State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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They were looking at the time gap. Flores questioned her about it in the interview. But whether they did look at it wasn't my point. My point was that I believe she'd had to consider as part of her alibi that they'd look at it.

Ryan did not say anything in testimony that she said anything to the effect of spending another night anywhere else.

What I'm discussing is part of her premeditation. I cannot understand why she'd indicate to Ryan that she'd be there straight away. She even said in court that she'd intended to be to Ryan straight away.

The problem is, there's no call to or from Travis AFTER her Ryan call to change that plan. Remember when she told us that she told Travis, "I'm coming to Mesa" and she said he said, "Really?"

So that talk happened according to her phone records BEFORE she called Ryan. (I know her and Travis did not have that conversation, but this is why she said.)

So I don't get why call Ryan after that and say she was coming. Either she thought she'd only be about 5 or so hours late, or she'd changed her mind about the murder, then on the drive to Utah, changed it back and went on to Mesa.

I know she began with premeditation. I can see her having second thoughts, telling Ryan she'll be there, then as she drove, she decided, nope. I'm killing him, just like I planned.

If not one of these two things, I don't know what else makes sense.

I understand exactly what you mean and I don't get it either, I am doubtful she was 'maybe si, maybe no' on her way to Travis' but I don't get either why she'd give Ryan a time that wasn't possible for her to be at his place with her plan of going to Mesa.
It's my understanding that Gus gave Jodi a helio phone because she "lost" her original phone.

She used to record the "sex tape" - early May in 2008

She "lost" it.

Gus replaces it for her a 2nd time. - don't know the timeline, sorry.

Fast forward .....................................>>>>> Travis' killing.

While Jodi was in jail, she needed "proof" of Travis' sexual deviancy, abuse blah blah.

Magically the first helio phone is found in Jan 2010 and oh... what is on it? The "sex tape" for the whole world to hear.

***Anyone, please correct me if i'm wrong as that's how I understand it***

It's very understanding is

Her phone (non Helio) was ruined by coffee (hot chocolate?) in her U Haul

Gus gives her first Helio

Sex tape made on first Helio on May 10

First Helio is lost/stolen May 18 in Yreka, reported to police

Phone is insured and Jodi Journal Article of May 22 indicates second Helio arrives

June 3, 2:25pm pics taken after hair color on a Helio......

I am unclear on pics. Taken on Helio 1 or Helio 2?

Seems risky to take the Helio 1 to Travis to blackmail him. If she played the tape for him he can just grab the phone and smash it, throw it in the toilet..etc.
Well, it looks like the checkpoint did miss the upside down license plate. Why would she fix it for the checkpoint and change it back to upside down in Utah, where she had no reason to be invisible/unidentified?

I think that she took the plates off altogether while in AZ (or at least in the Mesa area) and then after the killing put them back on. In the dark, or in her panic mode, she just got the back one on upside down.

IMO she only flipped the plate in Utah close to Ryan's house so that the police would pull her over therefore she would have concrete proof she was not in AZ. What better way than a police report to prove you were in Utah. She would not want a ticket in AZ or Cali so there is no way she risked flipping it until she was in the perfect spot in Utah to get stopped.
Her moms behavior in court has been so. Not proper. There's something off with that family.

I tried to make all kinds of excuses (in my mind) for the actions of ja's mother and aunt...until they started wearing the DA ribbons....that did it for me. They know as well as we do ja was not a victim of domestic abuse..and for them to wear those ribbons is IMO a slap in the face to all real victims of DA. You are right....there is something off with that family....very off! :stormingmad:
Sorry to keep asking... but was the Helio that JA claimed she "lost" and was later found in 2010 really the one JA had the trip to murder Travis? That would have been the one that Gus supposedly gave JA to replace the allegedly damaged one (yet JA says she got her insurance to replace the supposedly lost one with with sex tape).

Do you know which phone the police had when JA was arrested on July 15, 2008?

By some accounts, JA had three phones and by others there was one (or two). There has to be some reason that there is so much confusion about these phones beyond the normal confusion created by JA's multiple lies about everything. :abnormal:

According to her story, I count up three phones.

I take things for granted, like the police could see from records whether or not she actually did buy and use a third phone. It only says she had the third phone per her diary. If she'd only had two and the Helio hadn't been lost, at some point, she had to have another phone after she stashed the Helio in her grandfather's truck.

So maybe she never lost the Helio, it was the only phone she had on her trip. Once she got home, she hid the Helio, doctored her diary, and got another phone? A prepaid one like you can get at Walmart? I don't know. I'm assuming she had to have some phone and with a number that Freeman knew (because he called her the night of the body discovery. Unless she'd called him prior with this new number from the third phone).

It's very confusing to me, and I want proof of this third phone, basically.
As I recall there were several instances when Jodi Arias smiled even laughed and licked her lips when anwering questions posed to her by Juan Martinez about sexually graphic text messages. After re-watching her testimony I'm convinced the jurors had to notice how Jodi Arias clearly appears to be enjoying herself - certainly not showing embarassment at her raunchy language nor expressed desire to F*ck TA like a "dirty horny little school girl." She is obsessed with sex and it shows.
I understand exactly what you mean and I don't get it either, I am doubtful she was 'maybe si, maybe no' on her way to Travis' but I don't get either why she'd give Ryan a time that wasn't possible for her to be at his place with her plan of going to Mesa.

Thanks, Geevee. Because this is in my top 100 Jodi puzzle pieces.
On June 4th 08 the last outgoing call on TA's phone was at 12:13 p.m.

After that time, multiple calls and texts came into TA's phone, none of which were answered. Now seeing that TA was to be on a conference call at 7 p.m. that day, it makes no sense that he would ignore those earlier calls and texts prior to that conference call.

That indicates JA had TA in that shower at knife or gunpoint. He was not voluntarily posing for any of those pics she took IMO

Thank Nhic, I have been asking about this for weeks, JA tells Det. Flores and testifies that they slept after she got there and awoke about 1:00 p.m., had sex, took pics, showered. Travis texted with Chris Hughes at 12:13 - lie exposed that they slept until 1:00, Travis never touched his phone after 12:13 even though lots of calls and messages were coming in.

I believe he was unable to use the phone after his noon-time text.

Does anyone know if EXIF data is found with thumbnail pictures? I believe Melendez said the nudie pics were all thumbnails and both Flores and the lady detective asked JA if she had taken all of the photos on the 4th, so obviously they were unsure of some of them.
Did DB maybe have Jack for visitation on that day? I think DB testified he and his wife shared custody, though why it was important for JA to throw in "before Jack went to school" who knows? Wait a minute!

OK this might sound crazy.....but here's my just came to me.

JA has something on DB, I've always believed that since hearing him testify and his fear of answering JM's questions honestly. I think JA threw in that "before Jack went to school" as a veiled threat to DB, who IMO JA has something with which to blackmail him and that something is big enough for him to lose custody and visitation rights. Why else would it be important for her to throw in the "before Jack went to school"? Who would care other than DB.....and DB's ex-wife?

If someone was travelling with her from Redding to Santa Cruz, could it have been her sister who drove her to Redding from Yreka?

This is just a school calendar for one school in Salinas, but I see that this year school ends on May 30 and summer school does not start until June 11...
Does anyone have any knowledge of where DB lived and what school system
his son may have been enrolled in in 2008?
I DO NOT want he or his son "sleuthed". I just want to know what was the likelihood that DB's son didn't attend school on June 3, 2008.

It would make sense if it were the first week of summer break that he might have been with his dad.

Have a few thoughts in my head if this is the case.
Well, it looks like the checkpoint did miss the upside down license plate. Why would she fix it for the checkpoint and change it back to upside down in Utah, where she had no reason to be invisible/unidentified?

I think that she took the plates off altogether while in AZ (or at least in the Mesa area) and then after the killing put them back on. In the dark, or in her panic mode, she just got the back one on upside down.

Arias would not have driven in Arizona with an upside-down license plate for fear of getting pulled over and ruining her plan of invisibility in AZ. With that being said, I believe the following must have happened ... she (not the skaters) removed the front license plate at Starbucks and also switched out the back plate for an AZ plate (either stolen or from a previous registration). Once again, a partial truth was told by Arias as she tossed the front license plate in the car which would not be needed if she put on an Arizona plate. If indeed there were any toll cameras in AZ, the original Cali plates would not have registered, further bolstering the lie that Arias was never in AZ.

This would mean that she went through the Hoover Dam checkpoint with the Arizona plate or she never went through the checkpoint at all. I believe there was a Hoover Dam bypass in 2008 ... locals please correct me if I'm wrong.

IMO, Most likely she put the Cali plates back on the car in the dark after getting close to I-15 and in her haste of being caught, put the back plate on upside-down. She would have not needed the extra Utah alibi so I believe the upside-down back plate was a mistake on her part.
Good point. Once you have watched, could you follow up on this for us?

I follow this case as closely as I can with a full time job, but I have missed a lot of testimony. I would love it if someone could lay out the lies to the jury and in her journal related to his issue. Thanks in advance! :seeya: @ 7:40. He referenced the pictures to previous exhibits showing blonde/brown hair. So it's not saying that these photos were the same phone - but it was indeed a Helio phone.
BBM~ or Gus or MM.

On June 3rd, immediately after leaving DB's house, JA deposited $800 in 2 accounts. Where did she get that $800? DB?

ETA: trying to figure out DB's reluctance to answer JM's questions....heh heh
I have no input on the phones because I am in a fog over them and missed much of the testimony. I do not even know what a helio phone is.
Hi Yes or No,

This is the third time I've tried to respond to your post! Each previous attempt vent phffft each time I tried to submit it.

Anyvay :)floorlaugh:):

I knov you're not making fun of me. It gives me great pleasure to make some of you laugh. I believe that non-mean laughter is so poverful. Laughter can heal us, and laughter can cause real, genuine, social change. Tyrants don't like laughter . . . and I assume that psychopaths also don't like it--that is, assuming they even understand vhat it means.

Thanks for the invitation to the Sidebar. The vings, drinks, and music sound appealing. But the hottub? I assume that vater and Count Beckula don't mix!


Vell, for the record, I'd like to velcome you to vebsleuths.

Although I probably von't be the first. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Vhat a good sport you are!!!
It's very understanding is

Her phone (non Helio) was ruined by coffee (hot chocolate?) in her U Haul

Gus gives her first Helio

Sex tape made on first Helio on May 10

First Helio is lost/stolen May 18 in Yreka, reported to police

Phone is insured and Jodi Journal Article of May 22 indicates second Helio arrives

June 3, 2:25pm pics taken after hair color on a Helio......

I am unclear on pics. Taken on Helio 1 or Helio 2?

Seems risky to take the Helio 1 to Travis to blackmail him. If she played the tape for him he can just grab the phone and smash it, throw it in the toilet..etc.

I think that was the whole purpose of getting that Helio from Gus, to have something to store the copied over sex tape on for whenever her plan called for its use.

I do not think that sex tape was made on May 10th, '08, I think it probably happened the year before and she copied it to the new phone, giving it the date of May 10th, '08. Moo
Re: the $800 - Paul Somebody - the guy she knew from the Internet cafe said that he loaned it to her. He said she told him that TA was "seeing" other people and that she was frantic to get to Mesa. Does anyone else remember this or am I in a fog?

Do you remember when or where you heard this? This is the first I have heard of this. (I feel like I'm in a fog of mud.:please::banghead:)

I only assumed the money came from DB because she deposited it shortly after leaving him, and he behaved so strangely and unnaturally on the stand.
When I reply on a computer, I right click and open it by making a new tab I open response in a new tab. that way when I am finished with the response I merely close the tab and go back to the page I was reading. Hope that helps. If anyone knows how to do it on phones and iPad let us all know!

Also with tap a talk, when you come back later and login after your close Websleuths down it does not get you to your first unread. It goes anywhere and no where but not where you were if you know what I mean.

unlike on the computer where you can click on the *last read* button and it will send you straight to where you left off.:)

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2


I can't believe I never figured that out! It also works just fine on the iPad, too---hold finger on the quote button until the pop-up lists shows and choose to open in new tab.

IMO she only flipped the plate in Utah close to Ryan's house so that the police would pull her over therefore she would have concrete proof she was not in AZ. What better way than a police report to prove you were in Utah. She would not want a ticket in AZ or Cali so there is no way she risked flipping it until she was in the perfect spot in Utah to get stopped.

Yes, but she didn't need an alibi in Utah. She could prove that she was in Utah via Ryan Burns, Leslie Udy, et al. Besides, I don't think JA's that industrious. If she wanted to get a ticket she could just speed or run a stop sign. No, I think, as the OP says, she removed the plates in AZ as to not trigger any of AZ's "camera tickets" or to avoid someone around Travis's place taking down her plate. Then, in the dark, while she was cleaning up and getting rid of the gun, clothes, etc., she just messed up and put it on upside down. She got by the checkpoint because it is more likely that the inspector would be checking your car (and plate) out when entering, rather than when exiting.

I'm too the point that Jodi pretty much lies about everything and it is cumbersome to keep track of. Some details are clear in my mind, but others aren't.

I have re-watched Ryan B.'s testimony.

She also lied about how much time she spent with mr burns. She was there longer than she claimed.?
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