Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, Is Dead

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Life in the Irwin family:

“And now,” Steve explodes in mock outrage, blue eyes wide, “she's pushing for another one. We have a boy and a girl – why would we want a third?” Then he smiles, leaving no doubt that another Irwin in the menagerie would be welcome indeed. “Mate, parenthood is like marriage. You work at it. At first, marriage is easy, it's all about sex. Then you gotta learn to compromise.”

Lovely article about the Irwins.

sorry for Terri baby number 3 wasn't realised. :(
:( Totally shocked here ... of all the animals he looses his life to a stingray!
NO ONE would have thought that to be his ending in life.

My heart breaks for his family, they were so close and he totally adored his kids. Bindi was such a daddies girl. :(

narlacat said:
Thanks Montana :)

Everyone's pretty devastated, we loved that guy, what a shame :(
Hello Narlacat,:blowkiss:
I have to say that even though Mr.Irwin did do the "Michael Jackson" thing with his son Robert,and some stopped watching the show,he was loved by many.I did find him a loving and funny man.But I do have to say that when he did the move with his son I was upset.
I feel bad for your loss and Dingo's loss.I wish that he would have not been such a risk taker because his loved ones are without him.
Sorry for his loss.:(
Hi Dark Shadows :)

Maybe he was somewhat irresponsible with the whole baby thing, but I was horrified when they compared him to Michael Jackson.
It was classic media sensationalism.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
aussieblue said:
:( Totally shocked here ... of all the animals he looses his life to a stingray!
NO ONE would have thought that to be his ending in life.

My heart breaks for his family, they were so close and he totally adored his kids. Bindi was such a daddies girl. :(

Poor kid.
But she will walk in her Dad's shoes and continue the Irwin legacy.
Let's hope she's not as crazy as her Dad!
Bless her little heart.
i'm in dream vacation has always been to go to australia zoo and see steve irwin. we have lost a truly kind and unique soul...
I am devastated - absolutley devastated even though I must admit I was one of those that stopped viewing shortly after the baby incident.

He was still a great bloke though and really did have a genuine love of animals didnt he?I think with the obvious one exception though he was a great Dad and husband too but I am sure we will hear from his kids ina similar profession in years to come.

I always thought we would hear he had been killed by a grizzly bear etc for example. I t seems almost an insult that it was a stingray!

dark_shadows said:
Hello Narlacat,:blowkiss:
I have to say that even though Mr.Irwin did do the "Michael Jackson" thing with his son Robert,and some stopped watching the show,he was loved by many.I did find him a loving and funny man.But I do have to say that when he did the move with his son I was upset.
I feel bad for your loss and Dingo's loss.I wish that he would have not been such a risk taker because his loved ones are without him.
Sorry for his loss.:(
Thankyou for your thoughts Dark_shadows and to all who are posting condolences for a lost true blue Aussie
narlacat said:
Hi Dark Shadows :)

Maybe he was somewhat irresponsible with the whole baby thing, but I was horrified when they compared him to Michael Jackson.
It was classic media sensationalism.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
You are very welcome and again,I am sorry for your loss.
dingo said:
Thankyou for your thoughts Dark_shadows and to all who are posting condolences for a lost true blue Aussie
I want to thank-you for the post and let you know again that I am sorry for your loss.
All of my Respect to you Dingo.

Here is a medical link;
medical link

Wash the area with salt water. Remove any foreign material at the wound site. Contact an emergency room. Soak the wound in the hottest water the patient can tolerate for 30-90 minutes, if instructed to do so.

Expectations (prognosis)

Recovery usually takes about 24-48 hours. Death has occurred when the patient's chest or abdomen was punctured.

Update Date: 2/13/2006

Updated by: Eric Perez, M.D., Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.
Cypros said:
My sentiments exactly! I am terribly sad for him and his family, but this guy was very irresponsible in the way he publicly portrayed human treatment of animals, IMO. I remember one story in hich he decided to wrestle a crocodile and the croc ended up with a broken tooth. That is animal abuse in my book. Then, of course, there was the time he wagged his infnt son in front of the crocs. Steve Irwin may have chosen a risky business, but his children did not. His argument that he has to educate his children about the crocs around them falls on deaf ears. He was going for sensationalism at the risk of his son's life! The guy is (was) an idiot. My condolences to his family and friends.

He didn't 'wag his son in front of the crocs'.
I am so sad. My brother just told me I thought it was a joke! Poor Steve and his family....
Floh said:
He didn't 'wag his son in front of the crocs'.

Wagged, dangled, hung, suspended, held....... use any verb you want. The guy UNNECESSARILY risked his baby's life for thrill and ratings. There was nothing educational in that display. I do think that he regretted his actions afterwards as he never repeated the antic (as far as I know). I am sorry for the two children who now have to grow up without their father.
Cypros said:
My sentiments exactly! I am terribly sad for him and his family, but this guy was very irresponsible in the way he publicly portrayed human treatment of animals, IMO. I remember one story in hich he decided to wrestle a crocodile and the croc ended up with a broken tooth. That is animal abuse in my book. Then, of course, there was the time he wagged his infnt son in front of the crocs. Steve Irwin may have chosen a risky business, but his children did not. His argument that he has to educate his children about the crocs around them falls on deaf ears. He was going for sensationalism at the risk of his son's life! The guy is (was) an idiot. My condolences to his family and friends.

So he made a mistake. which he learnt from. To us Aussies he was a special person, he has done so much for this country and wildlife in general. Why bother posting if you have just come here to call him an idiot?
This is a guy that has grown up with rescued wildlife living in his house until they were well enough to go back into their natural habitats. He was naive holding his newborn with him whilst feeding the Croc, no doubt about it and he acknowledged that after he realised what a stir he had created . His whole life revolved around caring for the animals and his family and you come here to call him an idiot because his one biggest mistake was naivetee? :(
I'm shocked! My kids were so sad to hear that the Crocodile Hunter had died. And to hear it was from a stingray. He must have grabbed one and tried to face it towards the camera or something since they don't just attack. RIP Steve and prayers to the family. What sad, sad news :(
Cyndi said:
So he made a mistake. which he learnt from. To us Aussies he was a special person, he has done so much for this country and wildlife in general. Why bother posting if you have just come here to call him an idiot?
This is a guy that has grown up with rescued wildlife living in his house until they were well enough to go back into their natural habitats. He was naive holding his newborn with him whilst feeding the Croc, no doubt about it and he acknowledged that after he realised what a stir he had created . His whole life revolved around caring for the animals and his family and you come here to call him an idiot because his one biggest mistake was naivetee? :(
I agree, and unfortunatly his family will suffer the loss of him the rest of their lives. It is so sad.
narlacat said:
Shelly, thanks for that report.
Linette, that was the first thought I had :(

<<He was a great advocate for protecting the animals and australian environment and I do not think one mistake should overshadow that.>>

Well said Edinburgh.
Australia will be in mourning for such a great guy.
i'm just devasted for you and what he represented for australia. we are very saddened as well. i always thought it would be an australian brown snake that got him or the seasnake. i would have never guessed a stingray. i'm mourning for the wife and kids. just devasted. he was so nice and down to earth. he wouldn't get materialistic with his wealth. if the wife wanted a cartier watch, he would steer her away. i like the money didn't go to his head. he did great things with it.
ellen-thoughts are with you and the other aussies narla.
Cypros said:
Wagged, dangled, hung, suspended, held....... use any verb you want. The guy UNNECESSARILY risked his baby's life for thrill and ratings. There was nothing educational in that display. I do think that he regretted his actions afterwards as he never repeated the antic (as far as I know). I am sorry for the two children who now have to grow up without their father.


using verbs such as "Wagged, dangled, hung, suspended, held" is wrong in that instance. IMO.

didn't do it over a croc. did take the baby into the enclosure, which was wrong.

narlacat said:

Just heard it on the news as well.

He was a legend.

Bye Steve, we loved ya mate :blowkiss:
i hear ya narla.
he died doing what he loved. maybe there's some peace and meaning in that. i'm sure if he had to go and his time was up, this would be what he wanted, to be amongst nature, doing what he loved.
all my best,

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