State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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I haven't figured out how to use spell check on here. :(

When you are typing if the word is underlined in red it is speldted wrong. :great:

Unless it just doesn't recognize the word (like your name). ;)
I'm not too sure on this jury. Wish we at least had a breakdown of ages/occupations/etc. Is this a N.C. law, no jury info? I remember with the Scott Peterson trial we had sex/ages/occupations of the jurors. Wasn't it the same with O.J.?

LaLaw has brought up interesting thoughts about this trial/jury. Something's amiss. Yesterday's "staring" antics were unsettling - and LaLaw's post has made my own interest peak. I was not reading during Jury Selection; can't answer - but indeed - would also like to know.
Okay, I'm confused, court is still in session? What happened to *lunch*? Did they go to lunch?
I have the same question. How did the defense open the door to this?

Defence asked an expert witness effectively "so there was only one piece of computer evidence right?"... pros objected and said that yes there were other pieces of evidence that had been disallowed and thus the question should either be disallowed or if the witness allowed to answer then the other evidence be allowed.
Lets hope not, again the appeal process will take forever if Brad can prove ineffectual counsel. Then this whole mess starts all over again. I would love to know what exactly Kurtz is doing though. What is his plan/thinking?


Explains BC's copious notetaking. Saving for later.
Defense: Why would Brad, who's a smart guy, leave 1 piece of evidence (Google Maps search zoomed on body site) & nothing else? #coopertrial

Prosecutor objects to defense's question. Jury out. Prosecutor: Brad left behind other evidence, but judge won't allow it. #coopertrial
45 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

because of this.
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Defense: Why would Brad, who's a smart guy, leave 1 piece of evidence (Google Maps search zoomed on body site) & nothing else? #coopertrial

Prosecutor objects to defense's question. Jury out. Prosecutor: Brad left behind other evidence, but judge won't allow it. #coopertrial

Prosecutor wants to show jury website Brad allegedly visited that talked about suicide by asphyixiation. #coopertrial

Prosecutor: Website shows what went on in Brad's head. Perhaps he was going to make it look like Nancy committed suicide. #coopertrial

Judge previously said he wouldn't allow prosecution to show jury the website. He's now reconsidering & taking under advisement. #coopertrial

This is all the information we have about what happened in court.
But it would appear that Kurtz has opened the little ole door.
Is it lunch break or is the witness still blocked out?
Ya'll, too lazy to sift through all the pages I missed while I was at a TWO luncheon/banquet :( ..... what website is the judge considering for the prosecution?
Well, maybe they did go to lunch since the jury was already out. jmo
Defence asked an expert witness effectively "so there was only one piece of computer evidence right?"... pros objected and said that yes there were other pieces of evidence that had been disallowed and thus the question should either be disallowed or if the witness allowed to answer then the other evidence be allowed.

Open mouth, insert foot!:eek:

That's what happens when a def attorney starts grand standing. This was a very stoooopid mistake!:slap: Just about as bad as Brad's leaving the 'google' search of the scene where NC was eventually located, on a work computer!:loser:

just sayin'
I don't think it's a huge deal if they do allow the information from the "fathers losing custody of their children". If he was browsing that site, and that article (asphyxiation) was there, anyone could be interested in reading it. It (to me) doesn't even come close to implying he was planning to stage a suicide. Now, if he did a google search specific to "how to stage a suicide", that would be different. JMO
I don't think it's a huge deal if they do allow the information from the "fathers losing custody of their children". If he was browsing that site, and that article (asphyxiation) was there, anyone could be interested in reading it. It (to me) doesn't even come close to implying he was planning to stage a suicide. Now, if he did a google search specific to "how to stage a suicide", that would be different. JMO

It would not be relevant if she had died in some other manner. Since she died as a result of asphyxiation, it is very relevant to the crime. MOO
I don't think it's a huge deal if they do allow the information from the "fathers losing custody of their children". If he was browsing that site, and that article (asphyxiation) was there, anyone could be interested in reading it. It (to me) doesn't even come close to implying he was planning to stage a suicide. Now, if he did a google search specific to "how to stage a suicide", that would be different. JMO

Understand the site shown yesterday was alt.suicide.
Do you remember those questions, or a link?

Yes. During direct, he stated that in his opinion, BC was wiping sweat from his forehead and wiping it on his pants when he entered HT. However, when the defense asked if he saw mud on his shoes or muddy feetprint on the floor, he went into basically saying that the quality of the video prevents him from answering the question. He was also asked "IF Nancy Cooper made the call to BC at 6:40, that would mean she was alive, right?" And he refused to answer. Obviously if she made the call she was alive. It wasn't a trick question and he could have said "Yes, she would have had to have been alive if it was actually her that made that call". Instead, he looked really bad (IMO) because it wasn't a hard question. He would say "We have no evidence she was alive at 6:40". But that wasn't the question.
Ya'll, too lazy to sift through all the pages I missed while I was at a TWO luncheon/banquet :( ..... what website is the judge considering for the prosecution?

The one about suicide and asphyxiation.


see post 330
the defense made it seem the map area was the only evidence found on Brad's computer but they found other stuff the Judge won't allow in because it is prejudicial
It would not be relevant if she had died in some other manner. Since she died as a result of asphyxiation, it is very relevant to the crime. MOO

I don't see the connection. It's suffocation versus choking. (I hate even talking about this kind of stuff).:(
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