later, Christmas Eve - my nephew, who had just returned from his third tour in Iraq (thank you for your service, all service people and their families!) went out to his car and brought in a gun. I KNEW it was unloaded, I KNEW he had no ammo, I KNEW he had no intent other than to show his dad his new gun which was like the one he used in Iraq - and none of that mattered. I got all hot, sweaty, my chest felt like an elephant was on it, and I began to shake (for real, not JA shaking). I left the room as I didn't want anyone to notice my reaction. Another nephew then came into the kitchen, where I was, and saw something was wrong. He sat with me. My nephew who brought the gun felt horrible when he realized what happened, but it wasn't his fault. It was the fault of someone a long time ago.
All this to say, there is NO WAY that JA has PTSD from the killing and then would EVER be comfortable near a gun or especially buy one herself. I have NEVER had a gun in my home. My children weren't even allowed play guns, bb guns, etc. I just can't handle being around them.

A :hug: to you Midwest!

I like the fact that JA has PTSD and 1 week after the murder she buys a 9mm. Weeks later, she's found packing another rental car with knives WTH!
Starting around 1:50 of day 24 she keeps saying "we" while describing her trip through California. Who was driving with her all that time does anyone know?

I didn't hear that, will go back and listen again.

Around 1:58 she says she met MM in Santa Cruz after driving from Redding, stayed at his place. JM asks what time in the morning did she wake up, she said she doesn't remember, then says it was before Jack went to school.

I thought Jack was DB's son? :eek:hwow:
Starting around 1:50 of day 24 she keeps saying "we" while describing her trip through California. Who was driving with her all that time does anyone know?

Starting about 1:57 on this video, she is talking about leaving her sibling's house after getting the car on the second. She says she drove out, stopped again and slept. JM asks if he asked her if she slept. (LOL) The question was her trip down to Monterrey and what time.

Her answer: It was very, very late. I think it was even the 3rd in the morning because we had stopped in Santa Cruz first.

JM doesn't get fazed by this. He asks again about the time.

Her answer: Yeah, I think it was past midnight by the time we got to Monterrey.

He asks if she met anyone in Santa Cruz. She says she met MM and his roommate. (Hence the we???)

I'm confused now, because JM starts to ask her about spending the night with MM and when she got up.

From the sound of this, and JM not being fazed by her "we" statements, it seems she met MM in Santa Cruz and they (possibly with the roommate?) drove down to Monterrey, where they spent the night after getting in late. But I'm bothered by who the first "we" is that "stopped in Santa Cruz."

At about 2 hours into the video the discussion turns to Darryl.

Where did MM live at that time?
YES!! she thought she was being so smart with her reason of buying a 9mm and her camping trip LOL! Can you imagine the jury thinking " omg, she is ready to kill again"

I know..seriously. She is supposed to be selling us this diagnosis of severe PTSD---and yet she says she planned to go camping in the remote wilderness with 4 guys she barely knows, and who frighten her to the point that she needs to buy a Glock? Right....:liar:
Tomorrow (Monday) we can say day after (Wednesday) we have court. Yay!

Justice for Travis is fast approaching. Here's hoping for an awesome closing by our one and only JM and a super quick murder 1 verdict.

you can bet ja will be in tears when prosecutor martinez is finished.
Yeah I'm curious too and she also bought double burgers and double other stuff on her trip. If mm was with her she may try to give a different story after she tries to appeal.

I'm curious to know which cell tower MM's phone pinged when JA called him after the murder.
This is a good read about what the jurors of Wendy Andriano went through in making their decisions
I hope it's not against the TOS to quote myself ;) however I wanted to add this link. I'm sure it's been shown before but it's a good chance to see Juan speaking again and who wouldn't want that? Interesting to see how Wendy also went for the librarian look in court and previously had taken pride in her appearance. Btw, the jury only took 2.5 hours to decide she was guilty!

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