State v Bradley Cooper - 3/25/11

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No other depositions other than Brad's have been made available for viewing. So you won't find them anywhere online.

I've read much on local boards about one or the other of the Rentz' bad-mouthing Brad's mother on deposition. Do you know where that is coming from then? I wanted to see what it said for myself, because of all the talk about it on Golo.

Thanks! I would have been searching and pulling my hair out by the roots.....:banghead:
I suppose it depends on what your objective is. If you want do so something involving multiple devices, multiple pieces of software, and multiple networks, thereby leaving all kinds of tracking evidence everywhere, yes I guess it's not a big deal.

If your goal is to do something simple that is pretty easy to clean up after, you wouldn't do it this way.

I think the opposite actually. Using a VoIP system to remotely call out over the PSTN would be nearly impossible to distinguish between somebody picking up the phone and dialing it. Unless you have access to the call information on the VoIP server and/or gateway itself there would be nothing to trace.

The fact that he already had a working system in place in early 2008 means it would not have been difficult to do.

I originally misunderstood what they were describing as the VoIP system that was in place that NC hated. Now after listening to the deposition I totally understand what was going on.
I don't see this as controlled chaos to sway jurors. He has already shown the incompetence of CPD in this case.


CPD's incompetence? No murder investigation is perfect, you knew that right? Based on the CPD testimony I have seen so far, I haven't seen a thing they blundered that effected Brad Cooper's right to a fair trial.:waitasec:
Not taking photos of his neck & not examining the shop-vac are a couple of oversights that come to mind that hurt the state.
One of my big concerns is that even people who follow the case and seemingly pay close attention to the facts, sometimes get confused about what Brad had and didn't have, what he said and didn't say, when phone calls were made and were not made and lots of other little items that have to be remembered.

Even some people who watch the testimony, occasionally hear something that differs from what was actually said and the meaning of what they think they heard is changed.

This worries me because it demonstrates that without a big huge obvious smoking gun, people can (perhaps easily) lose focus, some have trouble retaining details, they forget what testimony they heard, they forget what they read and have to be reminded and sometimes literally shown again. This doesn't apply universally to everyone, and I don't mean to imply it does, but I am noticing a general pattern, which I suspect happens in many cases that have lots of little bits of details.

Because we live in a society and culture of TV crime and legal shows in which everything is solved within 42 minutes of air time, often with lots of physical and DNA evidence, and folks have shorter attention spans and cut-to-the-chase expectations, the reality of a case like the Cooper murder case shows these societal traits.

My fear is that the jury won't be able to retain much of anything in their minds, past the most recent hour of what they heard, and only if it's very very simple and clear. The state is going to have to work to break everything down to an 8th graders level, using big colorful and simple pictures and getting them to understand exactly how this murder went down (or likely went down) without getting mired in techie jargon and obscure references. They literally need to use simple words, short sentences, don't get into the lawyer double-negative-speak and use very simple graphics and pictures with something big and RED and flashing for the item they want the jury to focus on and remember. Yes, I'm serious. I'm not being condescending. They need to make it just THAT SIMPLE.

For instance, if they want to show a specific cell tower that Brad's phone pinged off of (the one that happens to be closest to NC's body) then they need to make that tower big and red and have it flashing on the screen...with an arrow pointing to where NC's body was found...and showing the mileage of how close it was. I believe the jury will need to see that kind of super obvious pointer.

If they want to highlight and have attention on a specific call at a specific time, they need to brightly highlight that line item in color, make it big, and point to the thing they want the jury to notice.

Don't forget the jurors are taking notes throughout and they will be able to review any or all of the testimony when they deliberate.
CPD's incompetence? No murder investigation is perfect, you knew that right? Based on the CPD testimony I have seen so far, I haven't seen a thing they blundered that effected Brad Cooper's right to a fair trial.:waitasec:
Not taking photos of his neck & not examining the shop-vac are a couple of oversights that come to mind that hurt the state.

Did you listen to the defense cross of detective Thomas regarding the handling of NC's cell phone and the record keeping of computers?

I disagree with your opinion of them, based on the facts I mentioned in my previous post as well as other things, such as no investigation of John Pearson as a suspect.

You are okay with them not questioning witnesses who claimed to have seen her that morning?

What about no imprints made of tire tracks at the scene?

They failed to follow all leads in this case. I think that has been established.
(snipped to deal with last point only)

Kurtz asked CC when she found out that NC was planning to paint at JA's house on the morning of the 12th, she said she found out the morning of the 11th. Yet JA said the plans weren't made until 5PM the evening of the 11th. Someone is not being truthful about the painting story. It was not even in JA's appointment book, yet she had swim lessons and a party for her kids beginning at 10:30AM that morning. It doesn't add up. NC told no one at the party that night she was planning to paint the next morning. Not one person.

Nancy didn't firm up any plans with JA until Friday afternoon to paint on Saturday morning. That doesn't mean that Nancy wasn't planning to go over and paint so therefore would not be able to run Saturday a.m. I also don't know why she would discuss her Saturday plans with the people at the party on Friday night. I don't find the testimony of CC to indicate that anyone was lying about the Saturday painting.
How do you know they didn't investigate John Pearson in this case?

What evidence has been shown that witnesses were not questioned in this case? I heard Dismukes mention something like a dozen or more names of people contacted back.

Were you aware that tire impressions couldn't be made because of the condition of those tracks (water), obscuring the tire track tread marks? Are you listening to testimony?

It has not been established that they failed to follow all leads. The defense said that in THEIR opening, which is not evidence!
Nancy didn't firm up any plans with JA until Friday afternoon to paint on Saturday morning. That doesn't mean that Nancy wasn't planning to go over and paint so therefore would not be able to run Saturday a.m. I also don't know why she would discuss her Saturday plans with the people at the party on Friday night. I don't find the testimony of CC to indicate that anyone was lying about the Saturday painting.

I do find it a bit odd that she was making plans to meet people at the pool and for games that night without ever mentioning painting plans in the morning. Or that she didn't mention it when discussing MH and BC tennis plans multiple times that evening.
Or that she didn't mention it when discussing MH and BC tennis plans multiple times that evening.

What multiple times did Nancy mention BC/MH tennis plans? The testimony is that she dialed her own cell phone and handed that phone to Mike Hiller to make plans with BC. Nothing more was testified to regarding Nancy mentioning tennis plans...not even one time.
I think the opposite actually. Using a VoIP system to remotely call out over the PSTN would be nearly impossible to distinguish between somebody picking up the phone and dialing it. Unless you have access to the call information on the VoIP server and/or gateway itself there would be nothing to trace.

The fact that he already had a working system in place in early 2008 means it would not have been difficult to do.

I originally misunderstood what they were describing as the VoIP system that was in place that NC hated. Now after listening to the deposition I totally understand what was going on.

Well, first of all, I am starting with the assumption that the TWC call logs show a call being initiated from their TWC digital phone that matches up with the call received on the cell. If the logs don't show that, this whole discussion is pointless and he's toast.

If he had some direct connection to the PSTN as you suggest (which I haven't heard that he had) and used that, then the TWC logs would not show the call.

So, again, assuming that TWC has a record of the call and he initiated it remotely in some complex setup involving a Cisco call manager, there would be tracking evidence left:

1) on the call manager
2) on whatever is used to bridge the call from his private network to the TWC network
3) on whatever network (cell network, presumably) he used from the remote location to initiate the remote call
4) on the TWC network

I'm not saying that this isn't what was done, but just saying that if it is, he maximized his chances of getting busted.
Nancy didn't firm up any plans with JA until Friday afternoon to paint on Saturday morning. That doesn't mean that Nancy wasn't planning to go over and paint so therefore would not be able to run Saturday a.m. I also don't know why she would discuss her Saturday plans with the people at the party on Friday night. I don't find the testimony of CC to indicate that anyone was lying about the Saturday painting.

According to JA's testimony, the painting plans were not even initiated until the evening of the 11th.

Again, she told not one person at the party she was planning to paint. She did mention swimming, but not painting. Secondly the painting conflicted with the tennis plans BC had made and NC was aware of those plans at the party that night. Thinking as a juror, that would raise red flags.
According to JA's testimony, the painting plans were not even initiated until the evening of the 11th.

Again, she told not one person at the party she was planning to paint. She did mention swimming, but not painting. Secondly the painting conflicted with the golf plans BC had made and NC was aware of those plans at the party that night. Thinking as a juror, that would raise red flags.

Golf plans?


Initial discussion of painting the 2nd room in JA's house started on the Wed when Nancy told JA that she now needed to paint the other room since it's beige color did not work with the color she had just painted the dining room. JA agreed with her assessment to paint that other room. Plans were firmed up when they got together the afternoon of Fri the 11th.

Who did Nancy mention swimming to at the night of the party? I don't recall any testimony about that, except that JA knew that Nancy had afternoon plans for Sat and she knew those plans were to go to the LTF pool (with HP).
I do find it a bit odd that she was making plans to meet people at the pool and for games that night without ever mentioning painting plans in the morning. Or that she didn't mention it when discussing MH and BC tennis plans multiple times that evening.

When I'm making plans with people I do not tell them everything else that I'm doing that day. I also don't recall that she even acknowledged that Brad had plans to play tennis. We have heard that MH said she gave her permission but we haven't heard testimony to that at this point. The only testimony is that MH asked NC about making plans to play tennis with BC. NC dialed on her cell phone and then handed the phone to MH. He concluded the call and gave the phone back to Nancy. I don't recall any testimony that NC said anything at all regarding BC and tennis.
I am starting with the assumption that the TWC call logs show a call being initiated from their TWC digital phone that matches up with the call received on the cell. If the logs don't show that, this whole discussion is pointless and he's toast.

I believe this is exactly where all this is headed with the phone logs. I believe we will see TWC phone logs in which NO call is shown coming from the home phone to Brad's cell phone on the morning of 7/12 at 6:40am.
Kurtz said there was no immediate follow up with the witnesses who claimed they saw her that morning jogging - CPD didn't follow up until 2-3 months later. That is a fact. They were interviewed by CPD. Lets wait and see if Kurtz brings them to the stand. Betcha he won't.

Kurtz claims he has proof CPD did something to the computer. He is going to put Jay Ward (computer security expert) on the stand to show how this was done. I think that will also be shown to be a fact. Just because Kurtz said he was going to show CPD tampered with his computers, you think that is true? Do you honestly think the detectives we have seen on the stand would risk their job and freedom so they could frame Brad Cooper? I don't.

Kurtz asked CC when she found out that NC was planning to paint at JA's house on the morning of the 12th, she said she found out the morning of the 11th. Yet JA said the plans weren't made until 5PM the evening of the 11th. Someone is not being truthful about the painting story. It was not even in JA's appointment book, yet she had swim lessons and a party for her kids beginning at 10:30AM that morning. It doesn't add up. NC told no one at the party that night she was planning to paint the next morning. Not one person.
So do you think JA and her x-husband are lying about the painting that AM? Surely you don't think CC was intentionality lying when she said she heard that the morning of the 11th? Phone records prove CC spoke with NC after 5AM on the 11th. The plans apparently weren't 100% finalized, but the job was agreed on before and only finalized later that evening with JA. I find it quite believable that NC mentioned to CC that AM she was probably was going to paint Sat AM....later confirmed with JA. IMO, .

I see you believed a lot of what Kurtz floated in his opening.
Thankfully, the actual witness testimony is what I intend to consider.
According to JA's testimony, the painting plans were not even initiated until the evening of the 11th.

Again, she told not one person at the party she was planning to paint. She did mention swimming, but not painting. Secondly the painting conflicted with the tennis plans BC had made and NC was aware of those plans at the party that night. Thinking as a juror, that would raise red flags.

Again, JA said that she did not discuss plans to paint Saturday a.m. until Friday afternoon. Nancy had to have had the plan first before she brought it up to J.A. She had to be planning it for herself. She would not have made other plans if she was already planning to make plans with J.A. (I hope that made sense.) BC made no plans with NC about playing tennis as far as we know. He had already gone home when MH approached NC. NC and BC did not speak any more after he left the party according to what he has told investigators.
Well, first of all, I am starting with the assumption that the TWC call logs show a call being initiated from their TWC digital phone that matches up with the call received on the cell. If the logs don't show that, this whole discussion is pointless and he's toast.

If he had some direct connection to the PSTN as you suggest (which I haven't heard that he had) and used that, then the TWC logs would not show the call.

In the deposition he explained using Cisco wireless IP Phones to replace the cordless phones in his home. This could only happen in 2 ways, 1 he was on a separate Cisco VoIP network or 2 he used his own Call Manager and Voice Gateway to connect to the PSTN in this case TWC Digital Voice. In this case TWC would show the call.

So, again, assuming that TWC has a record of the call and he initiated it remotely in some complex setup involving a Cisco call manager, there would be tracking evidence left:

1) on the call manager If he controls the server he control the data and can easily wipe the trail
2) on whatever is used to bridge the call from his private network to the TWC network Again he controls the gateway and the data
3) on whatever network (cell network, presumably) he used from the remote location to initiate the remote call True but how to tell the data activity from the phone or other device from other network traffic and determine what that data connection is really doing?
4) on the TWC network The call would show up as a normal phone call on TWC records

I'm not saying that this isn't what was done, but just saying that if it is, he maximized his chances of getting busted.

I would say this minimizes chances of getting busted.

Added comments in red
That was entered into evidence as an HP 4000 series Workstation. From the testimony in the trial.

The HP workstation was sitting on the far right side of his desk, the long edge of the L-shaped desk.

He had 3 computers in his office.
I believe this is exactly where all this is headed with the phone logs. I believe we will see TWC phone logs in which NO call is shown coming from the home phone to Brad's cell phone on the morning of 7/12 at 6:40am.

How do AT&T records show a call from the home phone to the cell phone if they didn't receive that information from TWC? Just trying to understand where that call supposedly came from.
How do AT&T records show a call from the home phone to the cell phone if they didn't receive that information from TWC? Just trying to understand where that call supposedly came from.

I don't know how this spoofing of calls works and how it is initiated and comes through one network but not another network. I'm going to have to wait and see when the expert is on the stand and when the evidence is presented. I couldn't even guess, as I'm not an engineer.
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