State v Bradley Cooper 04/04/11

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No kidding. And it's not like Brad handed it over. Wasn't it found in a search warrant, in the dresser in the room Brad's mother was using?

Was there other jewelry of Nancy's found in that same drawer?:waitasec:
Let's pause and consider once again.


The FLIES don't LIE.

Yep, another one of those pesky details. Is the gun smokin' yet?

I am of the opinion that Brad, in his narcissistic and perhaps demented thinking, never imagined that he would be arrested for Nancy's murder. There has been testimony/posts from those who knew him from earlier years and more recently that suggested Brad had a very high opinion of himself and his intelligence. If there are a couple of issues, and perhaps the necklace is one, that he overlooked I blame it on his abnormal phyche.
But I think a major point you may be missing here is IF she were so desperate for money and wanted to move out, why in the world worry about a pedi??

If I wanted to get away from an abusive husband, my toes would just go unpainted and ugly for the next 10 years, if necessary.

Something is not right.

Pedicures don't cost a fortune, perhaps it was something special she'd promised to do with her eldest daughter. Didn't I hear it was supposed to be the two of them together, going? That would be something my daughter would do with my 4 yr. old granddaughter. The child was having a really hard, difficult, traumatic time as it was. Maybe it was just something mommy told her they'd do together as a special treat?
Anyone here remember that testimony about Brad's appearance in the front yard by the neighbour??..The one who felt he looked pale, eye's all funny, sort of out of it..She offered him something to eat..he refused..but she brought him some Gatorade anyway.....I think he looked so physically bad because he HAD BEEN UP ALL NIGHT..and it was all catching up to him..dont think his drinking beer helped on that count either..Just a thought on my part :waitasec:
Okay all you tech savy peeps..I found a q&A on Cisco IP phone (which Brad had)...heres' some that may apply to how he manipulated that call from Nancy's phone or home phone to his phone...

Q. Are there additional line keys on the Cisco IP Phone 7970G?
A. Yes. There are 8 line keys. These can be programmed for extensions or speed dials. Two calls can be handled simultaneously during call waiting. In addition, you can place an active call on hold and dial another number to consult, transfer, or conference.

Q. Will the Cisco IP Phone 7970G support XML services?
A. Yes! With an advanced user interaction model combining color display & touch screen, the Cisco IP Phone 7970G delivers more powerful applications and network data to the desktop. This impressive capability allows creation of more sophisticated applications to be available at any desktop, counter or location where the Cisco IP Phone 7970G is deployed.

I have to say..all this is way above me..but given Brad's expertise..I happen to think he attempted to create some sort of alibi by using his IP Phone and computer at home..JMO of course...:crazy:
I am of the opinion that Brad, in his narcissistic and perhaps demented thinking, never imagined that he would be arrested for Nancy's murder. There has been testimony/posts from those who knew him from earlier years and more recently that suggested Brad had a very high opinion of himself and his intelligence. If there are a couple of issues, and perhaps the necklace is one, that he overlooked I blame it on his abnormal phyche.

Of late, I hear a lot of Talking Heads mentioning the "CSI" effect.

I look at it bassackwards. The new range of popular TV shows IS not only spoiling potential jurors, but educating those that would do evil.

A thinking human..intent on murder and deception...has scenarios piped into their livingroom every evening. Add a few IQ points and we get to a tough case.
I think the fact it was found in the house shows everyone, exactly how disconnected he was. Apparently he was the ONLY one in the Raleigh/Cary area that didn't notice she never took it off.

BTW, I wear one too, made by my Mom...IF I am missing and it is the house, toss my husband under the jail.

Or maybe he's the only one in Cary who knew she took it off at night.
That would be assuming there were no flies in the house/garage.

What difference would if make if there were flies in the house or garage? The flies are attracted to decomposing bodies, no matter where the body would be.
I hope kurtz doesnt do the cross!

I'll bet a buck he will. He just couldn't pass this up -- he IS first chair, you know, although I think Trenkle scores more points.
I didn't want to go back and find it in Det. Young's testimony but I did find this, gorealtors.

..."On Tuesday morning, before the defense team began its cross-examination of Young, he testified about jewelry recovered from the Cooper home during a search on Oct. 29, 2008 - two days after Brad Cooper was arrested. Investigators seized several pieces from a dresser in a bedroom where Brad Cooper's mother had been staying. Among the jewelry was a diamond pendant necklace and a diamond ring that belonged to Nancy Cooper."

Read more:
Can someone tell me where her sister's testimony is? I only see part 1,2,3,4 of today, day 18 of testimony.. must be in here somewhere?
I feel bad for her. I hope the state has a good reason for putting her up there.

I think Krista would stay up there upside down and sideways for 3 weeks if she thought it would help her beloved sister. It's tough for her, certainly, but what else can she do to help her? She is speaking for her sister who cannot do it herself. She'll be fine.
Was anybody else even remotely intrigued by the bug guy's comments regarding the presence of bugs and that he initially would have thought there to have been head trauma as well as possible sexual assault but that it did not match the ME findings?
Wonder if calgary123 can shed some light on Brad's personality as it relates to the personality type associated with a catathymic homicide.

I don't really have much to add to say I know or don't know that. My posts in 2008 about his personality explain it in much better detail. And I'm only one observer commenting on something subjective. He was a brooder, someone who would internalize issues and you would only discover something was going on after the fact.

He was definitely sneaky, and would do things behind your back. The best example is breaking into his x-gf's apartment to snoop on her, but I know of other less dramatic examples.

Once we heard he was accused of murder, not one person said that Brad would never do something like that, and some of those people really liked him. That is odd in itself. There was something about his personality that was just unknown. This does not make him a murderer however. (Lieing about where Nancy went sure goes a long way to proving it though, and I think it has been proven, personal opinion only.)

One example, when Brad and I were moving in together, I was dating a girl who graduated with him from high school(must be same grad class as the newer poster here who went to school with him). When my girlfriend found out I was moving in with him (I didn't check with her first, I saw no reason to) she was very unhappy with me. I don't recall all the specifics but she thought he was "creepy" and "weird" and not to be trusted. I brushed this off as my girlfriend always had very strong, and often over the top opinions. I also had a good initial opinion of Brad having just met him, he seemed like a really nice guy and someone I would get along with. We had similar interests, in athletics, and computers, and cars. I thought she just wanted me to live alone so she could spend more time with me. At the time I had student loans and needed to keep expenses to a minimum. But sure enough, she generally would not come over if she knew he would be there. In that regard the new poster's comments kind of surprised me, saying his was nice and happy go lucky, having known him that long. I believe she is being genuine, so this shows Brad has many layers to his personality.

I was surprised to hear he yelled at Nancy. Its just not his way. Obviously things were really confrontational in their relationship and my guess would be Nancy instigated the yelling. I don't know if that speaks to a tendency toward catathymic crisis.

I also find it interesting that Nancy is completely out there with their relationship to anyone who asks (or even doesn't ask, Nancy just volunteers). This is so polar opposite to Brad I find it quite striking. Brad never talked about any of his relationships with anyone (even the "childhood friend"). He was just very private. I imagine this bothered Brad greatly, and I can't say I blame him, she was a little too open.

I spoke with one of the two people Brad identified as a "childhood friend" in the deposition, earlier today. That person thinks the nail is in the coffin and Brad will spend his life in prison. This also proves nothing, but I find it interesting.

All of this is just for general conversation and of course is not at all indicative of Brad's innocence or guilt as far as the law is concerned, I'm just putting some info out there.
Can someone tell me where her sister's testimony is? I only see part 1,2,3,4 of today, day 18 of testimony.. must be in here somewhere?

All I can find tonight are reports - not the actual testimony today from Krista. I missed most of it so I'm looking too.

Found this report on ABC11. Watch the video as Krista looks at Brad during a break in testimony...

1:55 in the video - that is "the look". Wish I knew how to capture that and post the picture...
Of late, I hear a lot of Talking Heads mentioning the "CSI" effect.

I look at it bassackwards. The new range of popular TV shows IS not only spoiling potential jurors, but educating those that would do evil.

A thinking human..intent on murder and deception...has scenarios piped into their livingroom every evening. Add a few IQ points and we get to a tough case.

You're right. And the DNA in those tv shows is back in 7 minutes.
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