State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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It's all over Twitter too. That's where I got the picture which shows all the images. Attached again.

ETA - Some of these pics are listed as NOT FOR SALE on her site however the JAIIS says they were sold. The lips picture currently is for sale.

Just another way she "assimilates" herself, her opinions, her looks, her "talents". Just more support for BPD. Nothing original her.:fence:
Jodi said on the stand that she met Matt and his friend at the Red Room bar. There's a bar with that name in Santa Cruz, but not in Salinas. She also said they went to karaoke and then to the home of MM's friend's parents for the night.

I used to live in Santa Cruz, and have been to the Red Room many times (years ago though).

It used to be a hangout for waiters and bartenders.
BBM~ Let's try to decipher. What has Jodi won? The ultimate power imo. even after killing Travis' she still needs to have control of everything.

If it wasn't her running the show, this trial would be over.

Far more than the optimal 15 mins of camera time
Everyone knows her name
She (in her mind) is no longer a nobody
She did something on her own (or so she will have some believe)
She is now a sought after "artist" if only by a morbid clss of society
No one else has Travis
I know..seriously. She is supposed to be selling us this diagnosis of severe PTSD---and yet she says she planned to go camping in the remote wilderness with 4 guys she barely knows, and who frighten her to the point that she needs to buy a Glock? Right....:liar:

PTSD is where you get intrusive thoughts and recurrent flashbacks and dreams ; her and her docs kept forgetting that if you have PTSD, you AVOID the triggers, --handling a gun, going to memorial service, wanting to go back to house, and the flashbacks and dreams are where you re-live it, NOT real life, where you WANT to avoid anything that reminds you of the traumatic event.
You just hurt someone in self defense and you don't know if they're dead or not, but you're calling them just HOURS later and leave a flirty message. No, Jodi, you can't convince anyone this wasn't premeditated.
I didn't hear that, will go back and listen again.

Around 1:58 she says she met MM in Santa Cruz after driving from Redding, stayed at his place. JM asks what time in the morning did she wake up, she said she doesn't remember, then says it was before Jack went to school.

I thought Jack was DB's son? :eek:hwow:

I believe the reason she turned it that way is because that morning she got up and went to have breakfast before Jack went to school at his house. moo iirc

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Becky We don't make fun of you :angel: (even if you do sound liike Dracula :dracula: :floorlaugh:

I'm going also to dso some yardwork- beautiful day.

Why don't you'all come to the Sidebar tonight- there's a hottub, chicken wings, and lots of drinks and music.


Hi Yes or No,

This is the third time I've tried to respond to your post! Each previous attempt vent phffft each time I tried to submit it.

Anyvay :)floorlaugh:):

I knov you're not making fun of me. It gives me great pleasure to make some of you laugh. I believe that non-mean laughter is so poverful. Laughter can heal us, and laughter can cause real, genuine, social change. Tyrants don't like laughter . . . and I assume that psychopaths also don't like it--that is, assuming they even understand vhat it means.

Thanks for the invitation to the Sidebar. The vings, drinks, and music sound appealing. But the hottub? I assume that vater and Count Beckula don't mix!

She called Ryan on Jun3 from Pasadena to say she was on her way.

Her cell phone died and she "loses" charger. imo She turned off her cell phone off so she can't be traced in AZ.

"Distance between Salt Lake City, Utah (UT) and Pasadena, California (CA)

How many miles? 680 Miles / 1094 Km
How many hours? This take 9 hours 28 mins"

Ryan, being patient, waits for Jodi I would imagine, then Jodi contacts him after the killing in NV (maybe?) and says she got lost. He has no other reason to not believe her, because he did not know she was pathological liar yet. imo

Yes, that's reasonable. Thanks for the mileage. What is it from Mesa to Ryan?

What my problem is, I don't understand why she'd tell Ryan she was on the way at that point instead of stalling with other things, like having to return to Matt's house for some reason. When was the next time she called Ryan? I can't get my timelines to come up on HLN.

I have some times confused. Ryan was the last person she called.

At 8:16 p.m., Arias calls Alexander. The call lasted 2 minutes, 9 seconds.

At 8:31 p.m., Arias goes to a CVS pharmacy. It is not clear what she bought.

At 8:34 p.m., Arias calls Alexander again and the call lasts 49 seconds

Between 8:42 and 8:46 p.m., Arias makes two gas purchases at Arco. The first is for $34.61, and the second is a pre-paid purchase for $40.

She may have filed up her rental car and the gas tanks with fuel.

Ryan Burns testified Arias called him around 9 or 10 p.m. on June 3, 2008. She told him she was on her way to Utah. Burns expected her to arrive around 9 a.m. the next morning, Wednesday, June 4.

HLN timeline

And according to HLN, she called Ryan at 10pm June 4th with her "lost" story. That's 24 hours after she called him to say she'd be there. Makes no sense. Jodi is either stupid as hell or there's some kind of rhyme or reason to this, but to have someone looking for you for 24 hours? That's very conspicuous. I can't see why she'd do that.
No prob, her smugness is infuriating! Along with her smile the whole day.


I agree!

Her demeanor brings out a primitive response in me -- like one of those village folk of old who lobbed raw eggs and rotten vegetables at the criminal. She makes me want to grab a few overripe tomatoes and hurl them at her just to see her wince.
YES!! she thought she was being so smart with her reason of buying a 9mm and her camping trip LOL! Can you imagine the jury thinking " omg, she is ready to kill again"

More odd behavior from a very strange and vicious person. She chooses to go camping w/ 4 guys that might attack her so she needs a gun + knives? Huh? Why go then?
A few days ago, I was looking at a map someone else made and it showed her cell phone pinged off a tower in Klingman, Arizona. Could that be the one?

Thanks Nhic, I meant MM's phone when JA called him afterwards, wasn't he the first person she called? Wonder where he was?
Yes, that's reasonable. Thanks for the mileage. What is it from Mesa to Ryan?

What my problem is, I don't understand why she'd tell Ryan she was on the way at that point instead of stalling with other things, like having to return to Matt's house for some reason. When was the next time she called Ryan? I can't get my timelines to come up on HLN.

I have some times confused. Ryan was the last person she called.

And according to HLN, she called Ryan at 10pm June 4th with her "lost" story. That's 24 hours after she called him to say she'd be there. Makes no sense. Jodi is either stupid as hell or there's some kind of rhyme or reason to this, but to have someone looking for you for 24 hours? That's very conspicuous. I can't see why she'd do that.

Just for clarification: Jodi said she was going to be there at 9am or did Ryan assume she was?
Nothing that happened back then woukd be enough for DB to lose custody now. His ex could take it to court but it would get thrown out without proof. People bring this up a lot but as this was 8 years ago a court would have about extremely hard time doing anything now without hard proof that something that was wrong. Thats saying if she is even the type to drag him to court over something that hypothetically happened 8 years ago.

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Agree. Also, I don't thing he sounded scared. I think he sounded like whatever question he answered in that tone (can't remember whether it was gas cans or mesa - but I think mesa) was, in his mind, complete and thorough proof of her guilt of premeditated murder. To me, it was the gravity of that which I heard in his voice. I remember it very clearly b/c I was surprised at his tone at the time. At least some peeps even here weren't entirely convinced that Juan had proven premeditation at that time. Yet Daryl acted, imo, as though it had been proven beyond a reasonable doubt by that one answer. jmo
More odd behavior from a very strange and vicious person. She chooses to go camping w/ 4 guys that might attack her so she needs a gun + knives? Huh? Why go then?

She might get raped, tied to a tree and ........ if not, she has the firepower to make sure it does happen :floorlaugh:
people are worried about if 1 juror feels sympathy or can relate to Jodi, but think about it, she is so unlikeable,she thinks she's superior, she denies that she ever felt jealous, or remorseful, she got gifts and sympathy from her psychologists, she sparred with JM and held up court with her headaches, she lied to the jury several times, right to their faces, when they asked her why should we believe you now? and juan proved that was a lie. Her accusing TA as a pedophile with no evidence, She sits in court coloring and detatching herself from the prosecution's accusations,and displays so many obvious signs of trying to manipulate the jury with her fake eyeglasses, vontrapp pose and her displaying her double jointed bent finger . I don't know how anybody can feel any thing positive about her, i think she is the most unlikeable person and i hate her, in fact i think she is the most hated woman in USA right now.

Can they see her as good as we do on the feed? All those close ups, smirks, snarks etc. Can they see all that. ALV was particularly unlikeable on the stand - think her attitude came across in live testimony like we saw on TV?
Great sleuthing! :rocker:

For interested parties, someone purports to have a copy of Gus Searcy's calendar, including June 4, 2008.

Can they see her as good as we do on the feed? All those close ups, smirks, snarks etc. Can they see all that. ALV was particularly unlikeable on the stand - think her attitude came across in live testimony like we saw on TV?

To me, ALV came across as so sympathetic to real DV victims, that she can't imagine not defending someone who claims to be a victim. Over zealous to a fault. Her heart may be in the right place but she needs to take the blinders off. :twocents:
BBM~ Yorba Linda, CA.

That's interesting about Santa Cruz, since it becomes apparent that there's some "WE" people involved with her going and being there.

Where did Gus live again?
She didn't buy one. Flores tried to lead her to believe there was one in there even though she didn't ask for one.

The GPS option with Budget Rental is for directional purpose, not to track the vehicle. It's totally optional and is charged to the renter. It's not the same as a GPS tracking device. I loved it when Det. Flores told her there was a GPS tracker but I was shocked when she asked him if he could check it....she said it would show she wasn't near Mesa....she still has me shaking my head over that. It's like that song from a while back...Wasn't matter what the facts show...Wasn't Me...Wasn't There..... Please...

Edit By Me: Not that it matters now but I wonder if even the directional GPS would have stored data in it that could be extracted, making it a tracking device if LE ever pursues it and extracts data?
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