State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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They might not have been lying, but Detective McDreamy basically refused to answer a couple of basic questions with obvious answers.
I'm going to have to disagree with you that he refused to answer. He answered, just not the way the defense wanted. If he couldn't see dirt or mud on the shoes because of the video, that is what he stated. If he didn't believe NC was alive at 6:40 am, then that was what he answered.
Not refusing, not evasive, imo. Not to argue with you, I just see it differently.
The methods are different though. Does the site go into all forms of asphyxiation?

I've not seen the site in question - so I can't respond with anything other than wild speculation.

However, I can say that whatever the method - the body will respond similarly to the lack of oxygen. Whether you choke, smother or squeeze - if the brain and heart are not getting oxygen - it would be immaterial WHY these organs didn't get the oxygen required to support life and the timeline / result would be the same.
Does anyone know if the trial is going on this afternoon?? I notice the judge got upset by the tweeting and blogs, etc. Has he blacked out the whole trial? Did he think there would be NO reporting about testimony??
I'm going to have to disagree with you that he refused to answer. He answered, just not the way the defense wanted. If he couldn't see dirt or mud on the shoes because of the video, that is what he stated. If he didn't believe NC was alive at 6:40 am, then that was what he answered.
Not refusing, not evasive, imo. Not to argue with you, I just see it differently.

on the wral photos it said first entered in tennis shoes and next picture he was in open toed shoes
the defense made it seem the map area was the only evidence found on Brad's computer but they found other stuff the Judge won't allow in because it is prejudicial

Tks Palomine! OK ... And if the blip - (apparently) made by the defense with this latest tweet scenario - goes thru, would it be possible grounds for mistrial later?
Does anyone know if the trial is going on this afternoon?? I notice the judge got upset by the tweeting and blogs, etc. Has he blacked out the whole trial? Did he think there would be NO reporting about testimony??

depends when finished with this witness...defense to make cross go on for days
the website wasn't mentioned, just said that he bookmarked it

Now I'm wondering, is that a website or a newsgroup? The only 'alt's' I'm familiar with are newsgroups, usenet. Was brad reading/posting on a ng, I wonder?
OT - these tweets on #coopertrial are making me want to gouge my eyes out. I really want to respond, but I have my tweets protected. Tempted to unprotect them and have a go at it.

You should just go to the WRAL tweets, and forget about the coopertrial ones. There are so many and they really don't need to be read, imo. :seeya:
Tks Palomine! OK ... And if the blip - (apparently) made by the defense with this latest tweet scenario - goes thru, would it be possible grounds for mistrial later?

no mistrial, just because the Defense misspoke
you can't open the door and expect the Pros not to walk in
depends when finished with this witness...defense to make cross go on for days

Thanks! I didn't realize the witness was still being examined by the defense! :crazy:
Thanks! I didn't realize the witness was still being examined by the defense! :crazy:

Let's see if Kurtz thinks twice before asking a combative expert a question that starts with, "Why."
Now I'm wondering, is that a website or a newsgroup? The only 'alt's' I'm familiar with are newsgroups, usenet. Was brad reading/posting on a ng, I wonder?

Just checked out alt.suicide on my laptop, it has usenet capability on it still. alt.suicide appears to be quite an active ng still. Wouldn't that be something if brad was posting on usenet?
Nancy's lawyer knew exactly what questions to ask Brad during depo
OT - these tweets on #coopertrial are making me want to gouge my eyes out. I really want to respond, but I have my tweets protected. Tempted to unprotect them and have a go at it.

Gosh, kelly. Big one, that Q. Always been advised to operate "a disposable" Internet ID if for random purchasing, blogging, etc. But heck, who am I to begin to advise? These things truly scare the bejeezers outta me.

Never know what you'll pick up out there. (HA HA - my lovely, darling, very aged mom used to tell me that about "boys" when I was a lass - now look! *gasp*)
Do you agree though that the Police have a tendency to become jaded towards all after experiencing things like above? That once you become jaded it changes your perspective? Or that there are also LEOs and Pros that have huge egos that influence them and cause bias?

Trying to catch up here, so I apologize for going back, but that argument goes both ways. Defense attorneys can also become jaded and have big egos with agendas. What if, perhaps for Kurtz, this case is less about whether or not he thinks BC is innocent, but rather about furthering his career trying to overturn precedent regarding FBI analyzation methods? All the way up the system he goes.....

Just wanted to say, the ONLY job for the defense attorney is to get their client off, whether their client if actually guilty or not!

You can not say the same for law enforcement and prosecutors.

They take an oath and are sworn to uphold the law.
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