State vs Bradley Cooper 4-21-11

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I am home and have watched the video available on WRAL. I have just finished reading the posts on here. I cannot find the RZ testimony. Did she come before the Food Lion man? Thanks!

It looks like hers is missing right now. She would be part 6/7.
Ah ha. Part six is missing from the WRAL testimony links. That's where she is, wonder why they don't have her video available?
Just wish to make a comment on those "Twitter" peeps who claim that the Rentz Family pointed, laughed at and rediculed witnesses..I am so sorry, this family has more class in their pinky finger than those posting on twitter..there is no way they would stoop to that level of behavior...but it doesnt stop tweeters from trying to..That comment made me so angry..Thats all I will say about that...Shame on them!!

I know I have seen various of NC friends and neighbors pointing, exclaiming, and joking about things in the courtroom. On the videos. In ways that seemed inappropriate and impolite. Occassional glimpses of conversations when witnesses are testifying, though usually the focus is too tight to notice.

NC's parents have acted appropriately at all times, without question. My memory is that her sister has been a bit too animated a couple of times, but I might be wrong and will recheck some video when I get some time. I might be confusing her with others like JA. Even if there were any acting out by family, I can understand given the emotional strain this is putting on everyone. It is extremely difficult to remain stoic in such situations.

ETA: I just got home and have not gone over to twitter yet to see how bad it is.
I am home and have watched the video available on WRAL. I have just finished reading the posts on here. I cannot find the RZ testimony. Did she come before the Food Lion man? Thanks!

She was before the Food Lion witness. I think posting her video won't come until late late tonight - if at all. Someone here said people were asking WRAL to hurry up and post it so they could make more fun of her. Twitter apparently has been particularly cruel about her.
She was before the Food Lion witness. I think posting her video won't come until late late tonight - if at all. Someone here said people were asking WRAL to hurry up and post it so they could make more fun of her. Twitter apparently has been particularly cruel about her.

That stinks about the Twitter folks. I hope they will put it up as she is the one of the few def. witness I was interested in hearing. They may not ever put it up in an effort to protect her, which I understand. But it's part of the trial so they should.
We shop at Food Lion out of necessity. Anything else is at least a 30 to 45 minute drive for us. Not much diversity out here in the boonies. :maddening: Not being snobby, it's just that they don't carry a lot of things. Like poppyseed or onion bagels. :banghead: or garden style philly cream cheese. :maddening:

FL prices on basics are pretty good, but I personally don't care for that particular store. I am pretty sure Nancy Cooper would not have done any shopping there. Too far away at the least when there are nicer more convient stores around. Two HTs, Lowes, whole Foods. And BJs.
She was before the Food Lion witness. I think posting her video won't come until late late tonight - if at all. Someone here said people were asking WRAL to hurry up and post it so they could make more fun of her. Twitter apparently has been particularly cruel about her.[/QUOTE]

BBM..This is pricisely why I dont tweet..I find many tweet total nonsense..all in the name of baiting excited postings (tweets)....I much prefer to post on responsible sites that prohibit bashing, namecallings and just plain nastiness...I like to inject a tad of personal insights to reason why I think or believe how I do..but as tweeter just plain comment and give NO personal insights to who they are (thats credible)..i never have tweeted,,tho I have had an account for years!..Sorry..not meant to be bashing..but many feel they can bash and blame innocents , regardless of which side they are on..Simply bad policy..and yep "Freedom of Speech" and all..I dont much care to read it, let alone accept mindless bashings..

OFF my Soapy Box...I feel much better now..TY for letting me vent on that issue..You guys are the greatest!!!:woohoo:
RZ was a spirited witness, but ultimately not credible, and her testimony highlighted why eyewitness testimony is often imprecise at best and just plain incorrect at the worst. However, she can play herself in the movie version, with no call to central casting needed.

She said she called and met with the lawyer in the custody hearing and there he was standing right in front of her (Little K) and she didn't recognize him! And then she's describing what this runner looked like who she was positive was Nancy, and there's Nancy's identical twin sister, with hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she doesn't so much as notice the lookalike right in front of her, about 20 ft away. That, combined with her confusion and memory issues does not make her a strong eyewitness.

I'm sure she most definitely did see a female jogger, and I'm sure she did say Hi. But the person she saw that morning wasn't Nancy Cooper.

Now, as for the Food Lion guy who claimed to see Nancy between 6:55am and 7:10am on Kildare...that location is about 2 miles from the Cooper house. If Nancy left her house at 7am, it would have taken her 20 - 25 min to get to that spot. It wasn't her.
Are you thinking of Elizabeth Smart? I think she was around 13 or 14 at the time, and yes, thanks, that is another example of someone being found due to a LOT of publicity and keeping her picture out there as much as possible. I do think there is a chance with juveniles. But most often if an adult is gone for more than 12 to 24 hours, they aren't coming back. :(

I would agree, unless they disappeared willingly like the Ohio woman or the runaway bride.
Ah ha. Part six is missing from the WRAL testimony links. That's where she is, wonder why they don't have her video available?

CPD is good, but they're not that good. They still need a few more hours to doctor the tapes so that it appears RZ absolutely did not see NC that morning and that DD held a daily briefing with RZ to get any new information she might have and to keep her abreast of the investigation.
<snipped by me>
She said she called and met with the lawyer in the custody hearing and there he was standing right in front of her (Little K) and she didn't recognize him!

Just to clarify--you know Kurtz wasn't the custody attorney right? And you know Kurtz wasn't the one that met with her and showed her the pictures of the joggers, from which she picked out Nancy's picture, right?
Just to clarify--you know Kurtz wasn't the custody attorney right? And you know Kurtz wasn't the one that met with her and showed her the pictures of the joggers, from which she picked out Nancy's picture, right?

Kurtz and Sandlin were jointly working on the custody case. In her testimony she said she called Kurtz and met with him (for the hearing).
6:40AM phone call from NC to BC (allegedly), BC returns, pours milk, get's more laundry started, is upstairs on laptop with little lady and hears NC leave to run @ 7? Then NC is 2 miles away within 10 mins looking like she just started her run? Amazing.
He wasn't the ones who showed her the photos, and she never stated she didn't recognize him. Do you honestly believe she didn't spend time with him prior to testifying today? Do you think Kurtz would let any witness up on the stand without personally speaking to them first? I am honestly shocked that you're implying she did not recognize the attorney she's been in contact with for years. She was simply stating "custody attorney" since that was a different person who came to her house. And Kurtz was never a custody attorney. One of the attorneys at his firm is the custody attorney, not him.
RZ was a spirited witness, but ultimately not credible, and her testimony highlighted why eyewitness testimony is often imprecise at best and just plain incorrect at the worst. However, she can play herself in the movie version, with no call to central casting needed.

She said she called and met with the lawyer in the custody hearing and there he was standing right in front of her (Little K) and she didn't recognize him! And then she's describing what this runner looked like who she was positive was Nancy, and there's Nancy's identical twin sister, with hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she doesn't so much as notice the lookalike right in front of her, about 20 ft away. That, combined with her confusion and memory issues does not make her a strong eyewitness.

I'm sure she most definitely did see a female jogger, and I'm sure she did say Hi. But the person she saw that morning wasn't Nancy Cooper.

Now, as for the Food Lion guy who claimed to see Nancy between 6:55am and 7:10am on Kildare...that location is about 2 miles from the Cooper house. If Nancy left her house at 7am, it would have taken her 20 - 25 min to get to that spot. It wasn't her.

Thank you so much for the recap. I'm sure she meant well when she wanted so badly to let LE know she had seen NC. Too bad she was more or less discredited. The Food Lion man seemed sincere but his testimony really didn't connect any dots either. Not for me at least.
Thanks again.
6:40AM phone call from NC to BC (allegedly), BC returns, pours milk, get's more laundry started, is upstairs on laptop with little lady and hears NC leave to run @ 7? Then NC is 2 miles away within 10 mins looking like she just started her run? Amazing.

The bike trail where RZ said she saw her? I don't believe that was 2 miles from their home. Do you remember what road she said she was on?
Kurtz and Sandlin were jointly working on the custody case. In her testimony she said she called Kurtz and met with him (for the hearing).

I can't believe the one person I was waiting to hear testify I missed. I trust your insight on your recap implicitly.
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