State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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You know, I'm just a common every day individual who happens to not know a whole damn lot about computer or cell phone technology. What I do know is what doo-doo smells like. Brad's internet "research," if you will, and his actions prior to Nancy's death and after Nancy's death, his knowing what item of clothing she was wearing, his conveniently not giving Nancy her allowance on Friday, his hijacking Nancy's email accounts, his ending up with a necklace that she never took off, his two highly suspicious trips to HT that very morning, the mysterious missing two shoes of the same foot, the mysterious missing of his own shoes shown in the HT video, his ability and knowledge and procuring of equipment to spoof an alibi call, his hatred of Nancy, and his inability to show any emotion for the death of the mother of his children REEKS of doo-doo. That's what I know. My bet is on the fact that jurors are a little more like me - just your normal everyday folk that knows when the toilet is overflowing.

Way to Go, less! Hubby has just peered over his glasses, cos I'm belly laughing!
I don't think you are fully understanding the issue here. It has nothing to do with internet files, cookies, deleting history, etc. This about detecting whether or not a computer has been tampered with. The results form this type of test would have no bearing on a normal child *advertiser censored* case.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
I'm all for Kurtz challenging evidence and putting the state to the test, but I think theorizing that LEO or DA's would flippantly fabricate evidence - with no evidence of that actually happening here - is lazy or sloppy or prejudiced thinking. If you can decide an LEO framed BC, or even entertain it seriously, on the basis of what has been shown so far, you should have voted long ago to put BC in the chamber.

Kurtz has his day coming. He may cause us all to decide we are wrong. I doubt it though. And for me it won't be on the idea that because a time stamp on a hard drive is different is some indication lab techs planted evidence against BC, unless he proves it.

There are bad apples everywhere - bad LEO's, bad DA's, bad defense attorneys, and bad husbands who kill their wives. But just because those exist is no reason to believe anyone in this trial is that, except by actual evidence. CPD is guilty of some sloppy evidence handling no doubt. Kurtz will rightfully work that. The tampering thing is eye-rolling stuff for me, but hey it more or less worked for OJ so it could work here.

But the idea that LEO's are looking to frame people in general or DA's want to convict innocent people in general is laughable. The LEO's I know are good people, the best. I don't extrapolate from that that all LEO's are. If you met a bad one or saw one on TV and extrapolate from that that most are bad, well good luck with that sort of logic.


Detectives lying on the witness stand didn't help in that case either. You'd have to have the same scenario (lying) here.
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Prosecutor: Website shows what went on in Brad's head. Perhaps he was going to make it look like Nancy committed suicide. #coopertrial
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Defense: Why would Brad, who's a smart guy, leave 1 piece of evidence (Google Maps search zoomed on body site) & nothing else? #coopertrial


Why do fools fall in love??

Answer defense query: not only stupid people fail to remove all evidence.

Dear Kurtz, you are a smart guy. You grab everything you need for work one morning in a hurry, run out the door and realize you left your keys inside. Impossible? Does your head explode?

If I get pulled over speeding (my documented offense and prior criminal history) I will respond thusly. "Officer, I do not have my license with me. I am a smart guy; how is it that I have everything necessary to drive except my license? Absurd. Therefore, how is it possible I was speeding while driving this vehicle? Equally absurd we agree. Have a nice day, I pay your salary, etc., etc."
I think the fact that CPD or whomever was responsible for securing the Cisco laptop connected it to a network that enabled it to receive automatic updates is a huge RED flag. I am pretty sure that best practice when performing forensic analysis on a computer is to keep it isolated(ie., not connected to a network) such that there is no way the data could be come contaminated by outside factors. The fact that this was not done in my mind opens the door to have any evidence based on later analysis rendered inadmissible. I am surprised the defense has not thought of this. Also by connecting it to a network which probably is also connected to the internet opens the door that they could have performed the search themselves and changed the time stamp of the cache files.
I guess the defense experts will be able to show this, then?
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Judge previously said he wouldn't allow prosecution to show jury the website. He's now reconsidering & taking under advisement. #coopertrial
I think the fact that CPD or whomever was responsible for securing the Cisco laptop connected it to a network that enabled it to receive automatic updates is a huge RED flag. I am pretty sure that best practice when performing forensic analysis on a computer is to keep it isolated(ie., not connected to a network) such that there is no way the data could be come contaminated by outside factors. The fact that this was not done in my mind opens the door to have any evidence based on later analysis rendered inadmissible. I am surprised the defense has not thought of this. Also by connecting it to a network which probably is also connected to the internet opens the door that they could have performed the search themselves and changed the time stamp of the cache files.

However, I think you are forgetting that the Cisco Laptop was left powered up for 27 Hours untouched between the securing of the house to collection by the CBI team..It was then powered down, and taken into custody and put in evidence locker until it was transfered to FBI...That computer was quite capable of numerous auto update for 27 hours.

Chain of custody has already been testified to, and Computers were never powered up by LE ..So unless FBI planted this stuff, who else??..No Red Flaggs of corruptive handlings, however HUGE RED Flagg pointing to Brad's searches :crazy:
To all of the computer experts out there, if Cary LE had given this computer to a normal expert that did not work for the FBI and he found this info, this would all be moot? correct? Or, are you saying that "only" the FBI would have found this?

Anyone could have found this information unless it has been deleted in which case you might need some advanced tools to retrieve the data. Assuming that Cooper never deleted his internet cache it would be there for anyone to see. In Firefox you can easily find out where these files are located by entering about:cache in the address bar where you would normally enter a URL. In IE is is usually located at C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files. You can zoom in on the site where the NC's body was found and see for yourself that there will be a .jpg file which is an image file showing what you zoomed in on.
I think maybe the conspiracy theories (on both sides) are getting a little far-fetched, so I will show you my theory I postulated over an extremely unhealthy lunch whilst (I hate that word) catching up with you guys.

1) The "Child Pornographers" all over the world will have access to this if we reveal it. The "Crime Syndicates" will bankrupt us and the "Cyber Criminals" will unite and destroy national security argument is BUNK. Pure bunk. This tool will be PK in less than three years which is why this argument sounds so loud out of Kurtz's mouth and so unanswered and muddy coming out of Boz's mouth. (Seriously) It's akin to how DNA evidence would have been treated upon it's recognition and introduction. For every measure, there becomes a counter measure which gets a counter-counter-measure and so on and so forth. (Every action has an equal and opposite reaction)

2) Don't look at it like the CPD KNOWLINGLY corrupted it for a minute. I think this is a defense McGuffin/Red Herring! They are TRYING to get the pros witness to say: THESE computers WERE NOT tampered with in a loud (or high and squeaky) voice on PURPOSE.

3) Imagine this argument: The timeline of the computers being out of Brad's hands and into the CPD's hands is incomplete but secure. The defense COULD be trying to indicate inept OR corrupt.
What if it's inept and a detective (pointing at JI for just a second) modified something to get at deleted cookies. He then found google searches, he then tried to replicate something he saw while modifying the time stamp to SEARCH. (Not saying this could happen, because technically, I just went over my head) Then we have LESS "planted evidence" and more "indavertently created evidence" by what we have already seen is a stretched-knowledge CPD. From a legal-spectator perspective, this is where I would want to be defense-wise. The automatic update question that CC answered could actually hurt the pros on this if they can find a single file opened in forensic preview with a modification, however minute, made that could cast that light on CPD.

Back to work!

Detectives lying on the witness stand didn't help in that case either. You'd have to have the same scenario (lying) here.


On tangent: my old firm was local counsel for the woman who had the tapes of Mark Fuhrman and his infamous stories and language, which were in Winston Salem. Cochran and Bailey came to Forsyth County to compel their disclosure (in a packed courtroom); she (tape owner) objected on the basis it would harm the commercial value of the tapes. I thought Cochran did a great job but Judge Wood ruled against Simpson. The court of appeals agreed to an expedited appeal and ruling and reversed. The rest is history. But there is your local NC connection for the famous OJ case.
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Judge previously said he wouldn't allow prosecution to show jury the website. He's now reconsidering & taking under advisement. #coopertrial

Did the defense open a door to this ?? Rhut Rho...IF so :waitasec:
The court is probably in recess for lunch right now and I'm going to go outside and mow a some grass. All of this computer talk is more than I can comprehend. Yall have at it :)

I just came back in from filling my bird feeders, putting a few drops of bleach in the fountain to clean it up, and dead-heading a few potted plants. Still quite weak from walking pneumonia... wish I could take a short walk with the dogs, but I'm afraid I might not make it back home again.
I think the fact that CPD or whomever was responsible for securing the Cisco laptop connected it to a network that enabled it to receive automatic updates is a huge RED flag. I am pretty sure that best practice when performing forensic analysis on a computer is to keep it isolated(ie., not connected to a network) such that there is no way the data could be come contaminated by outside factors. The fact that this was not done in my mind opens the door to have any evidence based on later analysis rendered inadmissible. I am surprised the defense has not thought of this. Also by connecting it to a network which probably is also connected to the internet opens the door that they could have performed the search themselves and changed the time stamp of the cache files.

Which is it?
The CPD is so inept that they turned the computer on before copying the hard drive?
Or, so clever that they knew how to create and place temporary internet files in just the right way to convince the FBI that the computer was not tampered with.
Can't have it both ways.
I think Brad could manipulate his home personal computers, but Cisco computers could not be deleted entirely
I love spell check seems my spelling is getting worse

I haven't figured out how to use spell check on here. :(
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