State rests rebuttal case- thread #166

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I was hoping the Hughes would bring to light the specific "incident" that was catalyst to the events that led up to the murder. The only person who knows the truth, that is still alive, does not know HOW to tell the TRUTH. GRRRRRRRRRR frustrating.
I just asked above about the "willing to lie" thing. Do you know how we know that? I've heard it but I don't know what the source of it is. Midwestmama said Juan mentioned it?

(Redundant information deleted)
I was thinking the same. My imagination can't compete with the reality presented in this case. But what could it be? The secret? I am at a loss. The only things I can even come up with:
She was a Manson follower and carrying out his acts of helter skelter. :stormingmad:

or Maybe JA was a callgirl and TA was going to out her.
She was an alien from another world with a fairly decent disguise but he knew what she looked like underneath the human suit.:moo:

She was a zombie in disguise, feeding on small animals and men.

Whatever the secret,
I'd sure like to learn the truth instead of staring at my crazy list of possibilities.:please:

I like all your ideas! But you left off joining a Middle Eastern terrorist cell. That definitely would have been a biggie.

A Manson follower. I hadn't thought of that. I'd pay cash money to see Manson and Jodi in the same room trying to manipulate each other.

ETA: Travis outing her as a call girl wouldn't have upset her at all. Just advertisement to bring in more customers.
Matt McCartney told an investigator that he would be willing to lie for Jodi. He wrote this himself on the JAII website and JM made an allusion to it while questioning Jodi. I doubt Juan would have said this if it weren't the truth.

Do you know for sure Juan said exactly that?
But did Skye have to repeat this information in an email to yet another friend? Isn't that gossiping? Why was she so quick to believe something so evil about such a close friend? Just sayin...

have you personally been in a remotely similar situation?
And did you rise above "gossiping"?
Just sayin...
Matt McCartney told an investigator that he would be willing to lie for Jodi. He wrote this himself on the JAII website and JM made an allusion to it while questioning Jodi. I doubt Juan would have said this if it weren't the truth.

Read that a few days ago. Someone said JM told MM if he testified he'd have him up on perjury charges before his feet hit the ground. :floorlaugh:

I'm thinking JM has quite a bit of damaging info on MM, that's why he's vamoosed...
I posted this before and it was lengthy. I am too tired to rewrite it tonite, but the vital thing to focus on regarding what JA did to TA to get the extreme response from him where he was going to expose her.... He said that she hurt him worse than losing his father....
If you can come up with a short list of what would hurt him worse than that, we might come up with a plausible answer.
I get you. First and foremost, as close as Travis seemed to be with CH &SH how long we're they "close friends?"

I had an experience once...not the same but this talk made me think of it...

When my daughter was 7 or so, she was invited to a friends for her 1st sleep over. I knew the child, very sweet, and had met the parents on several occasions. I was with a group of women one night--book club--and as we chatted, I mentioned the fact my daughter was invited over to this girl's house. One woman remarked, "oh you can't let her go over there!" I said, WHAT, what do you mean? She became hesitant, but finally said, "the mother drinks."

I was concerned and was talking it over with a good friend of mine the next day, and she said, "that's unfair, you have no basis other than this other person's word that this is true." I replied, "you're right, I don't know if its true, but this is my kid. How can I feel comfortable about this when I've been warned this mom has a drinking problem. What if during the sleepover, the mom has a few and says to the girls, "lets go get ice cream!!" And then loads them into the car. You can't turn back the clock if something bad happens, you get no 20/20 hindsight do overs.

I called the mom, and said, "we'd love to have Jennifer at our house instead, bc my daughter isn't ready to sleepover someone else's house yet. End of story.

I know it's not the same bc I didn't know the woman that well, but its a similar mindset IMO. Many times when someone is found to be a sex offender, their "circle of friends" had no clue.

Anyway just my two cents, and not intended to offend anyone :)
a good two cents. I am the same way when it comes to my daughter. We have a fiduciary duty to protect them. And this is what you and probably Mrs. Hughes both demonstrate.
Do you know for sure Juan said exactly that?

Yes I do, I remember it very clearly. Jodi said I don't think he would ever lie, or something along those lines. I'm sure someone could find it for you on youtube but I don't have the time or patience for that.
The whole " I did not want Travis to even date my sister" is exactly what I thought it would be. Travis could not commit to one girl. Why fix your sister up with someone not ready to commit? Makes sense to me. That is what JW was referring to as Sky saying he was "abusive".
Frayed, I think we're going to confuse the lurkers! :floorlaugh:

I was referring to the email about not wanting Travis to date her sister. You're referring to Nurmi's email about the pedo letters being proven authentic.

But, yes, you're right. Only you could argue that they didn't believe that charge of pedophilia until Nurmi claimed he could prove it. It doesn't really make the Hugheses look good, but I'm not totally convinced they had a malicious reason for believing what they were told. I think they were in a situation way beyond any experience they'd ever had. They didn't behave well, that's for sure. I don't know that I'd want them as my friends. But I'm still reserving judgment on why they behaved they way they did.

Oh Lord! :floorlaugh:

You are CO-RRECT! We are talking about two different emails! :facepalm:
I know. This is one the biggest things that bugs me about this case is what did she do/say to Travis to anger him, just she can turn around and plan his murder?

Dr.D just cut Skye off when she was going to talk about what turned Travis around to make him see what JA was....and of course he cuts her off!!! Dr.D sucks. :furious:

He really needs to practice his listening skills :tsktsk:
I posted this before and it was lengthy. I am too tired to rewrite it tonite, but the vital thing to focus on regarding what JA did to TA to get the extreme response from him where he was going to expose her.... He said that she hurt him worse than losing his father....
If you can come up with a short list of what would hurt him worse than that, we might come up with a plausible answer.

Wow Beach he said that. I missed it.
Boy. Skye sure knew a lot of personal stuff about Travis and didn't mind repeating it.

This might just go to the crux of why Travis didn't listen to them. They may have been 'too involved' in his love life, or all aspects of his life, in the past.
Read that a few days ago. Someone said JM told MM if he testified he'd have him up on perjury charges before his feet hit the ground. :floorlaugh:

I'm thinking JM has quite a bit of damaging info on MM, that's why he's vamoosed...

Juan threatened a witness with a perjury charge if he testified at trial -- in those words?! yikes
As much as I can empathize with anyone feeling uncomfortable reading anything even remotely negative or probing about someone they know personally or are even related to, changing the way the forum works for selected people is not the way to go.
I am not hard-hearted but I now have to agree with the hundreds of suggestions I have seen over the years given to people involved in events, when they feel offended by what they read in a public forum. People suggest that those offended refrain from reading about their friends and loved ones in public forums.
I have a great deal of compassion for anyone who has suffered a loss but singling out a person or persons and then making them 'off limits' to questions and analysis is not appropriate. That is not what has occurred here historically, to the best of my knowledge. If I am incorrect, please let me know.

I didn't get from the post that he was attempting to grant cyber immunity to the Hughes. My interpretation was a plea to not feed the frenzy of accusations and innuendo (financial misconduct, etc) that are unsubstantiated.
Thanks, I am the executor of my mom's will.

Chris was older, therefore like a father figure and Sky like a mother figure.

From i've seem tonight, I truly believe they were looking out for Travis, but he would not listen to their pleas to get rid of Jodi permanently.

The executor is someone you trust to see your will carried out and all legalities regarding the will to be followed. It shows how much Travis trusted CH if he was the executor of Travis' will. (I haven't seen that so I am saying "if" because I don't know if he was).

I don't know if he was a beneficiary of the will but it wouldn't matter to me one way or the other. As executor he must carry out the will as the will instructs, whether he is a beneficiary or not.
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