I had in my timeline a chunk of time for googling for dump site. Is that what you think this is? I would think googling for a dump site would take longer than one minute @2:32. Would we know if the "data" transfer was happening over a period of several minutes? Or do we know that that is not the case? Do we know how much data? That does seem odd from an 'innocent' perspective...did he receive a push email at that time (or any other automated data transfer)? But even from a 'guilty' perspective, what could he have accomplished in that amount of time/data?
Being computer literate I would imagine BC smart enough not to use any gear traceable to him when searching for dump sites. I don't think it is unreasonable to believe that this dump site was known to BC. It is close to his home and it is the site of a Toll Brothers new development. It has been mentioned before that the Coopers were looking at Toll Brother developments.