State v Bradley Cooper 4-27-2011

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Has Cummins changed sides and now working for the defense? I couldn't believe he said it either.

I think he realized what he'd said as soon as the words fell on the floor, but it was too late to pick them up and vaporize them.
So, did the court decide whether and how that new cisco info is coming in? Did the voir dire someone this afternoon or just attorney arguments?
My opinion on MH testimony was that he was biased and dug himself into a deep hole, quickly. He started out combative and cocky and was cowed in short order on x-exam.

I saw some areas of his testimony that I questioned as being truthful and authentic. His WS posting was kind of stupid, but it did illustrate he was invested in pointing suspicion away from BC. Not once in his scenario did he consider that BC may have committed the murder. Whether he really had blinders on or had an agenda, who knows.

He presented himself like a gossipy hen, rivaling any clucking housewife imagined in that or any 'hood, and ultimately proved himself boorish.

WOW that is quite an indictment just because he may think BC is not guilty of the crime. You mean he is biased because he does not think like you think he should think. The witnesses for the State were also biased. Talk about gossip and clucking housewives, we heard many of them. Why are so many of you so afraid of a defendant being defended? I truly hope that if anyone of you is ever on trial, or if anyone you know is that you find people that will listen to the case before they pass judgement, but I fear karma may out you all.
She wasn't called by the prosecution. I wonder why.

I think she still lives in Canada, so that may have a lot to do with it. As it is, I heard more than enough negative character witnesses against him. I was tired of that. I focus just on the evidence there is and the evidence there isn't, as much as I can, for my opinion on his guilt.
After a moment of panic, I'm now :floorlaugh:
Nah, I don't know your real identity and hence how to find your FB page. But, if I really wanted to know, I could drop a dime to Zell. I'm pretty sure that he'd know.

Hi Zell! :seeya:
No. No explanations even necessary. I just put two of what I consider lies out there. I thought it was a lie from the very beginning that this 6 foot plus man slept in between those girls in their little girl beds pushed together. He indicated in his depo that he left the marital bed after B was born and started sleeping in the guest room because he just couldn't get a good nights sleep. Based on the observations of the detectives, he slept in his own room that night. Don't feel like you have to defend anything. These are just my thoughts.

In other words, you don't know if they are lies, but you consider them lies sans proof. Interesting.
So, did the court decide whether and how that new cisco info is coming in? Did the voir dire someone this afternoon or just attorney arguments?

The last I saw was a bench conference; I think the idea was Cisco was still providing data even at that point.
Surprised that BC's Cisco left TIF files in the cache for nearly a week.

Given all of the defense chatter about the MFT, it seems possible that many of the files found by the FBI were of the recovered variety, possibly no longer linked directly from the MFT.
I have been married to one Cisco employee and dated another. I have seen BOTH of them come out of the bathroom at two in the morning basically wearing their thinkpad and nothing else. The reason theirs were plugged into the docking station on Saturday and Sunday mornings is because they just won't put the dang things down. I know they weren't working the whole time, but I know both of them were "waiting on something" and googling/surfing/streaming in the meantime.

Hopefully not at the same time. If it was, which Lochmere friend are you?
He was an embarassement today. I think he is starting to lose steam as he is realizing that the defense has an explanation for everything the prosecution had originally presented. He seems flustered and it is showing in his unprofesssionalism in court today. He did nothing today to help his case, but rather helped the defense quite a bit. If I were Trenkel I would have given him a big high five at the end of court today.

Ducks aside, his attacking the witnesses, especially Mrs. C, was really bad.
I can just see a chapter in AL's book titled "Defense gets their ducks in a row"
So we are agreed that BC lied about:

1. Fielding drive knowledge, having searched it on his work laptop;
2. His monitoring of NC's e-mail, including that between her attorney and her and her and her friends;
3. Not knowing his fiancé's name;
4. Having knowledge of what NC would have on when he didn't see her dress for running.

OR do we just say no he gets a pass on these because we believe several LEO's from different agencies conspired to place obscure evidence on his laptop that even if found would barely get the case maybe over the goalpost to guilty?

I'm sticking with it is obvious he's a liar. That doesn't make him a murderer. The things he chose to lie about though, suggest to me he is.
The woman for the defense today indicated that she was drinking red wine. I think that would be pretty noticable on a light green dress.

You have no clue how big of a spot it was, how much spilled, or where it was on the dress, and BC said she had rinsed it out. Were you there to make statements such as if they were fact?
BC "forgot" about knowing about Fielding Dr., despite having searched it on his laptop.

Objection, evidence is still in question with Boz having a cow any time the defense tries to bring someone in to talk about it.
I can answer for him...he's a lying liar that lies. I do find it odd that there are things he says that you choose to believe, such as him cleaning that morning. Obviously not why he was cleaning, but that he was cleaning at all.

Um, someone had to? I'm not being mean but I heard that the realtor had told them that the house was in no way ready to be listed because of the dirt and dissaray. Also, I have a friend who, every time she threatens to leave her husband 'for real, this time I mean it' type of thing, he starts helping around the house more and doing yardwork and spending time with the kids. Maybe that separation agreement really did have him shaking in his boots? Remember, I have no tainted opinion here because I don't know him and neither does the jury. So, there are reasonable explanations.
There are lots of ways of spoofing a call without requiring anything fancy. If BC were not a VoIP expert, does anyone thing the CPD would be all over the possibility of faking the call using a PC, a fax, or the fax in his All-in-1 (printer, scanner, copier, fax). Any of those are trivial to program to make a call a certain time. Some of us know how to do it using a PC with a modem and to leave no logs or anything behind.

So, in any case where the timing of telephone calls form a critical piece of evidence, you now have serious issues of proof.

At this point, K has been systematically doing exactly what he claimed he would in his opening. Should be an interesting ride to the finish.
I think they did preliminary exams (it was a lady talking about it) and said it was organic in nature and did not seem related to anything, so either they couldn't determine what it was or they didn't deem it relevant.

and organic could be wine.
But it is obvious that he isn't in their clique anymore.

And why is that? Because he didn't agree with their theories and follow along with their stories? Or was it because he got into with JA because she wanted to be in control? Why was she so adamant about being in charge and him no directly speaking with police? Glad he had the @#**@ to stand up to her. I thought he was a wonderful witness for the defense
Ducks aside, his attacking the witnesses, especially Mrs. C, was really bad.

I agree. She seemed a nice person and even said the CPD treated her very politely when they secured BC. If she were going to tell a whopper about something to cover BC, I'd think she'd have gone past even the ducks.

They should have left her alone.
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