State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-27-12

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I doubt they would have said anything. We all have stories dad died suddenly a few years ago of cardiac arrest while he was out jogging and there was an autopsy but no one would speculate at all what the COD was until the report came back, especially not the police since they aren't really qualified to say. The police conducted an investigation in case the ME concluded that death was a homicide but they couldn't conclude anything until the autopsy came back. It took a couple of days for the initial report.

I am sorry for your loss as well, Fromageball.

I think they are trying to prove they were happy that day because it has been said JY didn't really want to be married...

Yes, but all the other testimony shows there was strain even at the pre-wedding parties...others thought they should break up. I mean I'm feeling like I am in the twilight listening to his family about how happy JY was and the blissful times they shared. Seriously, it is like two worlds...JY's family and reality. I would jump out of my seat if that was my daughter and to hear the in laws talk of her, embellish the relationships, knowing the truth, and just want to scream.
I think CY is with Meredith/Lynda and that JY might have visitation...don't remember the details though.

Thank you...I should go back and research all that I've forgotten about this case. It upset me so badly when it took so long to finally charge JY that I stopped following it. Then the 1st trial....just too much.
Character evidence is relevant in a murder trial. Or else about half the prosecution's witnesses were not relevant.

Wow, that is the truth.

I am really starting to think even more we are not going to see Jason again.....

But, I also have this feeling Klinkosum is up to something.

He is too quiet today........

Yes, but all the other testimony shows there was strain even at the pre-wedding parties...others thought they should break up. I mean I'm feeling like I am in the twilight listening to his family about how happy JY was and the blissful times they shared. Seriously, it is like two worlds...JY's family and reality. I would jump out of my seat if that was my daughter and to hear the in laws talk of her, embellish the relationships, knowing the truth, and just want to scream.

I know of another family like JY's. And they too didn't seem to be living on the same planet as the rest of us. Of course many say that same family was instrumental in getting their daughter to walk on murder charges. So perhaps this display isn't too far fetched in working like it did for the Anthonys.
Is it just me or has not one iota of the defense case so far had anything to do with the murder?

It is most definitely not just you. :waitasec:

Jmo. Moo. No link~~ just what I think.
I have a degree in psych and I think she comes across as genuine...guess we balance each other out.

I, too, have a degree in psych and I think she's a huge fake. As well as the mother. As well as JY. My degree is a Ph.D.
I understand the benefit of character witnesses, but I do agree with what several have said about showing pics of the happy family. It made me cringe a little in the first trial because I think the Youngs seem like nice people, but regardless of whether I was leaning G or NG I would sort of want to roll my eyes at mom showing happy pics of her son, the defendant in a murder trial.

I, too, have a degree in psych and I think she's a huge fake. As well as the mother. As well as JY. My degree is a Ph.D.

One of my degrees is also in psychology. But I currently work as a legal professional. I would submit that a better description would be scripted. It appears and comes across as very very scripted. The defense must have gone over her testimony entirely too much. It certainly comes across as disingenuous at best.
I'm sorry, may just be me, but the testimony of JY's family is so scripted, so unauthentic, and purposeful that I discount the credibility of is hard to watch it is so fake! Am I alone?

Doesnt seen fake to me.... I can say at this point if I were on the jury I'd be voting NG....
You would think someone would have told her to maybe skip the mooning grandma story in her role as a character witness for the little imp.

I can only speculate that their thought process on this was to point out that it was just a run of the mill expectation for his humor to sometimes be inappropriate. I.e., "It was normal for him, so that makes it NORMAL".

With that said, I double-dog DARE one of my sons to ever let me hear about them performing "d**k tricks". If I do, they'd better run fast, and far. And if they were ever to moon their grandma? There wouldn't even be anything left for me to deal with once she got done with them. Just sayin'. In fact, whenever I want one of my boys to become remorseful about something they've said or done that they shouldn't have, I ask them, "What would your grandma think?". Gets them every time! I'm a wild child, trust me, but NORMAL adults don't behave that way! There is a time and a place for crude humor if that's what you're into...

Sorry. Back on topic...
Welcome to the tour of North Carolina.....

oh and now the world.
I think it would be for anyone having to watch a friend being tried for murder. I'd be a wreck.

I think it's harder to watch someone that you are a friend or relative of get away with murdering someone you loved.
I understand the benefit of character witnesses, but I do agree with what several have said about showing pics of the happy family. It made me cringe a little in the first trial because I think the Youngs seem like nice people, but regardless of whether I was leaning G or NG I would sort of want to roll my eyes at mom showing happy pics of her son, the defendant in a murder trial.


I have to agree, we have all seen the happily married photos before only to know that it doesn't always work out that way.

Good honest post, Fromageball.

I hope we can move on.

I am waiting for the smoking gun on the defense side, and I think they have one...........:wink:
I think the DT keeps cutting off PY too....not letting her finish..keeping her on script. I just don't buy her testimony. JY and MY so happy is not what the testimony shows.
I'm sorry, may just be me, but the testimony of JY's family is so scripted, so unauthentic, and purposeful that I discount the credibility of is hard to watch it is so fake! Am I alone?

ITA. You are definitely not alone! It is very hard to watch. I can see right through them, their testimony is so calculated and manipulative! I haven't posted since hym and py took the stand, because I will violate the TOS!!! I can only imagine how MF and LF feel!!! Enough is enough! JMO
And I can understand loving and supporting your loved one, but IMO they're manipulating their testimony.... And they're probably coming across as credible to the jurors, because they don't know all the details...
I just wonder if PY can relate a picture of MM & JY in Orlando and how happy JY was!!
One of the reasons I feel like PY is fake is just a little thing she said that seemed to me almost subconscious.. It was when she talked about the pretzel strawberry salad she said that MY "did not like it, of course". I don't know but that little statement just rubbed me the wrong way.

Pictures are decieving... I was in a horribly mentally and abusive relationship at one time in my life but the pictures do not tell that story, I tried to keep up an appearance. Plus he was very smart and he knew around his mother he was sugar sweet all part of the manipulation that made me feel crazy.

Everything is MOO only.
What if the DT had a psych to testify that JY may be a narcissist, sociopath, etc... but that does not make him a murderer, sort of like the CA trial? It could make him walk again and fill in the space if JY does not take the stand. JMO
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