State rests rebuttal case- thread #166

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If he was gonna go into"violent psycho mode" it would be more likely about the BMW she ruined. How Ms. Einstein left the car in gear, before getting it onto the tow truck amazes me.

I am of the belief she did it on purpose just to be spiteful.
Thanks for the link to the evidentiary hearing. I'm predicting (again) that the pedo letters will be a big issue on appeal. Jodi represented herself, Juan (apparently) threatened Matt with perjury if he testified about them and at the hearing Nurmi said in open court over no objection that an expert said that at least one of them -- the one that caused Sky to ask about his age preference, apparently -- was found by an expert to "probably" have been written by Travis.

Mark my words ;)

What??????? This happened??? Is it in the link you're referring to??? Cause the timeline I read was that Juan's expert deemed them to be forged?
So true. I have lost my mother and for all practical purposes, my father. I grieve for my self but also for my daughter who has been robbed of her grandparents. And it is raw and acute pain.

But I cannot imagine the pain of losing my baby girl. My mind cannot even go there.

You are so right.

I am so sorry about your Mom for you and your family. ((((( )))))))
I am of the belief she did it on purpose just to be spiteful.

I keep forgetting she is not your average person, with emotions, and guilt. Actually she is a shell of a person with lava inside.
What??????? This happened??? Is it in the link you're referring to??? Cause the timeline I read was that Juan's expert deemed the, to be forged?

NO that didn't happen. The letters were ruled inadmissable because Jodi could not produce the originals and, as you said, they were deduced to maybe be forgeries. The reason the didn't come in is not because Juan was going around threatening people. :facepalm:
prosecution to prove the killing was unjustified, the DT in reality needs to put forth some proof that it was justified, since there is no issue as to whether the defendant committed the killing. Given the horrific manner of death and overkill here and the lack of any wounds on the killer, as a practical matter they had to present evidence. Course their only evidence was Jodi's sworn testimony and we all know what that's worth.

In order to successfully argue self defense justification in AZ two things must be present:

1. A reasonable person in the situation would have believed that physical force was immediately necessary to protect against another’s use or apparent attempted or threatened use of unlawful physical force; and

2. The defendant used or threatened no more physical force than would have appeared necessary to a reasonable person in the situation.

A defendant may use deadly physical force in self-defense only to protect against another’s use or apparent attempted or threatened use of deadly physical force.
Self-defense justifies the use or threat of physical force or deadly physical force only while the apparent danger continues, and it ends when the apparent danger ends. The force used may not be greater than reasonably necessary to defend against the apparent danger.

The reason why they are trying to bring in the DV claim is likely because they could in no way meet the standards for self defense using a reasonable person standard. But by showing Jodi was a victim of DV the standard changes from a reasonable person standard.

If there have been past acts of domestic violence as defined in A.R.S. § 13-3601, subsection A, against the defendant by the victim, the state of mind of a reasonable person shall be determined from the perspective of a reasonable person who has been a victim of those past acts of domestic violence. A.R.S. § 13-415.

I just don't see how anyone, even a victim of extreme DV, can be viewed as acting reasonably in the circumstances presented here. Even under Jodi's version, there were multiple opportunities to escape as Travis was no longer a threat.

Thus, their novel use of "fog". I guess the fog is supposed to excuse the necessity of stopping the violence when the threat ceases. So, fog it is. That convenient fog that excuses the overkill and prevents her from even being questioned about all those stab wounds and the slit throat cause, you know, she can't remember and it's super mean to keep asking her.

This is one of the most brazen defenses I have even encountered. It sure wouldn't work for a man. I really hope it won't work here. It can't, right?

That may be true according to the law however the jury is made up of human beings. I think if the defense is claiming self defense the jury expects them to prove it. I totally get that the defense has no obligation to prove anything one way or the other in the case of premeditation but I think they have to prove self defense or they lose the jury.
Now that trial is ending, more coming out of the woodwork...

I saw this man months ago. They interviewed him in his home and he spoke at length about Travis and Travis's comments about JA. This is just a rehash.
BBM~ What did Jodi know about that she was spreading?

What information was Travis looking for?

Found this searching for the texts, hope its ok to copy and paste here.

Just so we are all on the same page with the text messages.

First, transcribed by LizardQueen74 and Paperwing:

Text from TA to JA, tentatively dated April 2008

Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next thing I want is this michelle K that is friends with Elena(?) that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have that information. its 15 minutes it would take to gt the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no
way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all of the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters about all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is I promise you the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.

Second, from Nurni filing in July 2010:

Text from TA to JA, dated by Nurmi as 5/10/08

Why don’t you have him come and **** you in the woods, I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people privacy and dare insult me of all people. Someone you have should through your actions you hate more than love by denying me a human right of privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are all not like you in that aspect.

Last, transcribed by Paperwing:

Text from TA with no replies from JA in between:
05/26/08 at 07:59:15am

I sent you a response to your dire conversation, that I hope youread because you need to read it. Maybe it will spark human emotion in you, something that only seems to exist when it comes to your own problems. But everyone else is just a part of your sick agenda. By the way, your pic comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a pure *advertiser censored*, even more to the people who know you. You should be embarrassed by it. If he knew what I knew about you he'd spit in ur face. Sow ould everyone else. I have never never in my life been hurt so bad by someone. But why do I even say it because you don't care. It doesn't serve your evilness. You couldn't get off your lazy butt to to read it could you. That's the sociopath (I) know so well. it freakin figures. I don't want your apology I want you to understand what I think of you. I want you to understand how evil I think you are. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me.
Hey got a request I post a clarification about the paypal funds that I posted about a couple weeks ago...100% of the donations went straight to the Alexanders. One person in the family (totally competent and trustworthy, one of the siblings) handles all of the donations and kind of runs it like a business. All of the donations coming from BOTH emails (including the one from the Hughes) go straight in to the same fund for the family.

No one is accessing one dime of these funds except the Alexander siblings. And they have been using it for the basics and any leftover after the proceedings will go to the legacy fund.

Everything is on the up and up. The Hughes are totally in communication with the Alexanders and trusted friends.

Please don't worry about where any donations went...they all went straight to the family. I know this from discussions directly with the person in charge of all the funds.

Oh and on another note, the winner received her Travis ribbon and wrote me about it! :D
Jodi didn't have a pattern of lying. Right, ALV?

Ugh I get chills reading that. TA had no idea how true his words were, "you are the worst thing that has ever happened to me."
What??????? This happened??? Is it in the link you're referring to??? Cause the timeline I read was that Juan's expert deemed the, to be forged?

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a lawyer threatening someone who said that they would lie on the stand with perjury. That's what perjury is. Matt McCartney changed his story which means he was probably lying. Perjury. This is NOT an appellate issue.

Don't just throw things out there people without something to back it up.
Good Night All :seeya:. Enjoyed hanging with the night crew tonight.
Anyone recall if J.M brought up the fact that Travis was a wrestler to the jury?

I can't remember...

Thank you, Mrs. G. Norris,

I love all of your posts. My daughter just spent a term at school in your wonderful county and is now in BC meeting the love of her life from Australia! I hope is all works out...she loves his accent!!!
She's wearing a BUMP IT... They make people look like they just got the **** scared out of 'em. JMO

Re: Dr Drew's co-host tonight.....Did I hear this correctly?....One of the female panel members was complimenting her and said she looked like a mermaid?
Time for bed for me, I know that because I still have HLN on and I'm waiting to see why those parents let the camel chomp on their baby's head. Honestly, I think I may have dozed off and missed it, lol. Good night everyone and thanks :)
So true. I have lost my mother and for all practical purposes, my father. I grieve for my self but also for my daughter who has been robbed of her grandparents. And it is raw and acute pain.

But I cannot imagine the pain of losing my baby girl. My mind cannot even go there.

You are so right.

I completely understand. My sister died in house fire, it will be 2 years ago in December. I had to help my mom get through it. It was Horrible. The pain gets bearable, but never completely goes away.
This whole issue of reducing the possibility of appeal is starting to get on my nerves. Does a judge really want to do everything possible to avoid appeals at the cost of justice being carried out and served? Where does one draw the line? An appeal is an appeal. It's not a "get out of jail free" card to quote a very shady witness. It's not an easy process either. So, maybe there are some fine lines that the judge also needs to consider. Maybe an appeal or two will go through but they don't necessarily mean that someone who is found guilty will automatically get a second chance.

A sur-rebutal on a sur-rebutal for something that really does NOT speak to innocence
or guilt is silly at this point.

She should deny both now and just get on with closing arguments.

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