Statement from Cindy about TM and LP

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I know everyone's flaming mad :furious::furious: But we have to focus our anger and direct it towards finding Caylee. The command center moved and we have to spread the word of the new location: Just a quick update for those planning to meet this weekend. TES has relocated the command center to coordinate with the Orange County Sheriff's search command center. The new address is: 6317 TPC Blvd., Orlando, FL. It is located on the corner of TCP Blvd. and McCoy Road. The Orlando Sentinel has confirmed this -,6937863.story

The news stations need to broadcast and put the new address on their website.

We have to speak for Caylee, the more volunteers the louder Caylee's voice will be and WE WILL FIND HER. Not maybe or probably, WE WILL find her.

Cindy can't touch Tim's reputation with any of the ridiculous statements she makes. She not only is part of the most despised family in America but spokesperson for the laughingstock club of which Wacky Jackie is also a member of.
I think LE knows what happened to Caylee, for the most part. I also think the chances of finding her is slim to none at this point.

I'm so frustrated with this Anthony family. Why not give them what they are really asking for? Everyone around Cindy's house should close up shop. Go home. No more media--no more protesters....just let them be and let LE wrap this up. Casey is guilty and maybe Cindy, George and Lee too for all we know. Let them pay the price for the way they have behaved.

Caylee is "home" already anyway.
Plus I think the search teams are getting closer and closer to finding Caylee and I think Cindy does not want that because then it means she has to accept Caylee being dead.

It's past the point of accepting that Caylee is dead, She knows full well that she is dead. I have no delusions as to why Casey is the way she is, her mother is a great teacher, she learned well. Shame on Cindy Anthony, all this hatred and nastiness she is showing to people who had not a a thing to do with her grandaughter's death. Any other normal, loving, caring grandmother would be doing EVERYTHING they could to find that child. Instead she has this ridiculous circus going on around HER! sorry but she is just Pathetic!:sick:
She called 911 to control Casey and get the answer she wanted. Unfortunately for her, she never thought about the repurcussions that once LE is involved they are not going to stop until this is solved. And no, you cannot control or manipulate Law Enforcement.

but WHY IN THE WORLD would she say, "my granddaughter is missing, and my daughter's car smells like a dead body". HELLO! did she not think that LE would link those two? why is she so shocked then that her daughter is a suspect, when it was initially HER OWN WORDS that put her there?

they HAVE to find the body - this family is too bad at crime for them not to!
Ive said it time and time again,......STOP talking to these people --- they live in front of the camera.....Enough is Enough! Enough lies! Enough publicity!

Its about CAYLEE --- and Only Caylee --- and obviously noone in her family has any intentions of helping Caylee ----Media needs to walk away and refuse interviews with these nut jobs!

AMEN! to that!
I vote duct tape...loads of it!

How dare she.

"Silence is golden, duct tape is silver" says my T-shirt.
Maybe I should donate it to the A-team fund.
As a grandparent who rescued a 4 year-old from a stepdaughter with the identical behavioral characteristics as Casey, I urge everyone to withhold judgements regarding impulisve responses in these situations. The love and concern for a loved-one can lead you to act impulsively (i.e., throwing out memory-filled items).

My granddaughter is safe today because I broke a link in the chain of events leading to possible dissaster.

I urge you all to look beyond the hysterics and help bring the child home.
Even if Caylee is never found, we know where she is.....and she's in peace at last.

Amen to that!

If not for the fact that finding Caylee's body will make it easier to convict her mother, I'd say let the poor child stay hidden from this family.

The ironic thing about Cindy's asinine outbursts against Tim Miller & TES is that she's given the organization GREAT PUBLICITY & I think that will be a blessing for future cases they take on.

What in the world will Cindy say...

If TES finds Caylee's remains?

Cindy will say "That's not my granddaughter!" or "DNA doesn't mean a thing."

They she will blame Caylee's death on everyone who did not dash all over looking for a "live" Caylee, while she stayed at home and held her little press conferences.

I truly believe that Caylee is gone forever, and that she is in a much better place than she ever was on this earth.

End the pollution! Use masking tape across her mouth, and cut her internet connection.

This "family" sickens me.

IMO, necessary or not.
Miller responded to the statement.
"This is about Caylee, period, the end," Miller said. "And I would hope, if something has happened to Caylee, I would hope Cindy would want us out here finding her body too. If Cindy wants us to stop looking for her body, guess what -- we are not going to."


Tim, YOU ARE MY HERO! The parents and children of this country love you! When you get to heaven you will be surrounded by precious little children thanking you for all you've done and it will all be worth it!
As a grandparent who rescued a 4 year-old from a stepdaughter with the identical behavioral characteristics as Casey, I urge everyone to withhold judgements regarding impulisve responses in these situations. The love and concern for a loved-one can lead you to act impulsively (i.e., throwing out memory-filled items).

My granddaughter is safe today because I broke a link in the chain of events leading to possible dissaster.

I urge you all to look beyond the hysterics and help bring the child home.

But instead of trying to break the chain, Cindy is adding links to it.
Ya know, I haven't thrown an egg at or toilet papered a house in 35 years. I'm law abiding to a fault. So maybe I'll egg and toilet paper my own house to get it out of my system....after I donate to TES.
WOW! The server for PayPal for TES is slow. I've never been so happy with slow response as that probably means they are being flooded with donations. By the way, a few minutes ago they interviewed Michael Baden about Chloroform and he mentioned "Party Chloroform", easy to get illegally and used to get kids to sleep while young parents party. I'm sure Sindy's going after him next!
1. I come from a small country in Europe. Even I knew about Equusearch and Tim Miller from his efforts to locate Holloway in Aruba. And at the time I wasn't reading here the developments but on CNN. Tim does not need the kind of publicity Cindy is suggesting. He has all the publicity AND ABOVE ALL THE RESPECT of the public, victim's families, and LE for what he is doing.

2. Tim is not a singer or an actor. His publicity comes from walking in dirty and muddy areas, brushing through forests and disgusting areas, and putting himself and his co-workers through a very emotionally abusive process of searching and discovering people who have been murdered under difficult conditions. When did Cindy or anyone in her family every done anything other for themselves?

3. Cindy IS a controlling person. She wanted to USE Tim Miller, not the other way around. She wanted to use them to highlight her defense of Caylee being alive. She wanted them to go there and play in her ''movie''. She wanted them to donate time and money to support the unsupportable. But Tim is there for the baby and he is collaborating with the right person: THE LE.

4. Cindy decided she will cross the line from being a victim - the grandmother of the missing child - to being a defender for the POI. It is her choice but she gets no more sympathy or understanding anymore because this is NOT about denial or grief. It is about not finding the body. Simple as that. Grandmother knows what happens to Caylee because she has seen the same evidence we have all seen and probably even more.

5. The ungrateful behavior and the sense of entitlement and narcissism Cindy exhibits are traits she shares with Casey. Tim Miller is not on holidays in FL enjoying the sun and having margaritas on the beach. He is away from his family, doing the most gruesome job there is in this world, searching after that baby. WHAT HAS CINDY DONE BESIDE MAKING CALLS AND DESIGNING STATIONARY FOR CAYLEE?

6. Please remember this: Tim Miller said last night that they are looking on a 3 mile radius area and they are pretty confident Caylee is in that area. That is a pretty small area actually to cover and all my hopes are with him to locate baby Caylee. This world is an ugly one but we have people like Tim Miller to step in and work for the rights of little innocent victim Caylee. Those people did not deserve that baby.

7. Thank you, thank you Tim Miller for what you are doing, because unfortunately little Caylee has only you and LE now to work for Caylee's best interests and NOBODY'S ELSES. Cindy should not be given air-time anymore since she is not behaving like a victim but as an advocator for the POI. Time to shed the light on those who are genuinely working to find the baby.
As a grandparent who rescued a 4 year-old from a stepdaughter with the identical behavioral characteristics as Casey, I urge everyone to withhold judgements regarding impulisve responses in these situations. The love and concern for a loved-one can lead you to act impulsively (i.e., throwing out memory-filled items).

My granddaughter is safe today because I broke a link in the chain of events leading to possible dissaster.

I urge you all to look beyond the hysterics and help bring the child home.

Huh?? I urge Casey to tell us where the body is in order to do so!!

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