State v Bradley Cooper 4-26-11

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I get "not for one person" or even for one group, for that matter.

But, it takes one juror, no? To hang it.

You are so right about that. I think we on here have a huge amount of not only time, but emotion, invested in this case. I don't want a hung jury. I don't want it for either side. But most especially, for Nancy's family. I don't know if they could take another trial.
There seems to be people that are sure BC did it and even if there is no evidence they are determined, then some that think he did it but feel the state has not proven their case, and then there are some, me included, that think there is a possibility that he may have done it since often the spouse is the one, but we weren't there and to date there has been no evidence he did it, and the so called circumstantial evidence seems like normal things people do that is getting blown way way out of porportion as if it was unique. Also normal things that happen during a divorce seem to be being blown out of porportion too, and the budget issue, to most people is sounding pretty silly considering how much she was getting per week and both of their spending habits and their debt. I would also like to know more about this supposed message she left the realtor, but her not at the same time calling AS about her urgent need to move. Just that she had not contacted AS in months has me baffled if we are to listen to her friends and take all they have said as fact.

Since there was no real investigation into anyone other than BC we really don't know who did this, the State has not proven anything at this point except that the CPD messed up quite a few things, including not following their own protocols regarding handling of evidence, have been evasive, refuse to admit to things that are evident, want to be able to provide secret evidence that cannot be examined by the Defense under the guise of National Secutiry, and that they appear to have just listened to her friends and family as if they were Oracle's and looked no further.

I am not saying BC is not a liar, that he didn't cheat, but I am also pretty sure, unless he really has a secret secret life, that he is not an experienced murder and the fact that there is no crime scene, despite the CPDs guesses, along with no forensic evidence doesn't make me confident that he did it - that is not to say that he didn't, but I need some evidence - something, the alleged google map search did not do it for me - too many questions surrounding that. I also do not want to see our justice system perverted which seems to be happening in this case, that bothers me more than anything else, with the perceived bias of the Judge and what appears to be major egos of the Prosecution who appear more to want to win a case then find justice. The arrogance alone of BZ and attacking each Defense withness as if they are hostile or trying to purposely confuse them bothers me too, and attacking their personal lives that should not be happening. I would like to see him actually rebut some of the evidence instead of attacking the messenger on a personal level.

Please don't come back telling me the Defense attorney's have ego's too, we already know that, but the Defense in this case is doing its job which is defending their client.

Bravo!!!!!! I agree 100% and I will never doubt that percentage!!!
I will admit that I did not because I'm missing too many variables. I would have to have the same settings in terms of cache deletion and security programs along with having Vista on a 2008 computer doing a search in 2008 on Google.

Would you believe the testimony of a Google expert in this matter?

If that testimony was that the Google Maps search files were inconsistent with what they would look like in an actual search done at that time on that type system -- would that change your mind?
In the undeniable abscence of any concrete physical evidence, many on here have pointed to BC's actions and how "odd" they were, or how they "differered" from what was his normal routine.

Has anyone considered that we do not KNOW his normal routine? He was a very private person, that we know. So the only "personality traits" we can depend on is those from people in the neighborhood, some of whom were willing to LIE to see him convicted, and were turned against BC by NC's words. So WAS he acting out of character, or was he acting out of the character NC painted of him to her friends (which we KNOW, to some degree, was a lie)?

As to some of the posts that say, sarcastically, I assume, that it was CONVENIENT that a stranger murdered her right when they were divorcing, I am reminded of a line from the Shawshank Redemption, when Tim Robbins is on the stand, and being cross examined by the prosecution about the inability to find the murder weapon:

District Attorney: And that also is very convenient, isn't it, Mr. Dufresne?

Andy Dufresne: Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, I find it decidedly *inconvenient* that the gun was never found.
O/T: For anybody following the Casey Anthony Case: Judge Perry handed down three more rulings today: The cadavar dogs are coming in! The evidence of the heart sticker is coming in! The hair banding is coming in!

Watch out - the conspiracy theories will run rampant over here!!!
I don't see reasonable doubt and have read almost every post. First, I don't think JW helped the defence like some have suggested. I just don't agree with how some have interpreted his testimony on here. Second, on the circumstantial evidence front, it would take a bizarre number of coincidences to have everything coalesce into pointing to bizarre that I do not think it is possible that he did not do it. Maybe Brad lost his shoes that day, maybe Nancy went running with 2 left shoes, the list is really very long.

You do realize that the two RIGHT shoes that were found were not her size, hence probably not hers, right? As for the coincidences, every day in this country, people manage to beat BILLION and TRILLION to one odds and pick SIX numbers that match six numbers the state pulls and win the lottery. Coincidences do occur. That is why we require more than "coincidences" to convict someone of a crime.
Can someone list the relevant facts that were presented today? I guess none?

There were none that actually made any difference. The only thing that remains up in the air is the testimony of Mr. Lopez. I am waiting for the second tape to be played tomorrow before I make a final decision on his testimony.
I don't see reasonable doubt and have read almost every post. First, I don't think JW helped the defence like some have suggested. I just don't agree with how some have interpreted his testimony on here. Second, on the circumstantial evidence front, it would take a bizarre number of coincidences to have everything coalesce into pointing to bizarre that I do not think it is possible that he did not do it. Maybe Brad lost his shoes that day, maybe Nancy went running with 2 left shoes, the list is really very long.

I don't think he needed to. (JW helping defense) But, I think we are getting further and further into a case that law enforcement was inexperienced and ultimately incapable of dealing with.

I won't go into the jury stats side of this. (They nailed it with the defense opening aiming at that and at least providing evidence of it)

I think today (playing the JP tapes) proved that even in September, LONG after it was proclaimed an act of domestic violence, they were still trying to rule out suspects and figure out what happened. In order to prove that is not the case, we have to say "It was BC from day one."

I don't think we have anything BUT reasonable doubt.

And I am not buying the google search at all anymore. I don't think it's replicable because it was misinformation and not the smoking gun we thought. (Otherwise, why has he been in jail for 2 years and change and they just looked at it last month, or a month before trial, etc.)

I think this case is rapidly becoming the exact reason that our system fails, time and time again to address the minute checks and balances of the legal system.
I don't think there is much outside of someone coming in the court and saying 'I did it' which would sway you, but you already knew that. :seeya:

LOL< I used to be a big Matlock fan. But I always SWORE that when the police couldn't FIND the killer, they would arrest one of Matlocks "friends", and know that not ONLY would he find them innocent, but he would find the real killer as well, LOL.
Would you believe the testimony of a Google expert in this matter?

If that testimony was that the Google Maps search files were inconsistent with what they would look like in an actual search done at that time on that type system -- would that change your mind?

I will need to wait to hear the Google expert if one is called before I can answer that question.
In the undeniable abscence of any concrete physical evidence, many on here have pointed to BC's actions and how "odd" they were, or how they "differered" from what was his normal routine.

Has anyone considered that we do not KNOW his normal routine? He was a very private person, that we know. So the only "personality traits" we can depend on is those from people in the neighborhood, some of whom were willing to LIE to see him convicted, and were turned against BC by NC's words. So WAS he acting out of character, or was he acting out of the character NC painted of him to her friends (which we KNOW, to some degree, was a lie)?

As to some of the posts that say, sarcastically, I assume, that it was CONVENIENT that a stranger murdered her right when they were divorcing, I am reminded of a line from the Shawshank Redemption, when Tim Robbins is on the stand, and being cross examined by the prosecution about the inability to find the murder weapon:

District Attorney: And that also is very convenient, isn't it, Mr. Dufresne?

Andy Dufresne: Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, I find it decidedly *inconvenient* that the gun was never found.

Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'.
You do realize that the two RIGHT shoes that were found were not her size, hence probably not hers, right? As for the coincidences, every day in this country, people manage to beat BILLION and TRILLION to one odds and pick SIX numbers that match six numbers the state pulls and win the lottery. Coincidences do occur. That is why we require more than "coincidences" to convict someone of a crime.

Math can't be equated with a human being. A Brad Cooper human being that did everything in the world different on the morning of July 12 than he'd ever done before and there is truthful testimony that bears this out. And that is just the beginning. I keep remembering the testimony from Det. D. that Brad never once called to see how the case was progressing. The R. family called daily, or more. That says a lot all by itself.
At what point does private veer into secretive? At what point does keeping things to yourself verge over into leading a double life with plans to move to another country? For that matter, how private is adventuresofbrad? All this privacy stuff in light of that is kind of confusing.

What I learned today is that NC rolled around on the sofa with JP - YEARS ago. Wait, I already knew that.

What I learned today is that Mr. Lopez is torn up having to testify to something the defense will use to acquit Brad.

What I learned yesterday is how silly all this was going to run wasn't going to run stuff is. Yesterday I told someone I was going to the gym and then didn't go. Had you asked her she'd have said, yep, gym for sure. I ended up going for a walk instead, and never told the person I walked with that I'd planned to go to yoga. Not because I was hiding anything. Because I changed my mind. Ask HIM and he'd say no, not the gym, definitely not, a walk was definitely planned.

Monday and Tuesday have gone by and I'm still thinking - so?
Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'.

A year of so after my forst divorce, a guy my soon to be ex was living with was arrested for killing a couple in a home invasion with an axe (yeah, gruesome, huh?). But the thought crossed my mind that if that person HAD killed my ex instead, I would have been a PRIME suspect (it might have something to do with the PARTY I would have been having when I heard...JUST KIDDING, LOL).

But lets consider this, 50% of all marriages end in divorce. So ANY married person who is murdered, really, has a 50% chance of ALSO either be going THORUGH a divorce, or having BEEN divorced. So getting murdered while planning a divorce isn't really THAT big of a stretch, is it?
yes, but not beyond a reasonable doubt.

I'm confusing myself here... do you agree...

If I were a juror and I have what I believe to be reasonable doubt as to a defendant's guilt I should vote not guilty.

The prosecution has to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

At what point does private veer into secretive? At what point does keeping things to yourself verge over into leading a double life with plans to move to another country? For that matter, how private is adventuresofbrad? All this privacy stuff in light of that is kind of confusing.

What I learned today is that NC rolled around on the sofa with JP - YEARS ago. Wait, I already knew that.

What I learned today is that Mr. Lopez is torn up having to testify to something the defense will use to acquit Brad.

What I learned yesterday is how silly all this was going to run wasn't going to run stuff is. Yesterday I told someone I was going to the gym and then didn't go. Had you asked her she'd have said, yep, gym for sure. I ended up going for a walk instead, and never told the person I walked with that I'd planned to go to yoga. Not because I was hiding anything. Because I changed my mind. Ask HIM and he'd say no, not the gym, definitely not, a walk was definitely planned.

Monday and Tuesday have gone by and I'm still thinking - so?

What is interesting is the double standard. Picture of BC holding hands with French woman...they MUST have been having an affair.

NC NAKED in the couch with JP...well, not really SURE that they actually had sex.

Michael Blagg, the other wife killer I was trying to think of in response to quiries of doubt that a husband would dump his wifes body in such a manner. Michael Blagg's wife's leg, flopping out from a chunk of conpacted garbage, at the garbage dump. As the big mechanical shovel lifts yet aother heap of garbage out of the dump. So heartbreaking for her family.
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