State v Bradley Cooper 4-26-11

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Wonder why Brad would swear in an affidavit that the children were his and that he was the biological father of both children - and fight for custody for both children if he thought that wasn't the case?
But that wouldn't have answered the question I asked. So I'll ask it again. If you had not watched his testimony prior to that tape being played, would you have doubted at all that NC had plans to jog on the 12th based on the sincerity in his voice and the details he offered around the statement?

Yes I would have doubted his statement, because EVERYONE else has stated nancy never ran alone. Even brad stated that 'nancy never ran alone.' He knew enough to tell JA that 'nancy went jogging with carrie, because he knew if he said 'nancy went running ALONE, that would certainly cause even more alarm.
What I've learned from this case is that classism is alive and well. People do seem to dislike Cary and they dislike people who live in Cary. Many people see Nancy as a spoiled brat and they see Brad as a henpecked husband just trying to do the right thing for everyone involved.

My thoughts - I'm not a BDIer yet but I don't dislike Cary or people who live in Cary. It is, however, known as an area that attracts a lot of 'yankee' transplants -- some people around here don't like yankees. Based on the evidence, it appears Nancy liked to spend money and together they spent more than they earned. They needed to be more financially responsible. $300 per week doesn't seem unreasonable.

I see people who don't know what evidence is, don't understand circumstantial evidence, don't know how a legal case proceeds, don't understand laws, don't understand anything, but they feel everything is unfair.

I think I have a pretty good understanding of evidence, the legal process, law and some other things.... I also believe the judge in this case has been biased in favor of the prosecution.

I see people who if there is not a bloody crime scene with multiple layers of DNA and big fancy graphics and Marg Helgenberger to host, don't believe a crime even occurred.

I believe SP, MP and OJS are guilty. I believe a person can be found guilty of murder even when the body can't be found... I DO require solid evidence tho.

I see people who think only dumb people get caught and therefore if someone is known to be really smart, they can't commit a murder AND get caught cause really smart people wouldn't do that.

Being really smart has nothing to do with whether or not someone commits a crime.

I see people who will twist themselves into a pretzel to try and point suspicion away from the one guy who had the most to gain, had motive, opportunity and absolutely the means to commit the murder.

As many times as it's repeated here, having motive, opportunity and means is not proof of guilt.

And finally, I see people who will grasp onto any (and every) conspiracy theory that a human can conjure up to show why a defendant couldn't possibly have commited the murder. They will even avoid logic, rational thought, and common sense, because they believe law enforcement is filled with mostly crooked people hellbent on hurting innocent citizens. They believe all cops are bad, and wild and complicated conspiracies work to reinforce their paranoia.

I'm not a big believer in conspiracies. I don't believe all cops are bad. I am logical and intuitive. And... I still don't believe the CE in this case adds up to guilty, yet.

I see a bunch of people who believe BC is guilty -- belief without evidence does not equal guilty.

Both of those struck me as odd. Obviously if you're taking a shower, you're up to something. And, he did look at the state's table a lot - enough that I took notice of it. Like he would pause, look at them, wait to see if it was "ok" to answer the defense. imo
I apologize as I am way behind, but is it possible that witnesses are instructed to pause prior to answering in case their is an objection and his pauses are more obvious and hesitant due to this? Just a suggestion.
There hasn't been a lot of discussion here about JP and the possibility he may be the real killer. I thought his police interviews sounded very suspicious. I don't think I have ever heard so much nervous chatter. If he were acting in a movie and I was director, I would tell him it was TOO much.

There were a lot of inconsistencies in his story.

- the fact that he slept with NC

- the number of phone calls

- he said he wanted to see her in person to talk; later on the police interview he said she wanted to meet in person to talk.

- when asked where the Cooper children were on Halloween night, he said he thought HM was watching them; on the police interview he said initially that he was at the party with HM.

-He said in his police interview that he knew the route NC ran and refused to admit it to Kurtz today.

-He said in the interviews NC had asked him to run with him a few times. Today - "it was not really an invitation".

- it was a bit odd the way he said he went searching for her. Kurtz asked if he ran into police where he searched or saw any roadblocks and he said "no". It sounded like they were in that area on Sunday so he should have seen them.

- During the last interview, he was the most nervous and started pointing the finger at someone from the health club. Then said over and over that he wasn't sure he should have named him.

I wonder if defense will have his ex-wife on the stand to verify his alibi. What reason did he have to be so nervous?
Yes I would have doubted his statement, because EVERYONE else has stated nancy never ran alone. Even brad stated that 'nancy never ran alone.' He knew enough to tell JA that 'nancy went jogging with carrie, because he knew if he said 'nancy went running ALONE, that would certainly cause even more alarm.

You didn't answer my previous question. If it's true that she did mention to RL that she was going to go jogging on Saturday, would that preclude her from calling CC early Sat. morning? I'm not saying she called her, but maybe that was her plan?
Not even Brad believes his youngest daughter was conceived by a different male. That little stunt was created courtesy of the defense. Brad's affidavit specifies that he is the biological father of both his children. The children look like him, especially the youngest.

But that doesn't stop people from grasping onto that juicy little rumor because people love juicy gossip and some people will believe anything a defense attorney throws out into the ether.

Brad 'could have' stopped HIS attorney's from broaching this topic, yet he didn't. Tell me how much he 'loves' his children, allowing this smear campaign about one of them.

< disgusting IMO >
I actually think Cisco paid for most of his trip--since they paid for his MBA, and he stopped along the way to service Cisco things in Ireland. And I don't believe either party was on a budget in Spring 2007, which is when this trip was. Also, no proof of a fling.

Even if Cisco paid for the plane fare and the room, like any other trip, IMO, BC spent a great deal of money on sightseeing, food, wine, gifts. BC said he was concerned about spending for some time. (At least he was concerned about NC's spending.) The fact that he did not stay in touch with NC and the girls by either email or phone was, I'm sure, very hurtful and worrisome.

He did have a double standard about the money issues, IMO, but agree that they were both spending well beyond their means. They weren't a young, newly married couple and should have had better sense. IMO, BC was so uninvolved with his family, the concept of working together or working together with a financial planner would have been too much effort for him.

BC appeared to do what he wanted, when he wanted, and felt "put upon" when pressured to spend a minimal amount of time with his kids or wife. His actions resemble those of us who have sometimes have had to adopt what I call "tag team parenting." Both NC and BC interacted with the kids separately, but I haven't seen much evidence that they shared meals (the most significant factor in high SAT scores, BTW), game time, or just hanging out together. BC was doing his duty for the kids, but he resented the fact that he perceived this as NC not doing her part when he labored so hard to support the family.

Interestingly, I was discussing materialism and classism with a group of 16-17-year-olds this week. One young woman, whose family lost their home in the CA wildfires, shared her belief that the happiest her family had ever been was when they had nothing. THIS closeness and oneness is what children of all ages really crave. BC was incapable of understanding this concept.

I think the values that both the prosecution and defense are revealing are sadly lacking in the stuff that defines character or provides role models for kids. I'm concerned what impact this trial and its content will have on the C's children in the years to come. I'm crushed that the R's will have to wonder who NC had become and why BC killed her. Nothing is worth the public defamation to which NC's memory is being subjected.

I still think that BC will be found guilty. Then, those "babies" will have the horror of living with a father who killed their mother, and the ability some day to read about how "bad" their mother was also. That's the real injustice of this trial, IMHO...
What benefit would JP gain by NC's death? What benefit(s) did Brad gain by Nancy's death?
Wonder why Brad would swear in an affidavit that the children were his and that he was the biological father of both children - and fight for custody for both children if he thought that wasn't the case?

The information about the encounter w/JP came about much later, not until '09 I believe. It wasn't until defense received the interviews.
What benefit would JP gain by NC's death? What benefit(s) did Brad gain by Nancy's death?

I don't know. Something was going on between them. I don't think we know the whole story. What was he talking about when he said he was upset about something NC was saying about him to others? What was that all about?

What did BC gain? Nothing. I have never felt he had motive for killing her.
Some general thoughts from the courtroom today...

Kurtz and Boz MUCH less annoying in the courtroom versus on video

Cummings, 10,000 times MORE annoying in the courtroom versus on video

It is very hard not to look at the jury or not stare down the witnesses

HP and KL really immature and inappropriately talking, giggling and passing notes throughout. I don't think the jury likes their behavior at all.

I was surprised to see young children in the audience

I was watching that too - the talking and giggling. I was watching to see who was initiating it.
How do you know his employer didn't pay for it? I am pretty sure they did as it was part of the class.

Cite for that? My husband took advantage of education benefits through work, but there was never a trip included. the tuition was covered as long as one maintained a minimum GPA, and books were paid for. No trips abroad though.
Brad 'could have' stopped HIS attorney's from broaching this topic, yet he didn't. Tell me how much he 'loves' his children, allowing this smear campaign about one of them.

< disgusting IMO >

Did you listen to the testimony? JP questioned NC as to whether or not he could be the father. It is relevant and not at all out of the realm of possibility.
Even if Cisco paid for the plane fare and the room, like any other trip, IMO, BC spent a great deal of money on sightseeing, food, wine, gifts. BC said he was concerned about spending for some time. <snip>

How do you know this?
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