State rests rebuttal case - thread #167

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"you're suppose to tell your employer to get it." Regarding the updated test. The tests are very expensive and you have to buy licenses in order to use them. Usually, the employer buys it so that the testing is under their licensure. This guy knows that. He's just giving his employers (the defense) what they want!
If by some crazy miracle Jodi walks... Lots of people better lock their doggy doors, built moats around their property and start raising gators!

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:toast: Agreed :)

First order of business is to finish what she started when she was arrested with a new rental car, knives in the trunk and a gun hidden in the engine compartment. She was going after someone and whoever that is Chris and Sky, Matt M. , DB, Mimi... whoever, afterward Juan would be on the list, fortunately he carries a weapon (MOO for many reasons). Flores, DeMarte, it would be a spree. Her crazy mind would post photos of her stupid smile on facebook with all different colors of hair. She would have Donovan and Brian Carr in the back seat barking orders at them while they follow like soldiers. (MOO)

OK that's a little too dramatic but she would end up dead becuase people she hates would protect themselves.

Even if she didn't go after anyone so many people love Travis she should be afraid, very afraid. There are people out there who literally want to do what she did to Travis. She doesn't get the position she is in. :facepalm: Now SHE is in danger even if she was free.
The problem I have with this witness, and I apologize, I'm coming in late due to work, and catching up on thread and video, but the problem I have is that he is trying to offer up a different diagnosis or counter a diagnosis based solely on test data, and that is not to be done in a vacuum. The assessments are to help along with other communications, questions, and facts. So I really don't understand this doctor's purpose in this case at all. Did I miss something critical? I'm about an hour in, and see no relevance at all.
Hi all,

I'm just wondering, if the jurors wanted to research further info on PTSD or Borderline personality (not specifically as it relates to Jodi, but just in general) on their own at home, would that be a violation of their admonition?

The real difficulty is more indirect.

Would have to see the written instructions/admonition, but likely not with the following caveat:

In trying to research these terms with most Internet search engines right now, eventually they will happen upon references to these proceedings.

Following those links would certainly be a violation of the Court's admonition to avoid trial coverage.
Hi all,

I'm just wondering, if the jurors wanted to research further info on PTSD or Borderline personality (not specifically as it relates to Jodi, but just in general) on their own at home, would that be a violation of their admonition?

They CANNOT do that
I think this proves that Ms. Wilmott really did not understand nor listened to Dr. DeMarte. The way she is twisting things is either because she still fails to understand or she is outright deceitful, possibly both.

Chris Hughes said the DTdid the same thing with his email. They used only a line or two of the email. He said the email was very very long and the DT picked a few lines and used it against TA. ALV did the same thing as part of the DT.
My friend messages me saying 'I'll be home in an hour so we can talk then".

Silly boy. Does he not know that I'll be 'unavailable for the rest of the day'?

I think these non-trial people are a bit out of touch with reality. :laugh:

Wasn't the fog present when the 48 hours segment was done?

Boy what a difference!

If looks could kill ha?
must be the x-girlfriend sitting there free as the wind making her jealous?:fence: she can walk out the door today where evil eyes can not..
The MariCopa Cabana Commisary, is now serving lunch.
Wish I knew how to insert attatchments.
I have Flo, from Mel's Diner..shouting.."Kiss my grits!"
Consider yourselves lucky..

The only problem I have with her having PTSD from her killing Travis is that she sought out triggers after the traumatic event (bought a gun, wrote in journal about Travis, went to memorial, drove by his house, went on TV shows, sought out relationships etc.). This directly conflicts with the criteria for PTSD outlined in the DSM-IV, doesn't it?

Another good point. All I'm saying is that I'm open to the idea that she might have PTSD but that if she did have it then it was a result of the killing and not a supposedly abusive relationship.
Even if it's made up saying Travis attacked her when he didn't?[/QUOTE

Exactly! The defense witnesses have to say they believe JA. I just thought that was a very irresponsible statement to say that even if she made up the story it's still trauma. I can only hope that the jury sees through all this mumbo-jumbo.
JSS told attorneys to be in court five minutes before everyone else...hope she tells JW to move it along and wrap this up.

Mind numbingly dull with some very minor points made, mostly through inuendo. Doubtful that it will have any impact on the jury. At best, they'll say, OK, maybe she doesn't fit BPD, but no way are they going to cede PTSD or BWS.

Hope JM keeps things to a minimum.
I disconnected from this case since last week. I missed all of that. I guess I will try to find it on youtube.

You lasted longer than me. I disconnected with Samuels, LOL! Just been checking the forum every now and then and picking and choosing what I watch on you tube. If its the defense's same ol' babble, I skip it.
Why give tests where false answers are just fine? If the T.S.I. did not seek the specific yes or no for assault by a stranger, the question could have been, "Have you ever been physically assaulted?" That was not the question asked and it would not satisfy the causation and reaction sought. Of course it is one thing to be disciplined with a belt and another to be grabbed off the street by an assailant.
Dr. Geffner gets on stand, has white moustache and dark hair, over 30 years experience
Associated with some on-line university type of institution
Drinks water, spills water, burps, excuses self and giggles
Tries to imply that Dr. DeMarte didn't administer tests correctly
More giggling, especially when asks to use computer to point things out
Willmott droning on as monotone as ever with no point
Break for lunch

Wait till after lunch maybe the good DR will ( can't say fa-t ) pass gas.
The whole defense is a bag of gas. I think most shrinks are nuttier than their patients.
If you don't have any head problems go see a shrink and you will in short order.
Ugggh - I'm behind watching on HLN now, and Willmott is belaboring the point that DrDeM did not use a test that was released late in the year she gave the test (and might not have been released beyond a beta version at that time), as an incompetency.
Dr Samuels did not even have a copy of the test he administered, the scoring sheet, or the scoring handbook all and produced multiple versions in court.

I hope the jury sees this. What's the point?
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