State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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I do not have a problem with Dr. Horn's misprint on his report. Just reading a book, you will find something misprinted, it happens all the time. Did he actually type up his own report, or did someone in his office, take all his materials and do it? It's real easy to even proof read your own work/writings and miss something and catch it later on, even months later.

I do However have a real problem with someone testifying about an autopsy brain and never have done one. It's one thing to surmise, its quite another to fully interject that "YOU KNOW" when you have never ever done anything in this field. It's not like this man is a neuro-surgeon.

My last thought on this, whether he was able to lunge after her, keep going after her...
I suggest this, Go and run your head into a wall, and see what you can do afterwards, how many seconds it takes you to regroup. *Smile* Too Bad, I couldn't make this suggestion to the good dr G. or to the defense.
I want to say this also. I think that the defense has done a good job. With all they had to work with and all the overcome. I think they did as well as they could. I think their whole goal is just to save her life, not to let her walk.

I do not like the fact that defense lied.......I'm sorry, exaggerated. I'm really surprised that Dr. G did not say that Jodi wasn't lying, she was embellishing her story. I mean, really, what difference does it make if it was a tiger, a bear or a gopher? Or was it "I didn't do it and was no where near AZ", "two ninjas broke in", or lastly "I did it but it was to save the world from this awful vile person?" To me it's lying. And it's obvious that when Nurmi and Dr. Samuels eventually persuaded Jodi to "tell the truth" it was put to her that this was way more defensible than her ninja story and the truth had nothing to do with her changing to her present story.
I have a Birthday Luncheon to attend today at noon. So i should be good to go back here by the time Jury Instructions are complete. I cant wait to see Juan bring it all home. Hard to believe this time next week we should have a verdict :please:

I had lunch scheduled with my best friend and we were to meet right at court start time (which surely wouldn't have started then but you know what I mean). I cancelled with her. She totally understood, which is why she's my best friend!

Don't know what I was thinking scheduling a lunch today though... :doh:
I've never watched a trial in its entirety. Whats the estimated amount of time we should expect the state and defense to give their closing arguments?
Did the jurors get fed at all yesterday evening? I would be so pizzzzed if I had to sit in court for 12 hours of brain muddling boring testimony AND had to work until 8pm. If they didn't get food for their troubles.... oh mang....
well we all know jodi is going to fake cry, take her glasses on and off and feel up her *advertiser censored* all day.

wonder what she'll wear today? little bo peep? pig tails?
For Dr. Gefner, sorry it's late.

I believe that question shows that at least one juror/alternate is not buying the ME's testimony that the gunshot wound was necessarily immediately incapacitating.

I took that question as a response to JW asking him if he does research on effects of people surviving GSW to the frontal lobe. Why would he do any research on living people if his job deals with dead bodies???
well we all know jodi is going to fake cry, take her glasses on and off and feel up her *advertiser censored* all day.

wonder what she'll wear today? little bo peep?

Did you all notice she didn't even attempt to fake cry yesterday when more autopsy pictures of Travis were shown?? Must have been too tired to act.
My dad was Canadian, played hockey in his youth and later coached and refereed. Both of my brothers played on club teams, and one also coached and refereed. Saturday night was "hockey night in Canada" on our TV - no questions asked :)

Let's go Red Wings!

:seeya:poor Sid now almost toothless...:banghead:rough game..:twocents:
:please: I hope so !

JMO, but I would have exhibit-after-exhibit of the autopsy photos -- I know they are brutal and I know they would be very upsetting to see ...

But I would want the jury to get the message that this was NOT "self defense" -- it was PRE-MEDITATED 1st Degree Murder !

I soooo agree with you. I was hoping also that some of the beautiful photos of Travis were all over the court room to remind these jurors what his family has lost.
Did you all notice she didn't even attempt to fake cry yesterday when more autopsy pictures of Travis were shown?? Must have been too tired to act.

She was sneaking a few peeks too, must be that morbid curiosity again. :stormingmad:
If I were a juror, don't think I'd give much thought to the brain part. Going back to Travis's injuries versus JA's non injury's. End of story.
I want to say this also. I think that the defense has done a good job. With all they had to work with and all the overcome. I think they did as well as they could. I think their whole goal is just to save her life, not to let her walk.

i disagree. they have battled to the end to try to prove self defense. if the jury buys that (which they won't), she walks. that's more than just saving her life.
Oh - just thought of this (I'm babbling a lot today, excited nervousness, so I apologize in advancement :)).

I was watching trial on ustream on my ipad last night and wow, did it ever remind me how thankful I am for WS and our wonderful mods. The crap they were saying on there, I just maximized the screen so I couldn't even see the feeds. It was sickening. I'm no prude but I much prefer this nice, moderated forum to that crap.
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