State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-27-12

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How does PY know what was missing?

When the home was finally released as a crime scene, some family members came by to get things for Jason and CY, that was
in the previous trial, not sure about today.

Also, the family hired their own to say, Jason was never part of any investgation
trying to find out what happened, is wrong too.

Also, I find it difficult to believe anyone was ever disrespectful to the Fishers, or the Fishers would have said so in their testimony......

This is a List of items that Pat Young gave to LE that were missing from the Young home.

a white and yellow gold bracelet
an egg shaped sterling jewelry box
man's platinum wedding band
a platinum 2-3 carat diamond ring
a pair of diamond earrings
a pearl necklace
$500.00 in cash in a new wallet in Jason's closet

These items still have never been recovered or accounted for.

So, I don't know how this will be addressed, maybe through PY.?

How sad.:( I'm sure if the killer had just asked Michelle she would have been more then happy to hand them all over.
Fred, I'd say JY is in that category.

It's interesting family testimony. They talk about how he was an "imp" - what others might call a jerk - but testify like he's the 100% all American golden boy like the superlative from his yearbook. Surely, exposure the facts of his admitted behavior should temper some of that, I'd think. If their perception of him is really as far from reality as what he really was - I think the defense attorney used the term obnoxious jerk early on - then some critical thinking should cause them to revisit their earlier assessments. Their not doing that I understand, as they are in the mode of advocating for him right now.
There is a list of things that Pat Young gave to LE of items missing from the home,
I will post it later.

Also, Michelle's closet was ransacked too.

I did not follow the first trial. ~There was a local case here in 2007 where a cop murdered his ex girlfriend Jessie Davis, who was 3 weeks from giving birth ~. Been shy since then to follow a case that seems similar or watch live trial. ~

PY who didn't live with MY & JY , can provide a list of items missing from their home?
Since I had missed the first trial I literally just watched it so it is very fresh in my head so most of today felt like deja vu (all over again haha).

My opinion of today: I feel like the prosecution is missing opportunities as Grit Guy said above. I feel like the defense is not doing their client any service by letting PY go on and on. I really feel like both sides seem to forget about CY or, at the very least, are not driving home points about who knew what, where, when etc. about her at the critical moments which I think is really important. It all gets lost somewhere.

I also don't understand why any of the Ys told anyone about JY saying HY would be a good mother and about being able to afford the house. I just don't think it sounds good and those were private conversations amongst themselves that never had to see the light of day or the inside of a courthouse. Although I can see both sides of the argument on what it means because, well, that's just me. LOL

Anyway, I also want to say I thought everyone was very respectful of each other today! I appreciate everyone's opinions! Good job everyone!

:goodpost: CeeKer, I agree.

I think PY has been on the stand long enough, and some of her testimony was not necessary.

Today has been great to discuss the case !!

I love WS and can not believe how I lucked out on finding this forum.
When the home was finally released as a crime scene, some family members came by to get things for Jason and CY, that was
in the previous trial, not sure about today.

Also, the family hired their own to say, Jason was never part of any investgation
trying to find out what happened, is wrong too.

Also, I find it difficult to believe anyone was ever disrespectful to the Fishers, or the Fishers would have said so in their testimony......


Thanks for the reply Cammy but I still don't get how PY knew what was missing? Did Jason tell her to look for such and such? I could guarantee you that if anything ever happened to me, my mom would not know what was missing and she's my mom. Would a mother in law know that

a white and yellow gold bracelet
an egg shaped sterling jewelry box
man's platinum wedding band
a platinum 2-3 carat diamond ring
a pair of diamond earrings
a pearl necklace
$500.00 in cash in a new wallet in Jason's closet

were missing?
What is c-x? I think family testimony is necessary but totally worthless. As a juror, I'd take whatever they said with a grain of salt or maybe even a bucket. Of course they'll say their son/brother/b-i-l was a good guy and would not and could not murder his wife and unborn child.

I still can't get over the "mooning" grandma story. WTH were they thinking? Did it work the first jury? Did they all laugh and think it was funny? Apparently, it didn't this time according to Beth Karas.

c-x = cross exam.

that story went well off the rails, imo, when they said the 80 yr old chick went down to the ground as if doubled over in laughter, reflecting her genuine amusement. At that, I had to stop the car, pause the iphone, go to a pawn shop and rent a banjo, and then play that testimony over while strumming some bars from Deliverance, and then it was a little more understandable.
I did not follow the first trial. ~There was a local case here in 2007 where a cop murdered his ex girlfriend Jessie Davis, who was 3 weeks from giving birth ~. Been shy since then to follow a case that seems similar or watch live trial. ~

PY who didn't live with MY & JY , can provide a list of items missing from their home?

I imagine it can from all the family members with Jason's input.

I was shocked to learn he had gone back to Birchleaf at a later date, I was always told he never returned there.

This trial is clearing up myth after myth!!
c-x = cross exam.

that story went well off the rails, imo, when they said the 80 yr old chick went down to the ground as if doubled over in laughter, reflecting her genuine amusement. At that, I had to stop the car, pause the iphone, go to a pawn shop and rent a banjo, and then play that testimony over while strumming some bars from Deliverance, and then it was a little more understandable.

I missed that trooper, so I missed the impact of that.

I did see the applebees was a strategy break rather than dinner. Matter of fact, if his mom was driving the deal about stopping to call a lawyer (and she may have been) I wouldn't hold that part against him.

The witnesses I did see (from the parts I saw) I thought got the points out; I still think the state should have more clearly shown their perspectives were lacking from not having exposure to the facts (big time arguments, all the character stuff I cited). PY's testimony is ongoing - from comments I'm seeing the question is down to whether she is oversellling, as that could cause a tune out too.

I agree I think they are just getting that stuff out of the way - character evidence against character evidence; perceptions of behavior v. perceptions of behavior. Now we'll know what they intend as the prime elements of the defense case. Also implied by all the family testimony is hey nobody spends more time around JY than these people, and if they are sure he didn't do it, then shouldn't you have a little doubt too? Again, that's why I would have approached c-x differently.

IMO, they're overselling it. To me, it almost seemed ridiculous... It was too perfect, in light of evidence/testimony from the state.
c-x = cross exam.

that story went well off the rails, imo, when they said the 80 yr old chick went down to the ground as if doubled over in laughter, reflecting her genuine amusement. At that, I had to stop the car, pause the iphone, go to a pawn shop and rent a banjo, and then play that testimony over while strumming some bars from Deliverance, and then it was a little more understandable.

That is the funniest thing I have ever read.

When the home was finally released as a crime scene, some family members came by to get things for Jason and CY, that was
in the previous trial, not sure about today.

Also, the family hired their own to say, Jason was never part of any investgation
trying to find out what happened, is wrong too.

Also, I find it difficult to believe anyone was ever disrespectful to the Fishers, or the Fishers would have said so in their testimony......


Not sure who the PI was, but if you are referring to Godwin, don't make me drag out my 75 bags of evidence dissertation! :rocker:

That guy is hired to poke holes in the state's case.

Now, I have no idea whether they did hire an investigator to actually investigate the crime rather than prepare the defense. I understood not, as JY had never demonstrated interest in that, even telling his sister via e-mail essentially it would all die down over time.
Why would you need to lawyer-up if you thought your wife / daughter in law died from "natural causes?" :waitasec:

JY never bothered to ask anyone HOW his wife died or where his daughter was. (that's because he already knew).
It is the defense's job to refute and make holes in the state's case.

Today is only the first day and look what they accomplished.

Wimminfolk have no true standing in those kinds of families. The minz get all the attention. The sun rises and sets on the boyz. The wimminfolk are to cook n clean n take care a their minz. Yisssss. The little man of the family iz #1.

Crazy thought just popped into my head and pure speculation but maybe what another motive JY had was his newborn son would get more attention from PY then himself. Yes MY was very close to her mom but something about a mother laughing at a college age man mooning his grandmother seems really inappropriate. JY clearly did not understand proper boundaries in general but the mother PY did not understand boundaries with her son. That story today made me see their relationship in a different way... sick.
Jason was told to hire an attorney before arriving back in Raleigh, so apparently suspicions of murder
were out there.

I hope they call Ryan Scaad.......
I too think JY fits that profile fredwomble, I wonder how could a woman like MY get involved with a man of his likes. MY was a beautiful, intelligent woman, hence did not appear to be compatible with a man of his nature in the least.

I try to make an argument for low self-esteem, but it doesn't seem so. I think that by the time she was pregnant and married, it was too late for her to turn around and was trying desperately to make her marriage work at the expense of her own happiness, as she probably did not want to labeled a failure...sadly, one just can't change those stripes, the guy was bad news.
Not sure who the PI was, but if you are referring to Godwin, don't make me drag out my 75 bags of evidence dissertation! :rocker:

That guy is hired to poke holes in the state's case.

Now, I have no idea whether they did hire an investigator to actually investigate the crime rather than prepare the defense. I understood not, as JY had never demonstrated interest in that, even telling his sister via e-mail essentially it would all die down over time.

That reminds me I need to post my reasonable doubt list , but
"The Bachelor " is coming on......

I will try to get it posted tonite or tomorrow.
I know you all just can't wait.:biggrin:
It is the defense's job to refute and make holes in the state's case.

Today is only the first day and look what they accomplished.


Agree. And they should. Godwin is a guy who helps in that when he can.

Some might think though that he is a PI in the sense of a person who is out working on the case to solve it. I'm not aware of that type of person having been engaged. Or, if they were, that they were successful in any way in identifying a suspect.
From Giltee: I wonder how could a woman like MY get involved with a man of his likes. MY was a beautiful, intelligent woman, hence did not appear to be compatible with a man of his nature in the least.

How did Genevieve Cargol get involved with that imp? She is a gorgeous, seemingly smart and capable woman. Yet she too went as far as engagement and even continued to see him after the attack in the hotel room. Smart, attractive, capable women have fallen for the worst of the worst from time immortal.
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