State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-22-11

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M's bedtime? Not work out just before bed. rarely washed hair at night because it took too long to dry. she did work for work at home. usually took shower first. clothes described she was found in weren't her normal nightware.

They discussed having another child after C and new baby was planned. He wanted new baby asap after C born. M wanted to be physically fit first. She miscarried and made plan for another. When preg again he was ecstatic. He learned a boy and he was very excited. He went with her to doctor and it was the time to find out sex of baby. he was there for ultrasound. he saw baby moving and tech turned and he could see it was a boy. both were thrilled. both wanted to experience both boy and girl, it was perfect. No other men in Young family, only way to carry on name.

How found out she was pregnant? Typical M fashon, she planned it out, C toddled into den and she had on shirt that said "I'm going to be a big sister." it didn't hit him at first and M was looking at him and then he looked at C again and he was thrilled. They bought little boy outfits, football shirts, etc.

was M emotionally the same way, yes, description. She got upset about things she usually didn't

M wanted to bring her mom in and live with them. he didn't want to be living with MIL., significant diff culterally, he being from mountains and her from NY, she was a bit domineering, she was take charge, things like that. Any issue with amt of time, yes, sir.............discussion with M and third floor for mom and that would be nice but he didn't want to put in in-law suite. just regular room....already approved to put his family-side furn up there. he was adament about LF not living with them. When preg, M would call mom and tell her inaccurate side of arguments. were friends telling truth about wild arguments? yes.................both very passionate and hard headed and didn't want to give in. never physical with her. didn't even throw a remote at her. no sir.

Over years, fighting did not become more frequent. Just during C's preg and better after, but more open but not more often...........just more open about arguments. preg was starting to change hormonally. Meredith trying to be marriage counselor, he was ok with that and encouraged it. Why? his experience Meredith more level headed and he'd rather hear Meredith as a go between and M not calling her mom. Meredith understood her mom and sometimes Meredith would take J's side. Talked about going to professional marriage counseling, M wanted to and was pushing for it. He was hesitant to do that. With C preg, they'd gone to one and not good experience for him, not comf with counselor. comprimised and Meredith made up for that. He was willing to work on issues with marriage. M had issues from past, she admitted it, dark side, some things shared with him and some not shared with him. he thought they effected their intamacy etc. he wanted to stay married to M and wanted to have more kids. she knew that and said 'one at a time.' he realized it was her body. he never seriously thought about divorce. between the two, they did, but it was more heat of the moment, not serious, neither went to lawyer or anything.
LF and MF must need Dramamine about now.

My goodness he's at his own murder trial...this is not the opening of the Comedy Club.

I think it's all the same to him. "All the world's a stage..." He likes to entertain & be the life of the party. He is the star of this show.

But this trial is for Michelle Young, his murdered wife....

"No, I didn't seriously think about divorce...." :liar:
When somebody who knows please post what his educational background is, NCSU? Degree in what? Anytime after Jason's testimony ends, thank you!
Email between JY/MY...

Ohhhh Boy!!!!
wrong to do something like that when you're ANGRY at them.

( right JLY, better to get real calm and plan out your murder, just like you did on Nov 2 )
I'm feeling nauseous--he's gonna ruin my lunch, darn it...
Now the rubber's starting to hit the road:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:

:liar: :liar:
They knew it wasn't fair to bring up divorce during heat of anger. divorce never brought up any other time.

he felt email, you don't have non verbals, drama, kept out of discussion.

showing J item to recognize. J do you recognize it? is an email M and J exchanged back and forth and he'd taken long email from her and cut and pasted parts he wanted to address and he's addressing that. is this an attempt to address issues? yes sir................

page 7 of 11, 4th para, beginning with 'and,' I do love you and want this to work (J to M) Oct 24, 2006.......testimony of women in case where you slipped ring off, yes...I was very intoxicated but no excuse, age 25 then.......................since have you ever put your hands on a woman in anger? no..............learned lesson, completely wrong to physically do that to anyone like that, she broke up with him over that. Yes, he had encounter in his own home with other witness. Joke about ring and swallowing. He was just being silly, just spontaneous. M found out he hadn't swallowed ring later that night. She thought it was funny.

He was described as life of party, yes, he was probably. MM was truthful about he and her. He had no intention of leaving M. MM and he confided in each other about their relationships. they felt they were missing, one thing leads to the other (in other words) he knows for a fact that MM loved her family and she knew he loved his and they both knew what they did was wrong. never dreamed it would be found out. knew nothing could come from it. knew they had to stop. talking to her on cell 11/2, they spoke a lot during that time.

argument up to wedding.....yes........he wants to clarify. the plan was guys to go play golf, early morning, shelly thought girls coming together and M called and she wanted to get up and go to W/S and she was upset when he said she was going with girls. He didn't remember saying she'd have to get her own way there. M didn't feel close to J and others.....she plans in advance and there was confusion on girl's part, thinking C was coming and when they realized LF was babysitting they called M.

Talking about argument, etc.......
Not good to keep blaming the victim.

Unnecessary drama...keep yakking JY.
Interesting how he keeps bringing up other people's testimony. Ms. Holt is going to hammer him on this since he is twisting things.
Interesting how he keeps bringing up other people's testimony. Ms. Holt is going to hammer him on this since he is twisting things.
I hope so. I have not seen her really lay into someone yet. But this would be the time to do so. She needs to absolutely NAIL him or state will lose.
To be such a character and I mean that in a bad way, I wonder why his college buddies continued to socialize with him over the years. With all that crude behavior, you would think he would have been put on the "DO NOT INVITE" list.
He wanted Coach bag to be a surprise (MY loved surprises).

< oh he surprised her alright...right before he brutally murdered her >
He often does this weird brow scrunch and head shake down and to the right when he answers difficult questions.
Argument was about M erasing the message. M wouldn't admit it and he was angry about it. didn't need extra drama. they already had enough problems of LF and such.

He admitted he was wrong in confronting M in front of Julie and embarrassing her. he went back to room and M was crying, she felt she was friendless and she didn't want to ride with them and he said he should have agreed to go with her. After everyone talked to him and talked to M, he realized he was being unreasonable. he was a jerk. did he say 'i'm done?' he went through explanation of background and did he say that? yes he did but didn't mean it.

Days leading up to VA trip. He'd just gotten new job and learning products. Appts being made for him by preg rep going on maternity leave. appt set for him and he was given bits of info. this was to be his first sales call on his own. appt was to be Fri at 10 in morning. It was long drive from home so decided to stay over in motel so he could break up travel. HE knew M and her dad would talk weekly and it was planned he'd be coming down. earlier, he thought AF was coming. One agreement was yard, he liked yard work. AF kept nice yard, so J did yard day before AF was due to come. hadn't made hotel reservation, just wanted to get 1/2 way there and liked hampton inns from first real job with Black & Decker, with rewards, through Hiltons. Get free stays and free vacations, they were saving up points.

Before he left wanted to get anniv gift for M. wanted to get something more out of charactor for him, expensive gift, Meredith told him about Coach, etc. MM sugg he look on Ebay, he'd never purchased anything from there before. He was looking at purses earlier that evening. Ones he looked at, about to expire see what prices are, just price, getting idea. No intention of actually billing...........Meredith wanted to see what he ordered before he did to be sure correct. He didn't mean to leave print outs, it was supposed to be a surpise, M liked surprises. He printed out directions to get to Clintwood, mapquest in car were from that. left about, little after 7, I guess. C was with M and Shelly and C was in bath when he left. did he know if FIL was coming? M said when she came in she didn't think he was coming. she was upset with that but he thought it was for the wrong reason as he'd been diagnosed with cancer. M was upset, AF was supposed to go tailgating etc.,,,,he thought the cancer was a big deal and was why he wasn't coming. he was pretty sure he wasn't coming.
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