State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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This is the accounting that I found:

Monterey, California

Arias made three deposits to different accounts at a Washington Mutual branch:

10:10 a.m. $400 to account # ending 8006
10:11 a.m. $300 to account # ending 7148
10:15 a.m. $100 to account # ending 7148

It doesn't say cash/check, however.

If it was cash, I imagine that she kept some of it too -- AFAIK paid for the "salon" visit in cash that day.

That's exact same accounting I presented with half of the $800 in one account and half in the other account. Since the whole of the $800 is deposited, if any of it were cash, she wouldn't have kept any. But if she got cash from Brewer or MM, then that could very well be what she was using to do her cash purchases--which I assume would include the salon.
Add to the list of bad lies:

During direct from Nurmi, Jodi says shes wake up from the fog while driving somewhere in the desert. She was thirsty and gets a water bottle out of the truck and also uses some to wash her hands off. She remembers throwing the gun in the desert. She remembers throwing the "rope" in a dumpster behind a gas station (probably should have gotten gas while she was there). She says she knows Travis is dead and she did something bad. After Nurmi prompts here about something bad, she states its wrong to kill someone even if they attacked you. So she then says she starts to take steps to "delay the inevitable". She called Ryan and Leslie and says she got lost. She calls Travis' voice mail and trys to leave a cheerful message. She says she "called him back, deleted the last message by pressing 3, and left a cheerful message". I don't know of a voice mail system that will let you delete messages after you've hung up and called back.

If it were me, at about the time I realized Travis is dead, I did something bad, and I need to take steps to delay the inevitable I would first PANIC! The very first thing I would do is look to see if I had all my bags. Did I leave anything incriminating behind? Wonder if I wiped off my fingerprints in my fog. OMG the sex pictures and the shower pics! They are on Travis' camera. Do I have his camera with me? They will know I was there... But no, she says none of this. She did however "search the car" for her "lost" cell phone charger. She didn't worry about any of this because she knew darn well she had covered everything before she left. :floorlaugh:

She said took her 3 tries to get acceptable message on TA's voicemail. I thought that meant she was listening to his VM's to see what came in. She is sneaky like that.
Isn't this in a closed hearing, not a part of trial testimony, but a part of a hearing to do with Chris Hughes or something? Gus saying Chris threatened him?

This wouldn't be the place for Gus to give testimony about Jodi calling him to say Travis was dead. Wasn't that originally what we were discussing when you told me he wasn't allowed to finish testifying?

I guess we're somehow discussing two different matters.

Go to page 55. It did not have anything to do with Chris. That was a smoke screen. It was meant to muddy the waters Look at my post on page 55. He had no right pleading the 5th.
Maybe I am confused! sorry

But Gus did not testify on the stand that Jodi called him after the murder, it was on HLN. Not sure if you saw it or not.

To me, he is hiding something, that's all.

Isn't this in a closed hearing, not a part of trial testimony, but a part of a hearing to do with Chris Hughes or something? Gus saying Chris threatened him?

This wouldn't be the place for Gus to give testimony about Jodi calling him to say Travis was dead. Wasn't that originally what we were discussing when you told me he wasn't allowed to finish testifying?

I guess we're somehow discussing two different matters.
I was trying to find the order of them. I guess yes, Gus just wanted his 2nd 15 minutes of fame, the 1st being the Judge Judy appearance. Thanks for correcting me. Cheers!

It's okay. I'd forgotten about the evidentiary hearing. I just so happened to rewatch his testimony earlier today when we started talking about him and I'd admitted I hadn't paid him any attention.

But this hearing reminds me. I guess it's the reason we didn't hear again from Chris or his wife in the actual trial?
Jodi could of also been a pot dealer. imo

That's exact same accounting a presented with half of the $800 in one account and half in the other account. Since the whole of the $800 is deposited, if any of it were cash, she wouldn't have kept any. But if she got cash from Brewer or MM, then that could very well be what she was using to do her cash purchases--which I assume would include the salon.
Haven't posted, because it's taken me this long to read all of you guy's great posts.
Thanks for some good reading. Now - good night! lol
Re: the $800 - Paul Somebody - the guy she knew from the Internet cafe said that he loaned it to her. He said she told him that TA was "seeing" other people and that she was frantic to get to Mesa. Does anyone else remember this or am I in a fog?

Paul Stern (?) her barfly buddy. Some times local bar regulars sit same stool alla time - near another regular. Course I am just guessing (ahem). This guy gave her $ - he was on Dr Drew with some interesting inf. I think it's on Youtube.
That's right. And ALV too. She never came back.

It's okay. I'd forgotten about the evidentiary hearing. I just so happened to rewatch his testimony earlier today when we started talking about him and I'd admitted I hadn't paid him any attention.

But this hearing reminds me. I guess it's the reason we didn't hear again from Chris or his wife in the actual trial?
I did at first now? Not so much.
I can't find it.
JC interviewed him after he refused to give the name of the woman.
It was a client of his and they were headed to court.

He says he would not give her name because it was not relevant to Jodi's case.

Someone did find that the woman had gone to court that day but seriously!
How could anyone believe him anyway.

All we know is it was NOT JA she was in jail.

No worries, he's an attention-seeker anyway.

Friend and supporter for Jodi (phone, RV Vegas trip)
"Mentoring" a woman to dinner, but didn't want to say her name bc of GF
And lets not forget his appearance on Judge Judy (transcript)

Partial youtube video here : Gus Searcy on Judge Judy - YouTube

Wicked stuff.
I don't have an idea of how JA got her money but I doubt it involved anything like the sex trade or selling drugs. Every aspect of her life has been discovered and laid bare. I hardly think a thing like selling her body or being an escort would have gone unnoticed by Juan. He doesn't miss a thing. And although some may argue that it wasn't disclosed because it's not relevant I would think that being a prostitute of some kind would definitely be relevant to this case. Any illegal act they could uncover by her would be part of the case and even a motivation, if Travis was threatening to expose her. I think she probably was able to get men to give her things without having to have sex with them. Unless she wanted to, of course.
HAT, the link is below. It's the call in interview from Paul Stern.

Paul Stern (?) her barfly buddy. Some times local bar regulars sit same stool alla time - near another regular. Course I am just guessing (ahem). This guy gave her $ - he was on Dr Drew with some interesting inf. I think it's on Youtube.

In interview with JC, Gus says he was with a "young lady named Charmaine Jubin [spelling phonetic]...acting as a process server that day...."

From the youtube link ElleElle posted above.

Interview with Gus Searcy - YouTube

Thank you!
Yes that was her name...
I hate it when I can't back up what I KNOW I heard!!!

ok... I can sleep now.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

*it solves nothing, other than I heard it.
Gus did not write down the name. He did not have the right to plead the 5th. It did not have anything to do with the case. Some of what he said was a smoke screen. I did see him on HPN. He spoke about what he did not want to reveal in court. It did not have anything to do with this case. He explained that he had someone in the car that he was helping with PPL. Its not unusual for people who are doing well to get together with others to teach the ropes to. Thats all it was. So why the plead the 5 th? The person in the car was a female and Gus had a girlfriend. He said he did not want to reveal the name because Chris Hughs is high up inthe company and this person was afraid . Again, BS. On tv Gus said there was a rumor he was cheating. He explained he was teaching someone the ropes. Its not unusual to do this over a meal. Hes right about that, so why hide it? Why plead the 5 th? The courts dont care who he has lunch with. His girlfriend might.

Deedee21, now that's some drama! No doubt this girlfriend didn't like him giving Jodi free phones, either. I was trying to figure out why Jodi had to pay him back for a free phone. Maybe he wanted sexual favors in return. who knows.
Arias would not have driven in Arizona with an upside-down license plate for fear of getting pulled over and ruining her plan of invisibility in AZ. With that being said, I believe the following must have happened ... she (not the skaters) removed the front license plate at Starbucks and also switched out the back plate for an AZ plate (either stolen or from a previous registration). Once again, a partial truth was told by Arias as she tossed the front license plate in the car which would not be needed if she put on an Arizona plate. If indeed there were any toll cameras in AZ, the original Cali plates would not have registered, further bolstering the lie that Arias was never in AZ.

This would mean that she went through the Hoover Dam checkpoint with the Arizona plate or she never went through the checkpoint at all. I believe there was a Hoover Dam bypass in 2008 ... locals please correct me if I'm wrong.

IMO, Most likely she put the Cali plates back on the car in the dark after getting close to I-15 and in her haste of being caught, put the back plate on upside-down. She would have not needed the extra Utah alibi so I believe the upside-down back plate was a mistake on her part.

This is what I always thought. I wanted a search for stolen plates along her route. No skaters at that Starbuck's I ever saw - been there lots. Hasting's Ranch, Arcadia.
The woman butchered a man. I hardly think forging artwork is a major concern.

Im thinking along the lines of people demanding their money back. Donovan would probably caught in the middle of that.
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