State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

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He is such a pathetic person. He creeps me out big time. He had a lot of time to develop this crap he is spitting out.

He needs to be crossed by a skilled attorney who is very quick (if they get the chance) and pushes all his buttons.
Uggg...shouldn't have eaten that popcorn... I obviously forgot how this made me feel the first time I watched it.
Yep. Dunno about y'all, but everytime we have parties, the 'life of the party' always pees on the rug on our living room floor. :rolleyes: And whoever does it first gets put on the top of the list of who to invite for the next party.
This seems contrary to the emails he sent to MM. professing his love and how he wanted to spend his life with her, but he was working on his marriage.
So he talked to MM very, very much, but it was NOT ok for MY to talk to her mom about their problems?

I wouldn't have let this guy into my house, he's such an uncouth cretin. Poor Michelle.
Everything he is saying has been confirmed by someone else.

Shelly Schaad confirmed this.
He needs to be crossed by a skilled attorney who is very quick (if they get the chance) and pushes all his buttons.

Paging Kelly Siegler to the white courtesy phone. Kelly Siegler, please pick up!
'Michelle didn't feel as close with these *friends*.' Wonder why? They all let her down the first trial. They suspected it was jason who killed her. Some of them were cheating with her husband..... wonder why she 'didn't feel close with them.'
After watching and listening to this guy during the first trial and watching the replay, I have a hard time understanding if he can stand in front of a mirror and look himself in the eyes and feel good about what he sees.

You're talking about someone who has a moral solidity about himself and tries his best to do the right thing as much as possible, to tell the truth as much as possible and who has the capability to love someone else more than himself. This man is not JY, and never will be, IMHO.
OMG! This sooo reminds me of the Cooper trial. It's always the wife! She misunderstood, she was wrong, everything was always MY, MY, MY!

Yeah, he was being a jerk! He said it, not me! ;)

This seems contrary to the emails he sent to MM. professing his love and how he wanted to spend his life with her, but he was working on his marriage.

Jason and MM were both wrong, it ran its course.
Doesn't mean he killed MY.
And it is chalk full of out and out LIES, he is going down. This jury has got to be seeing all the lies he has already told. Working on his marriage, didn't like the therapist, wanted Meredith to be their therapist ???
Of course, his wife told therapist sex with Jason was like being raped, working on his marriage while sleeping w/anything he could con into it.
He is a pathetic liar, and he is toast ! :gavel: :gavel: :gavel:

After the mistrial and that little trial in FL last year, nothing is ever certain. I think the days of knowing of certain how trials will end have gone away.
At least five times he's referred to Michelle as dramatic or causing drama. I can't imagine how often she heard that from him. MOO
CAS testified that Jason did not swallow the ring, and that she DID not have to change her travel plans, as the state said.
'Michelle didn't feel as close with these *friends*.' Wonder why? They all let her down the first trial. They suspected it was jason who killed her. Some of them were cheating with her husband..... wonder why she 'didn't feel close with them.'

Considering JY's friends are the same people, I think, that turned on his ex-fiance when JY attacked her! I'm not surprised MY didn't feel comfortable with them. Maybe they'll think about what was brought out at this trial, and take a good look at themselves. Sorry, they were sooooo wrong!

Then we would have dueling Southern accents.
She's terrific, IMO.

She would have had him on the stand for 3 days. He'd have needed a diaper by the time she was done with him. I would literally pay to watch her cross examine him.
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