State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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Congratulations to the grandmas-and-mommies-to-be!!
No, but I saw her sleeping during Dr. G cross exam.

OMG I sooo wish I remember what time it was at. She kept doing it and I even said to my husband, "What is she doing??? Look at this!!" It was creepy.

I thought she was going to pass right out. She was definitely out of her normal little routine. I don't think she copes well with that.
Smart husband!! My Canadiens are playing their first game of the playoffs tonight :rockon: I love me some hockey too!!

My dad was Canadian, played hockey in his youth and later coached and refereed. Both of my brothers played on club teams, and one also coached and refereed. Saturday night was "hockey night in Canada" on our TV - no questions asked :)

Let's go Red Wings!
Yes I did, in fact, see that and I was uncomfortable. I usually don't give much credence to her moves, etc in court, but I do remember this particular event and it was during some disturbing testimony I believe. It truly creeped me out. It was not just a "reach in and scratch an itch" movement.

I thought she was displaying her goods for the jury. She ran her fingers through her hair after that...
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Can we start a prayer/good thoughts chain for a verdict on Friday? It would be such a blessing for Travis' family to have this part of the process over with. Just do whatever sort of thing you do--pray, think good thoughts, etc. for a guilty of 1st degree verdict tomorrow.
Yes I did, in fact, see that and I was uncomfortable. I usually don't give much credence to her moves, etc in court, but I do remember this particular event and it was during some disturbing testimony I believe. It truly creeped me out. It was not just a "reach in and scratch an itch" movement.

No it wasn't! It kept going!!! Ewwwwwwww! :scared:
I really don't know. That was just my impression of the question. Could have been a snark question referrring to Wilmot's idiot questions of witnesses or who knows what. It was such a ridiculous question that it's hard to know what the heck that one was all about.

The jurors do ask silly questions sometimes. Even if the ME sees dead bodies only, he has gone to medical school and I'd assume he knew what he was talking about.
My adorable 3 year old grandson just left. I love that boy but he reminds me so much of my son at that age. And it is my daughter's son, not my son's. Which leads me to believe that my oldest child was a horrible influence on her brother.

My 5 year old granddaughter spends EVERY thursday night with me. It's her night,she picked it, and does NOT deviate from it.

FYI- Mr Red just was so abusive. I asked him to turn the keurig on ( for that pre speed cleaning cup of java) and he did! But did not make me a cup! I am in puddle of tears on the floor.[/quote

That animal! ABUSE! Please call the police immediately! My SO left me a message, just like TA left for JA that ALV deemed abusive: "Clean out your voice mail." I feel so abused! He made me feel like a used piece of toliet paper!
Yes, they finished with Dr. Hayes, there were no jurors questions for her.

Per Judge Stephens, she will read the jury instructions first, then closing arguments.

Closing will be in this order over today and tomorrow:
Willmott and/or Nurmi
Juan will have the last word, since he has the burden of proof

Thanks for this. Do you know if the jury is sequestered once they receive the case?
I'm hoping it doesn't go on any longer than a couple of hours, but if it is strung out, then is it hotel time for them?
IMO, if they base a case on a typo, they have serious brain issues.

ITA. Worst case scenario, all it means is that they leave open the possibility that the shot came first. Okay, so what? In order to side with the enemy, that would mean they'd be on board with her convenient fog at the time of the knife attack. 29 stab wounds, near decapitation and no memory of it. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if the gun first scenario is correct, with a bullet in his head, he doesn't have any tangible reaction to it. He doesn't say- "Holy ****, I've been shot?!" Doesn't try to compose himself, assess the gravity of the wound, nothing. He doesn't miss a beat, speaks perfect English via his threat on her life and keeps on charging. With a bullet in his head. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

In addition, he has NINE cluster wounds to the back, which indicate he was moving away from her. He has defensive wounds as well. If that weren't enough, she cut his throat while he was still alive AFTER the shot and AFTER the 29 stab wounds.

If a juror is legitimately willing to hang on this unicorn in the forest, totally implausible nonsense....they weren't on board with the State in the first place and nothing short of a video of the murder in real time would have satisfied them. I choose to believe they are all smarter than that.
is there some reason that my net nanny blocked that image :lol: :drumroll:


It's Stephie from Full House saying her famous "how rude"

net nanny :lol:
I want to say this also. I think that the defense has done a good job. With all they had to work with and all the overcome. I think they did as well as they could. I think their whole goal is just to save her life, not to let her walk.
They sounded good to me nurse... I firmly believe this jury gets it, but am being cautiously optimistic. Much as I would hate to see the state of Arizona
have to re-try this case, I would rather a hung jury than an acquital, which I
cannot fathom, but stranger things have happened.

The State's last witness was great. Short and sweet. She surely showed how biased Dr. G was even though he appeared not to be. She knew her stuff. Even Jodi was envious.
most welcomed words.....Your Honor, the State RESTS!!!

Thanks for this. Do you know if the jury is sequestered once they receive the case?
I'm hoping it doesn't go on any longer than a couple of hours, but if it is strung out, then is it hotel time for them?

No, they will not be sequestered.
Mornin Peeps!:seeya:

I predict Juan will be done before lunch today, and his rebuttal will start at about 3pm tomorrow afternoon. I hope I'm wrong, but it's likely the DT will bore the carp out of the jury for about 7 hours. :facepalm: You know, "it all started when Jodi saw Travis from across the room in 2006".....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:banghead:

Anyway, we are very close. JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS!!!!
Really? I thought the juror implied that the M.E. conducts autopsies and therefore doesn't deal with those who have not been significantly injured by gun shot wounds.

For me, I took that juror question to mean that every autopsy Dr. Horn had performed on a frontal lobe gunshot wound was dead meaning all of Dr. Horn's cases were deceased, but these other experts expected the jury to believe that not only would this gunshot wound NOT HAVE KILLED Travis, but that it would not have incapacitated him either, that he would have been able to do what Jodi claims with a bullet in his head. The comparison was what I thought this juror was pointing out, all of Dr. Horn's gunshot wounds to frontal lobe are dead on a table but Travis is ambulating and actually attacking.
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