State rests rebuttal case - thread #167

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Good point.

I honestly do think it's possible Jodi has PTSD but it's from her KILLING Travis not any abuse and certainly not any pretend ninjas. Although frankly I think it's not likely she has PTSD but really has a personality disorder.

And I actually think she might have all of the above, or none at all. But I do believe she is a cold blooded killer.

And I have stayed at a Holiday Inn at least once in my life.
I hope/think the jury gets the problem with the defense's PTSD theory. Even if you accept the PDS test despite the lies and say that it is consistent with the PTSD diagnosis, you HAVE to go to the DSM-IV and make sure the person meets the criteria. If defense wants to claim the traumatic event(s) was(were) abuse by Travis, there is NO corroborating evidence AND her behaviors in seeking out other relationships immediately, reliving her relationship with Travis (via attending memorial, posting tributes, writing in journal etc.) do not support the criteria needed in the DSM-IV. If the defense wants to claim the traumatic event was the killing, again, her behaviors after the killing (seeking out triggers like attending memorial, buying a gun, contacting Travis's family, going on TV interviews, demeanor during interrogations) are not consistent with the criteria in the DSM-IV.
IMO any symptoms consistent with anxiety or "PTSD" that are supported by the PDS and TSI tests are as a result of her reaction to incarceration.
I trust that JM can bring it home.
Regarding the verdict being read: I have no doubt this (defendant) will show no emotion WHATSOEVER when she is found guilty of Murder 1.

Now if this verdict does not go down like most of us are hoping it will.....I can guarantee you that there will be much emotion from me. Laptop through the window, or remote through the tv.
Let this witness giggle when Juan crosses him...should be interesting....

I like others have stated I hope Juan keeps his cross examination brief for the jury's sake
Ok so thoughts on Skye and Chris Hughes stories about Jodi on Dr. Drew???

How many of you listened to their stories and realized there is probably a *****ton of things we have no idea about???? And that Jodi was far more stalkerish than we ever realized.

When Skye mentioned that Travis had said he couldn't break up with Jodi because she said she would kill herself it all made sense to me. All of it. Travis was trapped. I so wish the jury could know about that exchange between Skye and Travis.

I disconnected from this case since last week. I missed all of that. I guess I will try to find it on youtube.
Hi all,

I'm just wondering, if the jurors wanted to research further info on PTSD or Borderline personality (not specifically as it relates to Jodi, but just in general) on their own at home, would that be a violation of their admonition?

Yes it would be.
Dr. Geffner gets on stand, has white moustache and dark hair, over 30 years experience
Associated with some on-line university type of institution
Drinks water, spills water, burps, excuses self and giggles
Tries to imply that Dr. DeMarte didn't administer tests correctly
More giggling, especially when asks to use computer to point things out
Willmott droning on as monotone as ever with no point
Break for lunch

That burp was the most substantive testimony of the morning.
hmmm.......Witness:" I am a distinquished professor and blah...blah...oops spilly!...blah, blahblah....ooh arrows....!!! blahbalhblah... let's trash Demartes...blahblahbalah....BURP...oops excuse me.....nervous gigle..blahblahblah...tigers and bears...blah,blahblah...lunch.....":floorlaugh:

Cliff Notes would be truly proud! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Print this picture, shade it with a golf pencil, sell it on Ebay, and you too can be an accomplished professional 'artist'.



(You should be able to complete this before the trial re-commences in an hour or so.)

Congratulations to all you budding Michelangelos out there in cyber-space!

Don't thank me -- really.

I just do what little I can to make the world better one golf pencil tracing at a time.

Thanks for the promotion! ;)

You can get a copy of my work for a low price of $2,974.68 on my website

I agree--with my PTSD, the most annoying symptom is the exaggerated startle response. I literally JUMP at normal sounds like a person setting a glass down a little hard, a door slamming, a sudden noise on TV and if it's a loud noise like a balloon popping, guns going off (like in a salute), etc., I look like I'm having a convulsion.

I also had intrusive thoughts of my little brother being severely beaten by my father--that was the most disturbing thing I've experienced. Thankfully, I've been able to let that one go by talking with my brother and telling him I am so sorry I didn't save him. He assured me that there was nothing I could have done--we were both children.

Jodi Arias is full of it. She's only suffering from being an evil beyotch with hideous genitalia. And face.

I think the worst are the dreams in the middle of the night that you may or may not remember that cause you to wake up with extreme anxiety or a panic attack and you cant lay there anymore and you have to get up and walk around and feel a flight/fight response even though you know you are in not in any danger and you dont know why it is happening to you, but cannot control those feelings....they are just happening.

It is horrible.

And no way, no how Jodi ever experiences that.

Wasn't the fog present when the 48 hours segment was done?

Boy what a difference!
Good point.

I honestly do think it's possible Jodi has PTSD but it's from her KILLING Travis not any abuse and certainly not any pretend ninjas. Although frankly I think it's not likely she has PTSD but really has a personality disorder.

The only problem I have with her having PTSD from her killing Travis is that she sought out triggers after the traumatic event (bought a gun, wrote in journal about Travis, went to memorial, drove by his house, went on TV shows, sought out relationships etc.). This directly conflicts with the criteria for PTSD outlined in the DSM-IV, doesn't it?
Aren't they going all day until done? or it may not be that quick hey?
That's what I heard. But then again I am used to hearing, "Ladies and gentlemen please be back at fill in time. We will start promptly at
fill in another time. :floorlaugh:
I disconnected from this case since last week. I missed all of that. I guess I will try to find it on youtube.

Find it if you can. I recorded it and watched it last night. I was floored.
I think this proves that Ms. Wilmott really did not understand nor listened to Dr. DeMarte. The way she is twisting things is either because she still fails to understand or she is outright deceitful, possibly both.

With emphasis on the latter.
Ms. Wilmott is incapable of handling a death penalty case.
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