State v Bradley Cooper 4-26-11

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What benefit would JP gain by NC's death? What benefit(s) did Brad gain by Nancy's death?


*NC and JP have run together or he has met her on her route, why?
*youngest daughter is JP's (timing from couch episode to birth is perfect)
*NC (who needed $) was getting secret payments to keep it quiet
*JP (Mr. I would do anything to protect my family/livelihood) decided to end it


"we started intercourse..."

yes, he said it. he said other things too, but he definitely said "we started intercourse".
"He did not withdraw and/or pay Nancy her allowance on that Friday."

You pay EVERYTHING you are supposed to, everytime, all the time?

"He was the last person to see Nancy alive."

Never proven.

"He lied about being asleep and yet was on the computer checking her emails."

You try to account for EVERY little thing you did, for EVERY moment, when you just found out your wife was missing.

"He made two odd trips to HT within minutes of each other on the same morning, wearing two different shoes, wearing a zip up jacket zipped to his chin, and long pants on a July hot, humid morning in North Carolina."

Getting milk for a child to drink is odd? Mornings, regardless of the time of year, can be chilly. Plus the STORE can be chilly.

"He knew exactly what item of clothing Nancy had left on her body when she was found."

He knew ONE item of clothing he said she was wearing because she always wore it.

"He did not call the police when his wife did not return home from a "jog."

He did not call the police at 8 AM when his estranged wife was one hour gone from a two hour run?

"He did not call any hospitals or emergency rooms in trying to locate his wife.
He did not answer his cell phone from calls while he was "searching for Nancy.
He did not return a phone call to a police officer even after a voice mail was left when his wife was missing and he was "searching" for his wife."

He was driving around looking for her and didn;t answer his cell from an unknown number. They owed MONEY, there was probably a LOT of unknown numbers they didn't answer.

"Items were missing from the home that have never been produced."

I would bet dollars to doughnuts that I could take TEN random items from your home, and not only would you never miss them, you would never realize you had them in the first place.

"He laundered the dress she wore the night before rather than produce it to the police when they asked for her clothing."

Washed at her request, before he knew she was murdered.

"The trunk of his car was so spotlessly clean that not one hair, lint ball, or speck of dirt was found."

And despite NOT being dry cleaned, not a speck of DNA either.

"His computer has a google search of the very spot his wife's body was found on the day before she went missing."

With questionable time stamps and missing .cur files.

"He had the knowledge, means, and equipment to produce a fake call to his cell phone."

Yet NO proof was offered that he was in POSSESSION of the equipment, or that he made the calls.

"He was found to be in possession of a diamond necklace that his wife never took off."

Despite photos of her without it.

"He did not produce the two right shoes missing from NC's cache of running shoes."

That were NOT her size.

"He did not question police as to where his wife was found or by what means his wife was dead."

What DO you ask when they tell you we found your wife's body?

"Having an affair with his wife's best friend and lying about it certainly does."

Makes him a cheater, not a murderer.

"Doing it in the closet while his/her children are steps away certainly does."

Again, pervert, sexual deviate, but not a murderer.

"Screaming and yelling with his wife in the parking lot of his daughter's school in front of his daughters certainly does."

You mean like she did to him at the party?

"Not showing one ounce of emotion over the death of the mother of his children certainly does."

Yeah, maybe he should have CRIED in public to prove his Susan Smith.

"Removing your wife from all financial accounts and withdrawing any access to any marital funds without telling her certainly does."

At the suggestion of the financial advisor.

"Not paying the utility bills to the point of disconnect and yet not leaving your wife means to do so certainly does."

Yet spending like a drunken sailor on clothes and other stuff, like SHE did, when the bills were not paid was okay?

"Following your spouse to the gas station to monitor the amount of gas and money certainly does."

Was he MONITORING her, or using his credit card to pay for it? I mean he COULD have just let her have the credit card, cause we ALL know how good she was with that, huh?

"Traveling to foreign countries and flinging it up with a foreign chick certainly does."

Again, sexual pervert does not mean murderer.

"Spying on your spouse's email accounts certainly does."

Not uncommon in a divorce situation. Not RIGHT, but again, not MURDERER.

"But we've been through all of this before and people can talk until they're blue in the face and it won't change minds either way. I know I will NEVER believe that the entire Cary Police Department framed BC"

I don;t think they framed him, I think they screwed up CRUCIAL evidence, focused on him solely in the beginning, and when they didn't have the evidence, had to make what they had seem worse, because if not, they had to admit they dropped the ball on other stuff.

"No, Brad did this to himself. He did this all by his lonesome - just what he deserves to be for the rest of his natural life - lonesome... no children, no family to visit, and no friends. Such a pathetic loser."

So he is GUILTY, regardless of what the jury says? That is why jurors get excused.

PERFECT ANSWERS. Hope the defense uses this in their closing. If so, any reasonable person could not convict BC
I wonder if this is some concerted effort on their parts to take away from the defense's case? Seems weird to me, as they have both proven themselves to be mature women on the stand.

I don't know but they were definitely shot some looks from jurors.
Going to have to determine if you had someone plant that stuff there before you win a prize. Is McDreamy at your house??
You didn't answer my previous question. If it's true that she did mention to RL that she was going to go jogging on Saturday, would that preclude her from calling CC early Sat. morning? I'm not saying she called her, but maybe that was her plan?

Like I said, 'pigs could fly too', I don't deal in all these 'possibilities'. run this past me AFTER we hear RL's second tape. All these odd occcurances happened on this one day. Brad became Mr. Clean, Nancy ran alone for the first time, in only a sports bra, the only red & black one she owned. In two left shoes, and on and on.

Okay-- 2 things:
1) Has to be identical to the nanosecond.
2) You have to have this occur while navigating the page. Did you navigate to anything? It looks, based on the time difference between open and closed hands, like you didn't. And the map in question involved clicking and dragging and zooming.

Yes I would have doubted his statement, because EVERYONE else has stated nancy never ran alone. Even brad stated that 'nancy never ran alone.' He knew enough to tell JA that 'nancy went jogging with carrie, because he knew if he said 'nancy went running ALONE, that would certainly cause even more alarm.

So you would have said he was lying? (not baiting here...I promise)
Oh and RL on the witness stand was heartbreaking to watch. I felt like he was torn between doing the right thing and hurting NC family. I think his first interview with Det. AD was very real.
Well, of all alibis a person could have, HM would be my last pick. She is a person of zero/zilch/nil character/integrity. I would take that alibi with a grain of salt.

Wasn't the alibi that he picked his children up before his wife went to work and she was there at seven, has the time card? Based on the defense's theory NC was alive when Brad went to the store (those pesky phone calls), he's got a pretty solid alibi. Unless he had a white van and took along his kids to abduct NC.
Well, of all alibis a person could have, HM would be my last pick. She is a person of zero/zilch/nil character/integrity. I would take that alibi with a grain of salt.

HM was not his alibi. He was with her Friday night. If Nancy was killed before 7 a.m. on Saturday morning, it had to be Brad unless he is covering for someone. At 6:30 JP's ex-wife dropped his children off at his apartment. He was with his children that Saturday until his wife picked them up between 3 and 4 p.m.
Wonder why Brad would swear in an affidavit that the children were his and that he was the biological father of both children - and fight for custody for both children if he thought that wasn't the case?

Err, maybe because he was unaware of the couch episode between JP and NC?

I'm sure every father assumes his kids are his without a DNA test unless there is a reason to think otherwise.:waitasec:
That is simple:

Family-parents & twin vs. Mostly unmarrieds
No cost vs. Higher cost
Nancy had the time; she couldn't vs. According to cc testimony,
work! (Did he invite her to France?) Brad elected not to go.

The trip was part of an MBA program. I would consider it unprofessional to bring a spouse.

Question about this. I assume you did this by clearing your internet cached files and doing a google map search. However, did you drag it over more than once, and did you zoom down more than once to the lowest level (ie, did you re-create the steps that Chappelle said BC did)? If not, and you only did a single open hand search and a single closed hand search, I could see how all 3 files were created at the same time.

So can you elaborate on the steps you took please?
Like I said, 'pigs could fly too', I don't deal in all these 'possibilities'. run this past me AFTER we hear RL's second tape. All these odd occcurances happened on this one day. Brad became Mr. Clean, Nancy ran alone for the first time, in only a sports bra, the only red & black one she owned. In two left shoes, and on and on.

You do realize the ole 'went running in two left shoes' has no foundation in reality?

1) the right shoes with no lefts found in the house were not her size
2) a pair of NC running shoes is missing (Sauconys)

That you keep repeating it as a defense theory makes the comments appear unserious.
Cite for that? My husband took advantage of education benefits through work, but there was never a trip included. the tuition was covered as long as one maintained a minimum GPA, and books were paid for. No trips abroad though.

He said (the person posting) that he was able to incorporate a business trip into it as well.
Even if Cisco paid for the plane fare and the room, like any other trip, IMO, BC spent a great deal of money on sightseeing, food, wine, gifts. BC said he was concerned about spending for some time. (At least he was concerned about NC's spending.) The fact that he did not stay in touch with NC and the girls by either email or phone was, I'm sure, very hurtful and worrisome.

He did have a double standard about the money issues, IMO, but agree that they were both spending well beyond their means. They weren't a young, newly married couple and should have had better sense. IMO, BC was so uninvolved with his family, the concept of working together or working together with a financial planner would have been too much effort for him.

BC appeared to do what he wanted, when he wanted, and felt "put upon" when pressured to spend a minimal amount of time with his kids or wife. His actions resemble those of us who have sometimes have had to adopt what I call "tag team parenting." Both NC and BC interacted with the kids separately, but I haven't seen much evidence that they shared meals (the most significant factor in high SAT scores, BTW), game time, or just hanging out together. BC was doing his duty for the kids, but he resented the fact that he perceived this as NC not doing her part when he labored so hard to support the family.

Interestingly, I was discussing materialism and classism with a group of 16-17-year-olds this week. One young woman, whose family lost their home in the CA wildfires, shared her belief that the happiest her family had ever been was when they had nothing. THIS closeness and oneness is what children of all ages really crave. BC was incapable of understanding this concept.

I think the values that both the prosecution and defense are revealing are sadly lacking in the stuff that defines character or provides role models for kids. I'm concerned what impact this trial and its content will have on the C's children in the years to come. I'm crushed that the R's will have to wonder who NC had become and why BC killed her. Nothing is worth the public defamation to which NC's memory is being subjected.

I still think that BC will be found guilty. Then, those "babies" will have the horror of living with a father who killed their mother, and the ability some day to read about how "bad" their mother was also. That's the real injustice of this trial, IMHO...

How do you know how much he spent on wine, sightseeing, gifts, etc while in France? I don't remember a monetary figure being discussed. Seems like NC also spent a lot of money socializing and drinking wine. But, noone has a problem with that. Wait - oh yeah - she only received $300/week.

How do you know he felt "put upon" when having to spend time with his family and kids. Seems like NC had her own "family of friends" and is stating her "hate" for her husband so frequently it didn't seem like she would really want him tagging along anyway. I personally saw both parents at the pool on weekends with the kids. BC spent a lot more time with his daughters than NC did. He was a very attentive father. Maybe he couldn't do so during the week since he worked full time and was getting his MBA. But, it sound like NC left the house to go hang with her friends when BC came home. Wasn't he the one that left the party that Saturday to put the girls to bed while NC stayed to drink? I have no doubt that they both treated each other very poorly to say the least, but to say he was a bad dad is far fetched.
You seem to be posting things as fact that are not. NC did not buy groceries for four, she bought for herself and the children, and BC still picked up incidentals. BC bought his own groceries. Groceries for one adult and two children under five should not have exceeded even $100 a week. Even AS testified to that. NC's BMW was new. No matter how you try to justify it, $300 a week was not pocket change.


What do you mean when you say her BMW was new?

Her BMW SUV was a 2004 model purchased in late 2006. So while it was "new" to her in 2006, it was not "new" purchased off the showroom floor without any miles on it.
HM was not his alibi. He was with her Friday night. If Nancy was killed before 7 a.m. on Saturday morning, it had to be Brad unless he is covering for someone. At 6:30 JP's ex-wife dropped his children off at his apartment. He was with his children that Saturday until his wife picked them up between 3 and 4 p.m.

There is no proof of that. It would be helpful to hear from HM and JP's ex on this.
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