State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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I don't see how that's even possible. JA got on the stand and lied. The entire DT opening statement remains unproven. The defendant has admitted to the killing and yet a typo will hang the jury??
How can JA be believed because the ME failed to insert the word not in a lengthy report? Even if TA did lunge at her and say 'Kill you b*tch' while somehow not bleeding from a head wound, how does that justify her not running away to safety as opposed to hunting down a knife deadly enough to sever his throat?
And then there's the dozen or more defensive wounds to his hands and back which can't be explained away by the ME's omission of a single word.

Travis is still dead and JA still admitted to killing him in 3 different ways. It is possible to die of a head injury that leaves the membranes surrounding the brain intact and it happens everyday on highways all over the country.

She tried to kill him again even after his death and this sea hag will get what she deserves. Life as long as that may be for her will change dramatically once she is sent to the big house.

That alone will kill her mentally. Loosing her star status and having to live with people everyday that she will fear every moment she is out her cell.
The penitentiary is not like the local jail she now exists in will be quite the shock for her I am sure.
Watch it for a second time once you get through the first run. I came to the conclusion that he was there to avenge his friend ALV. He stubbornly refuses to answer questions from Juan while easily answering Willmott's, he actually mocks, laughs at and denigrates Dr. Demarte's merits as a Psychologist and her work on the case.

He then refutes the testimony of Dr. Horn and claims that there is no such thing as a "shock wave" created by the bullet and that the bullet would have to hit specific areas of the brain in order to do damage. Absolute garbage!

Once you see it a second time you'll see he is actually LYING about the 'floating profiles'--and that's just one example.

The judge who called him a "hired gun" was spot on.

Yes, I am seeing what you mean, Liebchen.

That BS about where the bullet would have to travel to incapacitate a person. He basically said it would have to travel through both frontal lobes, because they control opposite sites of the body. Like you could run and tackle someone if only half you body works.

Also, criticizing DeMarte was stupid and won't have any sway with the jury, IMO.
Last night, when I was drifting off to sleep, I suddenly had this vision of exactly what happened when she killed him. It's like I was watching it on video. I have no idea why but it was really creepy and sad and I started crying. My husband had to comfort me.

I so hope and pray that Travis gets justice.
Howdy. I took like a four day break from WS to give my poor hands a break and to give certain other Ws'er's a break from my obviously unwanted sarcasm. Woke up this morning to a mini tornado in the backyard. Winds at 60 something MPH and winter reemerging after yesterday's 80 something degrees. Anyway....cannot WAIT for closing. Going to watch JM but plan to skip Wilmot.
I have never been so adept at changing my schedule as I am since this trial started :) It's certainly clear that this jury is paying attention to many details. I'm honestly in awe of how the questioners are already working very hard. We should all be so lucky to have them as our own jurors, praying we would never need one :)
I know in this area many people just assume that if you're given a Public Defender you will receive a less than vigorous defense. Vigorous is one word I can use kindly to what JA has been given. With all the tricks and sleight of hand, she could never claim an issue with her DT. They are kicking this horse to death and back.
Sending prayers and love to the Alexander family. They amaze me most of all.
sorry if this was brought up already dudes,,,but last night it occured to me that the D spent 14K on this rebuttal wittness last year before trial...and he never knew he was going to testify...why didn't they go with him from the git go? after all that money they went with LaVio...

what was it that kept them from using him? or someone in his group...from the beginning...?
I think I need to go back to yesterday's testimony and watch the good Doc Horn again. I'm sure I missed some details of what he was saying as I was distracted by the cleft in his chin and the way his eyes were emphasized by his teal/blue shirt and the way his hair was perfection.

Trajectory/geometry all went out the window and I'm in the remedial class on this.
ITA. Worst case scenario, all it means is that they leave open the possibility that the shot came first. Okay, so what? In order to side with the enemy, that would mean they'd be on board with her convenient fog at the time of the knife attack. 29 stab wounds, near decapitation and no memory of it. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if the gun first scenario is correct, with a bullet in his head, he doesn't have any tangible reaction to it. He doesn't say- "Holy ****, I've been shot?!" Doesn't try to compose himself, assess the gravity of the wound, nothing. He doesn't miss a beat, speaks perfect English via his threat on her life and keeps on charging. With a bullet in his head. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

In addition, he has NINE cluster wounds to the back, which indicate he was moving away from her. He has defensive wounds as well. If that weren't enough, she cut his throat while he was still alive AFTER the shot and AFTER the 29 stab wounds.

If a juror is legitimately willing to hang on this unicorn in the forest, totally implausible nonsense....they weren't on board with the State in the first place and nothing short of a video of the murder in real time would have satisfied them. I choose to believe they are all smarter than that.

In truth, the jury doesn't have to believe or consider ANY of this. If they believe the she stole the gun from her grandparents house and used the gas cans and removed the license plates to hide her tracks premeditation is established which then tells you the rest of the story. Period.
can anyone point me to the testimony yesterday of Dr. Jill Hayes? I fell asleep waiting for Dr. G to get done.
BTW...lover the dear Dr's burp during testimony. Trashing his cup of water 2-3 times took me back to the days of taking small kids to eat out in public.
Ima do a screen shot of Dr. H and save it as my background.....

:blushing::blushing: dreamy, dreamy man
PLEASE take no personal offense but I have to finally tell you that your avatar makes me as ill today as it did the very first day I saw it.... but you are a lovely WSer and I always enjoy your posts. Wheeew, think it was the effect of this trial, but just had to finally get that off my mind.
Can juan do an exhibit during closing? I really would like the jury to see a video of a bullet going through a brain shaped ballistics gel.
I have never been so adept at changing my schedule as I am since this trial started :) It's certainly clear that this jury is paying attention to many details. I'm honestly in awe of how the questioners are already working very hard. We should all be so lucky to have them as our own jurors, praying we would never need one :)
I know in this area many people just assume that if you're given a Public Defender you will receive a less than vigorous defense. Vigorous is one word I can use kindly to what JA has been given. With all the tricks and sleight of hand, she could never claim an issue with her DT. They are kicking this horse to death and back.
Sending prayers and love to the Alexander family. They amaze me most of all.
I was very impressed that one juror, as did ws members, caught the dura mater discrepancy in the ME's report. Apparently, neither the ME nor the PT and DT caught this prior to the juror's question.
can anyone point me to the testimony yesterday of Dr. Jill Hayes? I fell asleep waiting for Dr. G to get done.

ME TOO....I don't even know when I fell asleep but she was still talking.
I want Juan to stop talking around lunch time -- give the jury the time to process everythng doing lunch.
after he said it was a typo, did he actually say 'I remember it was pierced'? or something along those lines? I was on azcentral and the feed was so badddd it was skipping. I keep checking HLN because I want to see his questioning again. of course they are so far behind!

No, he did not. He said "it had to have been (pierced)", not that he remembered that it was. It would have been better if he said it with certainty of memory, although after 3000 autopsies, who would remember?

Still, in a high profile, capital case, that's a very glaring error, enough to possibly trip up a juror or two. Very sloppy. Yeah, I know when you edit your work, you can miss obvious things. This one is a big stinky error. I wonder if they were very aware of this contradiction, but were hoping no one would notice.

The defense team ain't on my Christmas card list, but honestly, they made a few points yesterday, and this was a big one.
can anyone point me to the testimony yesterday of Dr. Jill Hayes? I fell asleep waiting for Dr. G to get done.

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 54 - Part 7 - YouTube[/ame]
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